~ Transforming Yourself in 2012 and Beyond ~ Big Changes Up Ahead~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Selacia~





The year 2012 will come with its own unique set of energies. Right now, as you are contemplating what's in store, you are likely considering how the energies will unfold, how they will affect you, and what you can do to prepare.


Change is definitely in the air, and you will be feeling the momentum of change even more as this year ends and the new one starts. As you prepare for the start of a new year, it's normal to consider what you want to change about yourself and the world. If you were making a list of those things right now, it would help to know the big picture and the specifics of what needs to shift. Like a lab scientist with a microscope, you want to magnify the view of your experience so you can pinpoint causes of dysfunction and unhappiness. After all, you can only change things when you are aware of them.


Right now, as you sit near the start of 2012, you likely know about countless things you want changed. If you're like most people, you have noticed how dysfunctional the world has become and you notice your own challenges in a magnified way. That's not surprising, of course, especially with all of the media attention given to planetary revolution and global demonstrations by citizens representing the 99%. You probably would feel discontent and a desire for change - even without the media attention - but the constant reminders are like a repeating wake up call.


Indeed you are waking up to humanity's crisis. As part of that, you are becoming more consciously aware of your own predicament. A multitude of inner changes are required for you to feel whole, thrive, have loving relationships, and be tangibly connected to spirit. You cannot become enlightened if you ignore needed changes - whether they are known or unknown to your conscious mind. If you have been on the path of spiritual awakening for a while, you have been addressing needed changes in an ongoing way. You have learned that transformation is a continuing process without an end point. You accept that idea because your inner being catalyzes your desire to be the best you can be.

Regardless of your current circumstance, the need to continue your spiritual transformation process is now amplified by leaps and bounds. This need is there all the time, even when you have just completed healing of a lifelong issue. The need continues in both your waking state and your dream state. The need persists even if you place no conscious attention on transformation. Why is this?


5 Reasons for Amplified Transformation Process

1. This is no ordinary time. The Earth sits at a precipice, with life as you have known it shifting dramatically in a very short period. An energetic tipping point has been reached and people must discover new more loving ways to be in order to survive as a species. The mega paradigm shift under way is impacting everyone on the planet, stirring a deep discontent and a conscious questioning of things never questioned before. These responses accelerate your transformation process.


2. Time pressures are accelerating. In part this is because time is actually speeding up as part of humanity's evolutionary process. It's not your imagination! In tandem with this, people are becoming more conscious of themselves and the life process. As this occurs, people are becoming more aware of their multidimensional selves and of the magnitude of needed changes. You can go into overwhelm of how vast your life canvass has become.


3. Different times require different approaches. In no other period did humanity face such rapid change, impacting virtually every aspect of life and touching everyone in all parts of the world. Your approach to personal transformation needs to be updated regularly to reflect the increased momentum of change. The old methods will not suffice. In past cycles you may have had only one key life challenge on your plate at once. For much of human history people dealt with one or perhaps a few life lessons during a lifetime. An ancestor, for example, may have struggled with money as his or her chief concern. That same person alive now will face a vast array of issues stemming from past conditioning; past patterns not yet addressed will come into inescapable view. These patterns, held within your DNA, must be cleared at their origin point before you can be free of them. They don't surface all at once, but are catalyzed by life events.


4. You are not transforming alone. Everyone around you is experiencing chaos and uncertainty, catalyzing inner shifting on a mass scale. Remember that everyone on the planet is connected. Each time a person heals even part of a dysfunctional pattern, there is a beneficial impact on the mass consciousness. After all, people create the mass consciousness together over time - it's a work in progress. As the mass consciousness shifts, your own transformational process is impacted. Sometimes this means you feel compelled to look at a personal issue that before escaped your attention. At other times it means that one of your key issues feels less troublesome, giving you a boost of confidence to address the next layer.


5. The natural world today gives constant reminders about the need to change.

People have learned to discount nature. For a very long time people have measured progress by how much they can conquer, how much they can control, and how much money they can make. The natural world - with its animals and land and waters - has been disrespected. Realizing that everything is connected, you are becoming aware that nature's crisis is humanity's crisis and therefore your crisis. This awareness stirs your inner desire for radical personal transformation. It also ignites your wish to heal what is broken, whether it's on an inner level or in your outer world. It triggers an ongoing recognition of the crisis that indeed is a shared dilemma.


The world will change - a bit at a time - as you do. Do not wait, then, for healing. Do not wait to address the issues that cause you pain. Your pain is the world's pain. There is no separation.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2011 by Selacia, Channel for The Council of 12 * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com



messages from GHANDI

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In my humble opinion, non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.
Mahatma Gandhi




Love never claims, it ever gives; love never suffers, never resents, never revenges itself. Where there is love there is life; hatred leads to destruction.
Mahatma Gandhi


A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.
Mahatma Gandhi


Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected.
Mahatma Gandhi



It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.
Mahatma Gandhi


Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.
Mahatma Gandhi


Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Mahatma Gandhi


Be the change you want to see in the world.
Mahatma Gandhi