Ashtar: "Success is Assured ~ There's Plenty of Time!"

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Ashtar: "Success is Assured ~ There's Plenty of Time!"



11-29-11 Ashtar on the Road Teleconference


"Well! Greetings, Beloved Family! Here we are again in high energy, and in high purpose! Oh yes, we have quite a bit to accomplish in this wondrous gathering of Family and Star Beings. So first a bit of an update for you. We are still at this moment in the most auspicious window that has ever presented itself - not only for Ascension, yes of course, that is ongoing, and nothing will stop that progress. An individual can come onto the path as a newly awakened being at any time, and they will make it.


"And do you know why? It's because you, Beloved Ones, and the other Lightworkers of the World have come forward to commit to that path, and thus light the way. And so even in the very last moments, even if an individual is not even fully awake, but simply has the open heart, they don't even need to know that they have committed to Ascension. When they have the open heart, and they are living the higher dimensional lifestyle, they will make it, because you, Beloved Ones, and all of the ones who are not embodied upon Planet Earth at this time, but nevertheless are in guidance and support, are sending the Love Beams, the Light of Love literally, and it is becoming so brilliant, so radiant, that it assures. And we can assure you, not only that you're going to make it, but that everyone who has at some point or other scheduled themselves to make it - whether they are consciously aware of it or not - will do so!!!


"This is huge! In that context if you're looking at your calendars and saying, 'Well here we are in the Holy Days Season again, and there's really not very much time until this date that has been given and agreed upon by the messengers. How on Earth are we going to get ready? Precisely - on Earth it shall be done! And the reason for it again is you, Beloved Ones, and the Lights that you are, and the Love that you share, and the commitment that you hold in your hearts.


"Oh yes, you could be wearing hats, or t-shirts, or any kind of labels that you choose. We can read what you say, and that is Lightworker, Family, Beamer. We know you by your Lights, so you don't even have to be wearing that t-shirt, or whatever, that has that label on it as to who you are, because we see you, and we know you. And do you know what, it's getting so more and more of you know each other!


"You could walk up to someone who is a total stranger and say, 'Oh, I'm so glad I found you. It is so wonderful that we are reunited in the physical, even as We Are One together in loving service, radiant beams of Light, sharing the Love, and sharing the Oneness!'


"Now it is with that recognition, and go ahead if you want to, put on a hat that says, 'I'm a Love Beam!' That's ok! But we want you to recognize it within yourselves, within the beautiful Divine Beings that you are, that there is indeed ample time for preparation for all that needs to be done. Remember, time is an illusion, anyway it has been most useful to get you in and out of bodies, here and elsewhere, to say, 'Oh, my mission is done. It's time for me to go on to do something else, and so on, and so on.' But it is an illusion.


"Do you realize that the - for instance, let's just talk about the ocean waters, shall we - we spend a great deal of time over the ocean waters, you know, of Planet Earth. There are a lot of bodies of water on Planet Earth. And we know - we are constantly measuring and scanning - and we know that there are some parts of those bodies of waters which are much cleaner, more free from toxic substances than others.


"And we are working to bringing it all into balance, but we need to be leaving something, after all, to be done after the great Announcements, which bring in all of these technologies, which free people from having to focus so much upon just staying alive and surviving that they have not really had the Earth time, as it were, to focus upon themselves as Divine Beings, to get on with their missions as Beamers, to reach out to help someone else along the way.


" 'You know I'd love to help you, but it's all I can do to feed my own family. I just can't give you any food, because then my baby will go hungry.' And you're familiar with that. That is a part of the lifestyle of 3D Planet Earth, which we are moving out of very rapidly, perhaps more rapidly than you are feeling it right now. But we assure you from the position that we have of observership - well, that's an interesting one - we are observing from the ships.


"We can assure you that it's all changing, and it's changing very rapidly. Now, if you have difficulties with this, just do a little traveling. You can say, 'Well, I'd like to get inside' - oh let's pick an office shall we? How about the office of, oh how about Bank of America? Why not just go right to the top!Let's get to the CEO of Bank of America, having a board meeting. Is everybody with me now? You're on the ship with Ashtar and Company, and we're looking down at this board meeting, and it's a very serious board meeting.


"Nobody has time to get bored in this. Everybody's on the edge of their chairs, and gulping a lot, because see, they've been told that in this boardroom there is security. Nobody and nothing can touch them. They are in charge, and they can make all the decisions that are going to impact upon millions of lives, and there will be no consequences. Well, you can see why everybody's on the edge of their seats, and in somewhat of a panicky mode, can you not?


"Now picture this: there are doors which are closed, and oh, since it's the conference room of the formerly wealthy controllers, it's got all the luxuries, you know, really thick carpeting to sink into, and a wall of windows to look down upon the rest of the World, and so on, and so on. And everybody has a little button they can push if they want somebody or other to bring them something. And nobody's going near those buttons, and nobody's looking out the windows. They're all looking at the people, who are running the meeting, who are saying change is coming, 'Guess what? We don't have quite the security that we thought we did. We're being found out, we're being exposed, and they've got these papers that they're going to be serving real soon, and we've done everything we can think of to stop it.' And everybody's getting pretty upset.


"Now go back to that wall that's opposite the windows, and it is a wall. There are some precious works of art upon the wall, but there's a blank space. And all of a sudden in through that blank space comes St. Germain: 'Well Good Morning everybody! I am so pleased to be here, and I will give you credit, because I can see that you're not pleased to have me here, and so you do have some understanding of why I'm here. Now I am here to extend once again an invitation. I want to assure you that you're all loved, and you're all forgiven in the highest sense, but there's an unraveling happening right now, and you already know that, and it's about Truth coming out, and it's about the roles that you have played, and it's about the lack of Compassion that you have displayed toward your fellow humanity, and it's time to make amends. And you're going to feel a lot better, if you'll open your hearts, and welcome some Light in. You're going to feel a lot better, if you will allow yourselves to accept the Love that is unconditional that the Universe has for you. And it will be really, really, awesome if you would allow me to instruct you in the wisdom of Ho'oponopono, so that you can use that from now on. You will feel so much better, and you, too, can elevate, and come to the Light, if you choose!'


"Well, now we're going to fast forward a wee bit. There has been time given for consideration of this, and we are happy to report that more than one of those beings who were sitting on the edge of their chairs have accepted, or are about to accept this invitation. We must also report that the other side of this, is that most of them will not. They are remaining recalcitrant. One of them tried to even connect with some of those who still have some money hidden away in order to do something, 'Send in the private mercenaries, do something!' But it is to no avail.


"Now here's the only reason we've taken you there. We realize that the energy there was a bit thick and heavy, and might have been a bit of a downward spiral for you, but the only reason we've taken you there is you need to understand that this resistance is coming from those who have the most to lose. Not everyone is in this resistance, but there are some who are. So what do we do? We love them. We send them Light. We send them Love to do with it as they please - or not - and we move on to effect and call forth the changes that are already in progress.


"It is Divinely Ordained, Beloved Ones. Be not looking at your clocks. Be not concerned about, 'There's so little time.' We will assure you again that with the help, the energies that you provide -and remember this message is going out everywhere - these doorways are opening, the doorway to the Golden Age, the NESARA doorway being the 'Biggie,' the Disclosure doorway being right after that, and all of the projects, and missions, and departments, if you will, that are to oversee all of the sweeping changes!!!


"The free energy, the healing technologies, the spiritual connections, the, what you might call, addressing all of the problems of 3D, the toxicity, the homelessness, the starvation, even the bringing of Peace to the Planet. There is a huge, huge, huge, collective. You can call it an Army of Peace, if you wish. And you are Leaders of that Army, Beloved Ones, and you, and the Lightworkers are at the head of the Army which is marching into the heart of 3D, Planet Earth, and through a series of co-creations, utilizing the energies of Love!


"This Army is dissolving, transmuting, and just plain breaking down all of these boxes that everybody has gotten stuck in at some time or other. There are wondrous messages of healing, and high energies of Love attached to these messages. Do the Hands of Lovelight,* Beloved Ones, and send Love out on that Light. Send messages to the entire Planet, or with the laser beam to one or more individuals that you have Compassionate Loving Gratitude, and Forgiveness for. Yes, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude - we're going to go big on that tonight, we're going to go high with it.


"It's time for that. It's time for that absolute explosion. Do you know, this is where you go into warp speed with all of the Love Beams radiating out from you, what you call 24/7. Just put it on auto-pilot, and let it go: Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. That's another way of saying Ho'oponopono. You are taking responsibility for this as Leaders. It is not up to you to decide what someone else will do. It is only up to you to offer the Light of Love, and show them the way that you know, the open doorway, if you will!!!


"Open to receive the Love to empower yourselves with. Practice your own self-healings and self-clearings. It is essential at this time, and then share with others, however it is that you want to share. What do you have passion for doing? Do you want to paint a picture for people that will help them? Do you want to talk to them? Do you want to get a voice going on the internet? There are so many options there. Do you want to pick up your telephone and invite someone for tea, or a glass of wine? However you choose to do it, just reach out and be Love.


"And those of you who are grandparents, all of this is new to you, but it's really not, because you've been in this body long enough to have some wisdom that perhaps your own children do not have. And your grandchildren are the Crystals and the Indigos now. And it is for you especially to reach out to them in loving, loving messaging - telepathically, or in person. And it is for you to honor and respect who they are, even as you require that they honor and respect you. Their parents may be busy working three jobs, just to bring food for the children. You, Beloved Ones, can provide the spiritual food, the nourishing, and yes, you can cook a meal or two if you feel so, so, inclined. There's nothing like Grandma's pancakes, Grandpa's barbecue, or whatever, to delight the children!


"There is no generation gap, not really! Because even as you're loving your grandchildren, and your great grandchildren, you are loving your own children, and you are reaching to them and you are saying, 'Thank you, thank you for bringing these wondrous children to the World, and you are honored and loved as their parents!' You see, doorways are everywhere, Beloved Ones, and opportunities are there, and sometimes that which seems to be so small - a change, or a shift in your attitude - can make mountains worth of difference to those with whom you share.


"So be in Joy, and be in Love, and remember, even perhaps as you are entering the marketplace, look for someone to smile at. Look for someone to just, maybe quickly, send a little bit of Love Light too, and you are making a huge difference in helping Planet Earth to stay on course, on path, and get to that great day of Ascension!


"Now meanwhile we've got a lot to do. That sounds like a new mission does it not? And it is. Well it's a variation, it's an extension. First of all we want to honor those of you who have been to the college campuses, who have been to occupy gatherings, whether it's two, or two hundred, or two thousand -Worldwide NESARA is going to these places. Now comes this gift of 'Thrive.' So here's the concept: Thrive with NESARA! That's pretty simple isn't it, but it's profound. Now let's discuss this movie for just a moment..."**


* Ashtar is referring to an empowering and healing Exercise which he sometimes does in his private sessions.

**Ashtar's discussion of the "Thrive" movie and NESARA was given during the 11-29-11 Teleconference and was published on 11-30-11.


Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

Given through Susan Leland, November 29, 2011.

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.  


* The movie can be streamed on your computer for $5. Click on the "watch the movie" button on the Thrive Movement home page. 
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