~ Collapse of the Controller's Agenda ~

Lia's picture

What has happened to the dross that was let go during the ascension? It dissolved into nothing, just as any dis-ease does when no life force keeps it materialized. Ascension did to negative energy what it is now doing to all the dross in the collective consciousness.

What has been dormant for many centuries is the aliveness in the hearts of the conduits that has been needed to lift all of humanity. This has been changed in one day of your time. Affirmative content in the attitudes of life's "can do" deliverers means more aliveness for all who are being touched by these attitudes. When we look at mass consciousness now, the dark is outweighed by love. So much so that we may soon find a big alteration in those human activities that are now looking dark. Awakening those who are making dark clashes in the atmosphere may not occur in an instant, but it can occur during the life of many who are now negative.

Answers to questions can now resume. One of the questions is about the next manifestation in the ascension delivery―what will it look like? No matter what is said about this, man will do nothing to control the next days. All who are awaiting a complete disappearance may die before it occurs. It doesn't matter now because an ascension of great magnitude has already occurred. After this there is no need for a major collapse of the world economy to bring more love to all facets of life. We may now see a new way to clear the dream of man's greed. Are you able to see this controller game going out of existence? It will, and there will be a most candid disclosure when it does. When this occurs we will laugh at the dream's complete loss of direction by its majority at the manipulation generated by the few. Await this new dream, it is about to come in a new emergence of material that offers more than just transparency.

Are any of the answers now available? No, only a minute amount of detail has been revealed. None of the major corporations involved are lacking money. They are the link to overturning economies that are collapsing, not governments. Corporations that have dominated governments are the answer to full change. Get them to lead the way to more caring and this will disturb those making the decisions that have caused all of the mess now driving the conspiracy. Not theories, actual conspiracy.

False information, new dreamers, and answers that have come out of life's games are at their most active moment in world history right now. Only a major cancellation of these active manipulations can make things different. When this occurs we will begin the ascension of all the humans who are able to disappear.

Cancellation of the conspiracy will be the next act of courage. Those causing the drama of money are about to let go of their control. When this occurs we will have a most interesting drama to watch. "Fun for the free" is all we can call it.

Generally, no dream is complete without a happy ending, and yours is not going to be any different. When we are able to greet one another in another contact mode the game of the controllers who are currently in charge will be over. Now it is about to collapse. Be aware, as new ways to live are about to begin.

Ascended Master Saint Germain

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