The frequencies of higher consciousness can only be received through the breath of one who is fully in tune and attuned into the music of the spheres aligning the oneness of this cosmos into the complete cosmaya which touches the mind of Source and allows the complete template of breath of Source to activate and make new the entire matrix. We each live within this cosmos and this universe. We each have our own music of the spheres template that allows us to breathe out into the cosmic template and inhale a brand new reality. This is exactly what is going to happen to us by December 21, 2012. There will be several COSMIC WAVES in which the breath of Source is being exhaled into the cosmaya of the 12 cosmos of this matrix. That entire frequency of this cosmaya becomes a frequency flame as it is exhaled into our sun Alcyone in the Aquarius Galaxy. Sun Alcyone carries that complete template through the music of the spheres into our Sun of this Solar System. The Frequencies of the entire Cosmaya Template will filter into the Earth, her atmosphere and into the DNA of all of those who stand upon here. The activation of the cosmic flame always goes into the heart of Mother Earth and then streams upward and outward through her rods and staffs. There will be several of these out breaths from Source sent through the sun of Aquarius into the sun of our solar system. They will begin in 2012. There will be several of these before the final exhale on December 21, 2012.
Some describe December 21, 2012 as a show down between the Death Star whirling its frequencies toward earth from the black hole of the Milky Way and this cosmaya flame that will saturate and transmute the Death Star frequencies. There is also the prophecy that a crystalline magnetic mirror will be created around the earth that will cause the Death Star frequencies to bounce off of the earth.
This is all definitely a part of what will happen in 2012. Before that final drama in December, the gamma waves that are originating from the breath of Source and activated through the cosmaya flames in the Sun of Aquarius will be sent as wave after wave during 2012. Each time one of these waves comes through Mother Earth's atmosphere it will be melting away the membranes within our soul template that are presently separating each of the spheres that contain one of our identities. We are each created from sphere upon sphere upon sphere as the music of the spheres. Each one of these spheres is one of our selves incarnate. In our original template there are 144 spheres containing selves. In the larger cosmic template there are 144,000 of these spheres containing selves. In the complete cosmaya template of our Oneness with all, there are uncountable selves. All of these selves are now being separated by a mucus membrane lining which we have called KARMA. This karma is simply the frequency film that is separating us from our oneness with all that we are.
We can think of these spheres of selves as the petals of the lotus blossom. As we connect our frequency signatures into each one of these petals, we open that petal into oneness with our frequencies. Our consciousness is unfolding as each of the petals opens and unfolds. When we finish weaving our frequency signature into each petal in the lotus blossom and all blossoms are opened, this means there is one brand new frequency of oneness with all of the SELVES or the petals.
I was trained by a group of Elohim angels to use three crystal spheres, which together activate all of the spheres of our 144,000 selves. Each activation is like connecting notes into one chord or frequency and then connecting into more notes to create a new tone or frequency. Until all frequencies align into one brand new frequency. If we were actually trying to do this notes on a musical instrument, there would be a limited number of notes that would align so harmonically. However, when I do this process by first activating my breath through the alignment of the three crystal spheres through my soul into Source and then back through my breath, the 144,000 breaths align in a beautiful new frequency. Many of you have heard these frequencies on my website. I've aligned the music of the spheres through these spheres out into the breath of Source, that is the point beyond the Cosmaya Template of 12 Cosmos. Next, I align my consciousness into that same activation of Source through the Cosmaya frequencies. Next I breathe these frequencies into Sun Alcyone's frequencies, and then I exhale these frequencies into our Solar Sun. And the I align those frequencies into the Heart of Mother Earth. Now, that I have these same frequencies that will be used for our transformation, I exhale them into my own 144,000 selves or spheres within spheres. This is how I activate the removal of all karma that is creating separation between my selves. The more this karma is removed, the more I can meet personally with each of my selves and gain their unique qualities and powers as my own. I have spoken many times before of my family of consciousness to include Cinderella, Shajinka, Winefred, Zaurak, Zeena and many others. I meet a few new members each time I recreate a new activation. My relationships with these family members is what increases my wisdom, my knowning of what is happening in the future, and my manifestation abilities.
This same activation will take place naturally for those of you who align your consciousness into these Cosmic Waves that will be coming in and by understanding how to use them to open your spheres into your selves.
Each time one of these bursts of gamma waves comes to earth in 2012 through the Cosmaya Template activated by the breath of Source, we will have an opportunity to allow another layer of karma to be melted away from the spheres that make up our templates. Each one of these spheres is one of our incarnate selves who has had personal experiences on this plane and many other planes. Some of our incarnate selves could be a part of the 10 million years of reincarnations on earth. They could also be selves who never fell into this system at all. They could be selves from Aquarius, Aquafaria, Orion, Sirius, Pleiades or any of the million systems. Some of our incarnate selves may even be a star or a sun.
As we realign into Oneness with all of these selves, we gain the ability to known and do everything they have done. That means if one of our selves has been a sun, we can also be a sun one day. If one of our selves is from Aquafaria, then we are also able to return to Aquafaria. If we have opened access to a self who has been buried in the fear of death from torture, then that self will bring that karma of fear into our lives until the karma is melted away. Removing karma can only be done by raising ones frequencies completely into the frequencies of the cosmaya flame as it is penetrating the Earth. These cosmaya flames have already come to Earth two times. Each time there has been a great stir of may levels of karma that might include fear, confusion, intimidation, and even images of those selves coming forward.
The reason that we must not try to remove those selves is because they are a part of who we are. They each contain diverse parts of our self that we have not had access to before. It is the oneness with these other selves that will make us able to have instant manifestation. As each of these selves may have been either a genius, very wealthy, a sun, a moon, a star, an entity of great cosmic wisdom, etc. etc., once we obtain oneness with all that we are, we also contain those abilities. We will also begin to see each of our selves and choose to take on qualities and appearances of other selves. We will eventually gain the ability to morph into any or all of these selves. This doesn't mean any one of them ceases to exist. We all exist individually and collectively.
Dear CosmicDolphin members,
Our Christmas Magic CD album is available through CD Baby now. This album contains my personal vision of what will happen December 2012 as man is transformed into Christ, as the Ascension Portals and Resurrection Portals created by Jesus Christ, Mary and Mary become activated, and the marriage of Heaven and Earth occurs.
Crystalai @ 2011 cosmicdolphinmagic.com