~ ~ Disclosure: Our Earthly Responsibilities ~

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~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Boo Walker~

~ Disclosure: Our Earthly Responsibilities ~


Disclosure is near! We've heard it, we've become excited with the anticipation of reuniting with our Star Family. But I also want to get us thinking about our earthly human responsibilities to Disclosure.
"12~12 is a Portal Day when a Huge amount of Energy will Be released to Everyone on the Planet to assist in acheving our percentage of awakening we need for our craft to Decloak. We are Meeting Humanity Half way." GFP
This means that WE have duties and responsibilities to meet halfway also. After all, we don't invite friends over to help build a deck then sit back and watch while they do all the work, do we? So we certainly aren't going to invite our Star friends over to help build a new political and financial system, then sit back and watch while they do all the work.
"We are making sure to respect all proper procedure and first contact protocol very carefully here. Meeting new cultures is always a sensitive and delicate time, especially if we are talking about extraterrestrial civilisations. The cabal is ready for creating any incidents and spread disinformation where we are concerned, so we are proceeding with care."
Our Star Family has done this before, that's why they have procedures and protocols to follow. As far as the majority of us here on Earth can remember, we've never done this before. So perhaps on an individual personal level, each of us should formulate our own procedures and protocols as well.
Here are some things I'm developing based on what I know of my family, friends and neighbors:
Not all of them are at the same level of awakening that I am. In fact, very few of them are. The friends I have that are most like me, are on social networks living all around the world. So it is with these matching vibrational people that I can easily talk to about things like "disclosure, enlightenment, striving to live each moment in Love and Light, creating my own reality, the immense upcoming changes to our way of life, etc."
But for the most part, the people I can physically come in contact with would scratch their heads or stare at me with blank eyes if I were to talk to them that same way (for now anyway).
So I'm in the process of creating a plan of care to help those around me who are "less-awakened".
They will be experiencing monumental changes in their beliefs about virtually everything. With no support system, most humans would not have the strength to process all of this. It would simply be too much for their minds to comprehend, and we know the destruction that stress and fear can cause to our physical bodies. 
I don't want to see any of my loved ones jump off a bridge out of sheer desperation for the situation. Luckily, we all have Angels and Guides to help buffer our emotions so we don't implode. But I'm now a Guardian Angel for them as well!  
I expect most of my loved ones to go through a grieving process. There will be denial, bargaining, anger and dispair, then finally acceptance. I've had more time to come to terms with these changes; others will have to get brought up to speed in an accelerated program. For them it will be a very bumpy and scary ride!
I must take care to project energies of calm and quiet love (even though inside I'm jumping up and down with joy, "My Star Family is coming! My Star Family is coming!!!) 
My loved ones will be looking around them in confusion to see how everyone else is reacting. This is a normal survival instinct; if the herd is frightened and about to run, your flight or fight response will kick in too. In the heat of the moment, our genuine excitement upon seeing several small craft hovering 5 feet above the house across the street can be misinterpreted as panic by someone who has been in disbelief about the existance of ETs. I don't want Mrs. Smith crashing her car through the garage in an attempt to run away!
Disclosure is only the beginning. When my loved ones have had time to fully digest the fact that beings from other planets are here on Earth for all of us to meet and share with, other questions will arise. This is the point where we must all fully embrace our roles as our brothers keepers. 
Faith will be tested. Lies and false stories will be revealed as the Truth of our Godliness comes to the front. Imagine how this will feel if all that has sustained you are old church doctrines? Every childhood bible story becomes fodder for deep personal questioning. These people will need our loving presence, for they will feel most alone and abandoned.
Ideals of personal needs and possessions will no longer "feel right". Many who have spent their entire adult lives working to have "things" as their expression of security will experience great inner turmoil. Initially, they will scoff at the idea that there is no longer a need to save for that perpetual rainy day -as all the resources needed will become abundant to everyone. These people will battle themselves without mercy trying to reconcile ideas of us vs. them, the haves vs. the have nots. They will need our gentle guidance and assurance that life will be even better without that second Mercedes or winter chalet. Perhaps a closet-cleaning party and trip to a donation center can spark that change in them.
Huge political / financial global changes are coming quickly. Most people can't even imagine a world without Presidents, Kings, or government regulated banks.  I know with certainty that as a planet we can care for eachother without these heavy-handed rulers. Communicating that certainty with quiet calm will be most challenging. Along with this great change in the Establishment, will be revelations of ages of wrongdoing.
I must show them how to walk that middle road where they are aware of the roles the dark ones have played in keeping us enslaved in ignorance, seek justice for those misdeeds, yet show them how to love and forgive the dark ones so they don't get caught in the loop of useless emotions for things they can't control.
Something everyone will continue to feel, regardless of their level of awakening are the changes in energy frequencies. With the upcoming portal openings, planetary alignments, and all the other pieces of the Grand Design falling quickly into place, the rising frequencies can cause "side effects" others will not be fully aware of.  Feelings of urgency or anxiety will surface as new and strange thoughts begin to tickle the mind. Those of us most open to change see all the possibilities on the horizon as exciting, but for those who don't handle change as well, they will find a roller coaster of emotions surging without warning. This will be a great time to fully connect with them, to hold their hand and reassure them they aren't losing their minds. 
It wasn't that long ago for that I too experienced (and may still be experiencing) these same feelings. There is a profound healing in knowning that you aren't alone, that someone else has successfully walked this same scary road. Jesus, Buddha and all the other great Ascended Masters taught this lesson to us. Now is the time to put on our own Divine garments of Light and teach this lesson to our friends and neighbors.
So my formula will be one of calm compassion, and a heightened sensitivity for everyone I encounter as I quickly scan their energy body for signs of distress. I will remain neutral and lovingly detached; because I can't help someone else if I've reduced my vibrations by being drawn into their personal drama.
Everyone living on Earth at this moment, has chosen to be here..now. Perhaps they chose to wait until the last possible moment before fully awakening -I have to honor that choice. But I also can't stand by and watch them spin dangerously out of control.
A gentle smile, a loving touch are often all that is needed to return a bit of sanity. 
Relationships are most important because they reveal our own strengths and weaknesses. So as I help others through this process, I will also learn more about myslef. 
We are all in a re-education process to learn how to love unconditionally and fully, whether that love is returned or not.
Who is in your life that may need help? By identifying them now and formulating a plan of action, you can be a most precious agent of change. What a beautiful expression of Love!
