Possibly the most interesting projection of beloved Gaia came to me from the world of dreams. Ever since my bike was a four-wheeler, I was often attracted by the mystery of the unknown and had always thought about the universe beyond. This is the untold story of that world which could have been, and which could still be.
It happened one beautiful morning, when Eredia was woken up by a glaring stream of light. She lifted the book which covered her face and squinted her eyes in search of the clock. Seven thirty, she thought to herself; and got up from the floor she was lying on.
“Had a good sleep?” suddenly come a voice from nowhere.
Eredia jerked and quickly gathering her senses, looked around. “Who is that?”
The voice laughed, and said gently, “No need to be afraid, my friend. I have come after much contemplation, knowing that you have always been eager to meet me.”
“Who are you? Can you show yourself?” she asked, after looking around the entire room and realizing nobody was visibly.
“I AM the voice within YOU,” came the answer.
Eredia felt a slight tingling in her body, as she tried to understand what was happening. There was silence for a full minute then she slapped herself to see if she was still dreaming. The voice was amused by her action and said, “We are living a dream in a dream, aren’t we? And don’t you just love that?”
Partly confused, she asked, “Is there any particular reason why you have chosen now to speak to me?”
“It is in the ripeness of time and you are now ready. Every cell in your body is expecting something of the unknown and I have come, fully aware of your reverence for me and the world beyond. If you would allow me to show you a glimpse of what your projection of the world could be; we can start anytime now. Just find a comfortable place and sit for awhile. The journey will begin once your mind is still, and your heart beats to the rhythm of beloved Gaia.”
It was not long before the journey actually began. Eredia sat crossed legged on a cushion opposite the fire place and closed her eyes. She felt a slight breeze brush passed her cheeks as she inhaled deeply to the count of eight and exhaled. There were books all over the floor in the living room she was in. The number of books lying around would have been more than a hundred, just enough reading for approximately six months.
Eredia is a researcher in the field of economic development. She was offered a nine months break to explore another field of related study, so she could return with an expanded consciousness of truth, to further her research. It was no surprise when she chose to open an unlikely door and explore the world of new-age studies. The day her application was approved, she skipped to the library in childlike excitement, bringing along her inquisitive and doubtful mind, which has always been helpful in the world of intellect. Who would have thought, eight months and counting, she would be sitting cross-legged in the living room, waiting to be shown the world she had always desired, by a voice so unknown, and yet so familiar.
Just before she dwelled into the great silence, she was reminded of the last phrase she read the night before by George Gurdjieff, “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human one.” As the ringing of that phrase began to fade, she gradually saw herself standing on top of a hill, overlooking several people in a stream of water looking for something. It was a vivid point of reality, as she started to wonder what they were in search of.
“This is the Golden Age, my friend; where gold is never hoarded but widely distributed instead. It is being used by the masses because of its purifying energy and those who were raised to absorb that purifying energy achived great perfection indeed,” the voice explained, reading her mind like a book.
Eredia was very tempted by the explanation as she stepped out of her previous understanding of gold as an exchange commodity and a source of wealth creation. Being a trained economist, she could not help herself from being attracted to the idea of Marxism where everyone has an equal share of everything. “But from studying the gold markets, I have learned that the sources of gold are scarce and that is why men have put so much value on it since before the floating of fiat currencies.”
“My friend, men have always been troubled by profits, middlemen, speculators and the media. They have been troubled by their own kind, not knowing the consequences they have to face. As a matter of fact, they are not aware that formations in this dimension come through the various activities in the mental and physical form. In other words, every individual consciousness controls all substances everywhere in manifestation and as mentioned, gold is no exception. Men nowadays, have within them very little understanding of the origination and real purpose of gold. Yet in this Golden Age that you are now in, gold can be precipitated directly from the universal energy inherent in everybody, as they acknowledge the memory and give recognition to their own source of creation. In economic terms therefore gold is not a scarce resource because it IS renewable, if only men had an inkling of their own potential and acknowledge that they are not separate from beloved Gaia.”
Intrigued by the possibilities of what she had just learned, she asked, “Do you mean to say everything around us is a manifestation of the mind?”
“Everything around us is a manifestation of our thoughts, that is true, my friend. But what gives energy to their manifestations is the love that comes from the heart. That is the true source of all manifestation. Or some call it the God-Source, if you like. When this energy is pure and untainted by the mind, all the manifestations around us will be pure and untainted.”
“During the Golden Age, gold will be a common commodity because it will be in abundance. This is so because the collective consciousness of mankind in this age knows of their potentiality as a part of the Source; and the nature of gold’s emanation as a purifying and vitalizing energy. The magnetic force of gold acts as a constant balancing current of energy for beloved Gaia. The precipitation and placement of gold upon this land has far greater purposes than being used as a means of exchange, really.”
Eredia contemplated the idea of having gold in abundance and the implications that came with it. One thing for certain, there would be no more value in currencies because there would not be scarcity to give anything that value. She shivered at the idea of having an infinite source to everything and what the reality of that actually means. “Do you mean the energy of love is infinite, and comes as a manifestation of our minds?”
“The mind is a manifestation of love, not the other way round, my friend. That is why whoever chooses to exist without love, cannot survive long anywhere in creation; for those who deliberately and consciously seek away from the heart are seeking from the intellect, which is bound to bring failure and dissolution. The scientists’ way of discovering truth through doubt can only lead them to understand a miniscule part of the workings of this vast universe, simply because the universe is a creation of the immutable, irrevocable, eternal and beneficent source of trust, which is love. When we doubt, any discovery we make can only come as a form of belief, a fiction; not of trust, not of truth, for such is the working of the intellect – they work in opposites. However, to reach truth in this magnificent tapestry of life, one has to transcend his own mis-creations of the mind until he is willing to understand the Law of Oneness – Love. And this is a compelling activity which none can escape from.”
The vision from the top of the hill gradually blurred as she returned from the great silence to her living room. She looked at the clock again, and saw that three quarters of an hour had passed. The voice she had just heard had made quite an impression on her, as she walked to the kitchen to pour herself a cup of milk. Her head was still heavy when she paused to read what was written on her fridge magnet, “The dream you dream alone is only a dream. But the dream we dream together is reality – Yoko Ono.” She smiled and walked into the lounge where the piano was.
Touching the piano keys gently, she began to feel the lightness of being a child again. She closed her eyes and placed her right hand on the keys; and started playing the notes G-C-E-C-E-D-C-A-G. She exhaled a sigh of relief, as if dropping the new knowledge which burdened her head earlier. Soon after, she placed both her hands on the keys and started playing the familiar melody of a song by John Newton, Amazing Grace. The piano was responsive to every nuance of her fingers’ touch, as the rhythm pervaded through the walls of the room. Finishing the last note, she heard a familiar voice humming to the tune and could not help but hum together with it.
“Ah, the song written out of conviction and suffering, and so it is, that any voice can sing it, simply because they are singing their own experience. And we have all been there for ten thousand years or more, haven’t we?” the voice said.
Eredia opened her eyes and slightly nodded, calmly accepting what she had heard.
“Have you any questions about what happened this morning?” the voice asked.
Stretching both arms above her head, Eredia moved away from the piano to where all her books were and said, “Yes, I do. You mentioned earlier that we have manifested everything on this creative plane, yet why would anyone manifest poverty and sickness out of freewill?”
“One thing for certain, my friend, poverty and sickness have been allowed to manifest, or otherwise they could not. This question has been asked by men for eons, trying to make the world a better place, while being ignorant of the greater law of the universe. It is partly because the masses are educated through conditioning that they are not consciously aware of this law. For many years, the countries of the Commonwealth have educated their next generations by telling them what to think and how to think, while missing the basic meaning of education – which is simply a drawing out of the inner being into everyday expressions of living.
In the West, the ideals of Capitalism, since Adam Smith, have been easily accepted by the psychology of men, partly because their lives were boiled down to nothing as a result of the Second World War, and their dependence on each other was their only potential for any welfare assistance. In many ways, their desire for wealth and the modern-day technological revolution manifested because the masses wished whole-heartedly for mankind to have a better life.
However, it has been mind boggling for economists to apply the same theories to the development of Eastern countries. Their search for more economic laws has come to a halt because they have not penetrated the core mechanics of real economics – which is man’s desires. The workings of manifested forms have always been, and always will be, coming from the collective desires of mankind. In other words, the poverty prevailing today is simply due to the psychology of the East, which is made up of poverty worshippers. And this is of no accident, because the Hindu Gods Rama and Krishna, and Gautam Buddha and the twenty-four Jaina teerthankaras all came from royal families and renounced their wealth. Thus, if there is poverty prevailing, the reason is misunderstanding of their religious upbringing.”
Eredia paused and pondered on what she had just heard. She knew that the advancement of theories of economic growth had indeed come to a halt because none of the economists have contemplated further than technological progress as a source of wealth creation. She shifted her position and tried to digest the truth behind the words spoken.
After some time, she came to accept that the voice might be right, and realized that the quality of education of the past has changed so much since the creation of the computer; to the point where there is no need to get a university education because all knowledge is easily accessible.
Eredia jerked suddenly when the telephone rang. She stared blankly in front of her, as if losing contact of her surroundings and leaned back for a while before standing up. It was a call from Christopher to confirm a long awaited appointment at the restaurant where they met. She hung up and smiled in anticipation of the sizzling tofu and mango smoothie she would have for lunch. A quick glance at the clock showed her that she had another half an hour to spare, so she returned to where her books were.
Sitting comfortably on the chair, she folded her arms and said to the voice, “Can you manifest yourself so I may know you are real?”
An answer immediately came, “Follow your heart, my friend, for it has all the answers to your questions from the head. I AM the voice within YOU, and truly, you are a projection of me, just as I AM the projection of you. We are not two, we are never separate. Even if I manifest myself, I AM still you. So why do you love the eyes more than the ears?”
Eredia unfolded her arms at that answer and sat in silence until the voice spoke again.
“My precious friend, every thought is a recreation of life. That is how a genuine prayer can always work wonders. Right desires have always been the deepest form of prayer, because full acceptance of that truth generates the feeling from which anything may manifest. Your cup is full for today. Enough now; we shall communicate again sometime soon. Enjoy your lunch with Christopher,” said the voice cheekily.
Eredia felt lightness in the atmosphere as she attempted to gather the scattered sheets on the table. Just before she stacked them together, a glimpse of the front sheet reminded her of a word she wrote two nights before – ESPAVO, in capitals. She repeated the word to herself, “es-pa-vo indeed,” and walked away happily with the new learning.