~ I am the Second Coming of Christ (And So are You!) ~
There you have it. If you had any suspicions of me being the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, your answer is given to you. Yes, I am. Yes, so are you. Let’s just dissuade any and all possibility of assigning me the absolutely inane and enormous responsibility of being the only christ, shall we? There is no such thing as a savior. That belief is anchored in separation. It is in essence, luciferian in nature. Lucifer is the only enity that would claim itself as a true savior and only one and true savior. Nobody who is truly “Christed” would ever make such an inane claim. Listen, we are all christ. I am the return of Jesus Christ, and so are you.
Now, as funny as the title of this post may be – It is true. There is always a little truth in humor. I am the 2nd coming of christ, and so are you. What is lucifer? How did the earth come to be like it is? Aliens? .. Okay, Okay.. Lucifer is MIND, essentially. It is the MIND which disconnects from SOURCE. This is the “Mind” prison. The mind itself, can either be two things. A prison, or the source of our divinity. Luciferianism is the MIND disconnected from the Crown. Christ consciousness is getting out of the MIND and connecting to the source, through the crown.
I do want to emphasize the point: Christ consciousness is easy. It is actually our true nature. Separateness is not our true nature, and thus, is inauthentic. True, authentic people are meant to live in unconditional love. We are meant to be endless creators within the universe. With free-will though, we are allowed to forget. It is this vast forgetting which the Luciferian control grids take advantage of. It is a temptation which by cosmic law, humans allowed themselves to be tempted by! We attracted this whole New World Order with one sole reason. We wanted to see how much crap we could put up with in our world, whilst still, realizing that we truly are all god. This is the perspective I am choosing to align with.
Now – Another thing people need to realize is that this is truly meant to be on an ultra-high level. I have found it rather difficult to describe, but have found nevertheless, that we are absolutely moving into a very tangible cosmic energy “place” of different energy. It is in my opinion, that this energy is like raw christ potential. We have entered that potential, and it moves through everything we see. The Luciferian Control system can’t beat true christ consciousness. In alignment with the high plan, it is only common-sense that The Luciferian Control system will try and seize absolute control, until the human species releases the need to control it’s existence. See, once we realize that the divine fate always leads us towards love, harmony, and peace.. we would have removed ourselves from separation. At that point we are removed from all conflict. Yes, a true christed race has no conflict. No separation. The Luciferian Control system is all about uniqueness. I am this, you are that. This is what makes me different. Etc. So on and so forth. Christ consciousness is saying I am me and I am you. We are all the same person. In truth, don’t you think you appreciate your uniqueness? Of course. This is the lesson (gift) of the luciferian MIND program. We have had the opportunity to realize our own individual uniqueness! It is a blessing! It is a gift, and one we must exercise with undue responsibility. Of course, we are in truth still one sentient being. An amazing evolution is taking place. Out of this, you shall see people who have realized who they are, and also realizing what God is. The possibility of “heaven on earth” is to come of this. This is my main inspiration for talking about these things the way I do.
So, people must certainly remember. Lucifer’s lessons come at a cost, but nothing is ever given without a take. This lucifer control system was designed so that god itself could take on a mass of separate identities, you see? We are all god. We have split and reproduced ourselves like mitosis. It is of the ultimate appreciation that at the height of this separation when we realize once again we are god – is when we become universal creators ourselves, you see? This is the nature of this whole “Thing”. This whole timeline. Our universe is evolving. We are all becoming God unto ourselves. We are all awakening into the one being. It is actually quite a wonderful thing when viewed in this (appropriate) way.
In the White Light of the Divine
Gregory Matthew von Haesler
Note: Yes, in the end the luciferian energy does “lose” (darkness loses). However, with it, we are left with a new found uniqueness of humans. Humans, at this point become truly awakened to themselves. All humans. No exceptions. At this point, we move forth & walk into our divinity once again.. but not alone.. with each-other. This is the nature of the Age of Aquarius (I believe). This is what I think is going to happen.