Pamela: Turn Off the Dark

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~ Pamela: Turn Off the Dark ~


2011 December 11
Commentary from Steve Beckow~

Depiction of Commander Zoraka

Steve: I’ve asked people to share about Ascension-related lightwork from the last century.  Pamela has sent along a share about her work with Cdr Zoraka and her studies of the Law of One.

I anticipate that her account of hearing from a being calling himself the “Prince of Darkness” may raise a few eyebrows. I have no sense that Pamela is speaking about Satan, the Devil or anything of the sort, but the higher being who manages the roles played by those who agree to offer resistance to the Light so that the game of duality can be played out. Of them SaLuSa says:

“From the aspect of the great game of duality that is coming to an end, you may see that it could not have been played unless some souls agreed to take on the roles necessary to challenge the Light.”  (1)

“Remember that experiences are set up with souls that have all agreed to play out their respective roles. Someone has to take the part of the dark Ones, and believe us, Dear Ones – you have all acted on both sides.” (2)

And Atmos has said:

“[Duality] is often referred to as a game and, if you can see it that way, you may accept that you have all taken dark and Light roles. Perhaps you may also accept that the experiences have benefited you as far as your evolution is concerned. They have provided you with a greater understanding of the lower vibrations and power of the Light, and you have still risen up unharmed.” (3)

So please don’t think that anyone is promoting devil worship here. We’re not. The game of duality requires both sides for learning to take place.  And we have all played both sides and risen above our lower aspects. Admittedly the current crop of dark players exceeded their contract and had to be reigned in, but their original roles, prior to their excess, were apparently written into the script.

Turn Off the Dark

Pamela Miller, by email.

When I heard that the name of the Spider-Man show on Broadway is called SPIDER-MAN, TURN OFF THE DARK I said “Yes! that is what we want to do. We want to turn off the dark.” It is time for them to exit the stage for good, and they need not take a bow. If they were to do so, rather than applause, they would receive resounding boos and hisses.

Regarding the recent article “What The Dark Ones Face,” (3) which describes how we must all face a Life Review and then The Judgement, this is certainly something that the Dark cannot escape. This is a process that we must all undergo, but at least, when we do, we will know that we did not try to destroy a planet with seven billion humans and countless other life forms.

This article made me think of a channeled communication from a spacecraft commander, named Zoraka, of the Zolarphane 1. His communication speaks about the coming Golden Age and what he calls the “holy path of disunity.” This message is from a book by Mezra, published in 1989, called Morning Star; Chronicles of a Star Traveler. I will copy the message from the book.

First, however, I have some comments that I would like to make on the subject of the dark path, an area of study that is difficult for many spiritual students.

In The Law of One books, that are highly regarded by David Wilcock, it is stated that a soul may choose to progress on what we call the dark side until they reach mid-sixth density, at which time they must become one with the light. This is why there can be very powerful dark masters that are great adversaries of the light.

In The Law of One this coming together of the two paths of light and dark is described in the following way: ” In sixth density, the density of unity, the positive and negative paths must needs take in each other for all now must be seen as love/light and light/love. This is not difficult for the positive polarity which sends love and light to all other-selves. It is difficult enough for service-to-self polarized entities that at some point the negative polarity is abandoned.” (5)

In 1969, the Light Group that I belonged to in New York City, which was known as Unit 72, had an interesting experience with a being representing energy that was the opposite polarity of that which we worked with.

One of our Master Teachers, who worked closely with the group, said that he had a special guest with him who would like to address us. He said that this person would only speak if we were to give our permission. This was a strange request that had never happened before. We were then told that the being who wished to speak was called The Prince of Darkness. We were a bit taken aback but said that we would accept the communication as long as we could challenge what was said, and this was agreed to.

As it turned out, there was nothing that we needed to challenge. There was absolutely nothing frightening or disturbing about this communication. The Prince of Darkness, or POD as we called him, spoke to us very much the way one of our Master Teachers would speak. In fact, one person, in the group, described him as being like a “dark St. Germain.”


The Prince of Darkness told us that he had been given the responsibility by the Father-Mother Light to work with what we call the negative polarity of energy. He said that on his level it is just pure energy, but as it filters down into our third density world it becomes what we call negative or evil expressions. This duality or polarity of energy is part of the experience of this density. He also said that indeed the light will triumph over the dark and we will go into a great Golden Age.


Not long after this, I had a clairvoyant vision that seemed to confirm what the POD had said. I am usually not very clairvoyant, but at that time, it was like a color movie appeared in front of my third eye that was extremely clear. I saw what appeared to be an old style canon on a high bluff overlooking a river. As I watched, the sun began to rise and it was the most enormous, beautiful sun that I had ever seen.

I understood that it was symbolic of the light overcoming the dark in the Golden Age to come.

In one of his classes Steve Rother channeled the Group, who said that the people in our lives that are the most difficult, the ones that we can barely get along with, will proudly say, when we encounter them again in Spirit, “didn’t I play my role well? Didn’t I do a good job?”


When all is said and done, and we are on a higher plane of existence, we may very well discover that those souls who played their roles as part of the Cabal are advanced beings who chose to take on an extremely difficult and challenging assignment.


Meanwhile, the question is what to do with the Cabal while they are still in physical embodiment? Although living in a world controlled by the Illuminati has created suffering for me and my family, I do not, of course, believe in an eye for an eye, or even a tooth for a tooth. I much prefer a Botany Bay type of justice where the Galactic Federation of Light would take the Cabal to an uninhabited planet. They would be provided with simple farm tools, books on agriculture and construction techniques, and told “we will check back on you in five to ten years.”


By then, if they survived, with a little bit of luck and lots of hard work, the Cabal could have managed to create a compound that might resemble some of the settlements of the Middle Ages. The thought that those who once arrogantly controlled our world, with no care for our lives, would be reduced to a struggle to grow simple crops like potatoes and carrots always brightens my day, especially when I feel a little down.


Here is the message from Zoraka, Commander of Star Vessel Zolarphane 1. In this communication he uses the word transmigration when referring to souls. I think that he meant to say reincarnation instead, but that is my personal opinion.


“What a glorious age you have entered! Hosts of beings from the heavenly bodies of Light, the cities in your sky, and many invisible realms rejoice in this awakening. I come to help usher in your Golden Age. The light is breaking on the horizon of the Creator’s perfect plan for planet Earth. Your very genetic structure is now being activated, awakening to the new pattern that has lain dormant, programmed to emerge in this time period. The molecular arrangement has already been set in motion; energies are stirring the perfect, bodily temple of light to express in an increasingly physical way. Open your eyes, your ears, all your senses-and soon you will recognize it around you as it arrives. Very soon you shall know your Self.

“During the next five years will occur a great transmigration of souls who have only recently arrived to gather within their structure the total learning of the Earth experiment. They will be catapulted by transition energies into a new planetary experience, to evolve within the adventurous path they have set for themselves. Others, who have volunteered to learn Oneness through walking down the holy path of disunity created within the framework of the illusion of separation, are helping to close this chapter by assisting in the awakening. They are helping to rapidly realign the physical and etheric structures with Co-Creator frequencies.


“After the dust from the collapse of the old patterns has cleared, there will be a thousand-year period of exultant, creative experimentation with newly retrieved Christ abilities. Those staying for this period will quickly relearn how to manifest within form whatever is desired through thought alone. And thought alone will transport you to realms presently inaccessible. This will be the most joyful, creative period in human history: no limitation will hamper your imagination. And no illusory separation will insensitize you to to the effects of your creations; indeed you will be in constant communication with many realms and be given the information you desire the moment you request it.


“Consider how many of you have been transmigrating from lifetime to lifetime. Believe me, a thousand years is a mere twinkling of an eye in the span of the eons during which you have traveled to reach what is now the threshold of the awakening-the powers of creation itself-being brought forth on this earthly plane.

“Rejoice in this time. Rejoice that you have chosen to participate in this glorious epoch in which you live.

“My love is ever with you. I am Zoraka.” (6)


(1) SaLuSa, July 25, 2011, at

(2) SaLuSa, Aug. 27, 2010.

(3) Atmos, Nov. 12, 2008, at

(4)  http://the2012scenario/2011/11/25/What-The-Dark-Face-by-Steve-Beckow/

(5)  James Allen McCarty, Don Elkins, and Carla Rueckert, The Ra Material; The Law of One. West Chester, Pennsylvania:
Whitford Press, 1984

(6)  Mezra, Morning Star; Chronicles of a Star Traveler. Sedona, Arizona: Triad Communications, 1989
