GFL ~ Ogreffeffe 11 Dec 2011 ~ Call from a friend
~Galactic Love Reporter Laura ~
Laura: Good evening Ogreffeffe. This is the first time I am contacted by you, I have asked you if you are a being of the God level of consciousness and you have said yes. You have also said that you are part of the Galactic Federation of Light. Please go ahead and give us your message.
Ogreffeffe: Good evening. I am indeed from the God level of consciousness and I do work for the Galactic Federation of Light. You have asked me for a short message, so here we are. These are exciting times indeed for all of us. I have a rather unimportant part to play at this time, so I decided to share with you my experiences and feelings. I am a female, and I know that you, Laura enjoy communicating with us. We too look with love and affection at you all. There is a definite sense of excitement on board the ship I am on, I am allowed to tell you this much.
Life onboard can be pretty slow, we do much observation and recognisance. We get to have a fair idea of your culture and emotions. We do not relate to your insecurities, well, I don’t anyway. I know that the most senior beings can understand you better. Some have lived on Earth, and others have their twin flame on Earth, so they can integrate their twin’s body and share their feelings, fears etc.
I never incarnated on your planet, it would be a too great challenge for me. I cannot imagine what feeling cut off from the others would be like. I admire your bravery. I am a weapons officer by your standard and I am a junior in your terms. Although, I am much older than any human has ever lived on your planet. I enjoy observing your societies and culture in my free time. I enjoy programs about your animals, and we can watch some of your television programs. Pretty violent stuff in my opinion. I hear that the media is very much controlled and that your televisions are another mean to control your free time and your thoughts. So be careful.
This is interesting for me. This is my first mission with the Galactic Federation of Light, but I was in another similar group, only of a smaller size. We can move freely, as most Federation of planets have standard procedures, so it is easy to move to new fleets, and meet different species, visit new galaxies. The Galactic Federation of Light is very much a peaceful organisation, but we have pretty heavy duty weaponry at our disposal. Not that we usually use it, only in extreme cases. We do not plan to use it against Earth people, Laura, so no need to worry about that.
Laura: pheww!! I was beginning to wonder. It is good to know that you have the means to be taken seriously though. It is nice to chat with you Ogreffeffe. I feel your energy is pretty fun, light hearted, and playfull. I guess you are off duty now?
Ogreffeffe: That’s right. Finished my shift, as you call duty time, from what I have seen from your movies. I and in fact many of us, look forward to get to know you personally. We have learnt and studied so much about you, listened to so many radio programs, seen so many movies. Perhaps look at this as a friendly call, nothing more, just to get to know you and have a better interaction with a human.
Laura: Which planet are you coming from Ogreffeffe?
Ogreffeffe: I come from the group of stars called Pleiadies. Many of our brothers and sisters from our home world have incarnated here. Some are on the planet to study you in greater details and were born to human families, or have human, half pleiadian families. We know you are friends with many Pleiadians. You know their heart well. I know you need to sleep, so I will say good bye and I will make contact with you soon, on my next day off I hope.
Laura: Thank you dear Ogreffeffe. It is a wonderful experience to feel your loving energy around me. I am very grateful for your contact. Love and Joy to you.
Ogreffeffe: Love, Joy and peace in your heart Laura, the time you wait for so long is near. Good night. Your friend Ogreffeffe.