~The Wonder and Flu Like Symptoms of "Black December!"~
~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~
This is no ordinary month and we are no longer living ordinary lives. My own memories have gone back to the times when I first consuming spiritual energy and understanding and applying it to my life (key phrase there... applying.) I had more intense head colds, chest colds than I ever had. I could have never ever foreseen or understood the true reasons why I was "sick" more now that I was changing my life,but I sure do now!
What we all are going thru is such a massive quantum state of change that it really dilutes it all by trying to put it into a linear context to wrap our processing minds around. But... I am going to give this understanding a go!
From summer to the 11/11 we all have been suited up with a new light body. New codes, new blue prints, new enhanced spiritual attributes. With the activation of earth on the 11/11 those codes started to fire up within our bodies. Changing everything right down to the very air we breathe thru November.
November 26th we went thru a wormhole (I suppose that is what I will call it...smile) and landed here on this re-fueling station of earth. Now... what is happening to each of us, is so unique unto ourselves, our energy systems, our applications thru the decade(s) and most especially thru the year 2011, that we are experiencing December quite differently... as we should.
There are many people who was standing on the tippy top of 4th dimensional frequencies but had not allowed themselves to use their energy to catapult them into the vibrancy and fullness of the 5th dimensions... and here they are now. Singing, dancing and celebrating what they feel within and starting to really use the energy of their new light body! This I celebrate with you all as well. It is an extraordinary place to be within yourself and learning how to serve the higher good with this wonderfully enhanced version of yourself is key.
Then there are those who need a little nudge within themselves that says... you have changed, now use this change for your higher good. The higher good is always served serving others in some way. Perhaps you may get an ache or pain in very particular areas... this is your enhanced energy chomping at the bit to be used. To be applied in a new way in your life.
And then there are those who's various frequencies have changed so much that they must take time off and allow the fuller change to happen. I will try ad break this down in general ways, but please, it is not as limiting as I am going to explain it. It is much fuller and more profound... but again, quantum into linear dilutes.
The intense head cold. Now think of how much wiring you actually have in your head. This is where you brain, your neurons, your pineal gland, etc is. Your whole head is being rewired to a frequency the earth has not had available to her in a long long time. You are being rewired from 5th dimensional frequencies to the 6th and above. Your body buffers it all with the congestion. It is your protection within yourself.
The intense chest cold. You have some super duper wiring within the heart area, housed between the bed of your lungs, the air you are breathing has changed to fit your new level of energy. Again, a full change out of the energy fields... of the heart processor is taking place. The congestion is needed as the buffer.
The soar throat. That alone should say, my voice is changing. My self expression has to change with this new alignment. For me personally, I lost my voice 3 separate times as the congestion was first in my head then moved down into my chest.
The headaches. The hard wiring. Ouch! For me, this was an continual intensity in the left temple. The energy of my physical life is changing.
Then there are those with leg pain. Your path of life is gearing up for change. The way you walk thru life, how you have walked thru life... changing.
Before I actually got "sick" I felt my lower chakras being ripped out (smile). This happened the first day I was on the road to New Mexico. I stopped a lot to go to the bathroom! Eliminating all the crap of my life that so wonderfully got me to there.
Me personally... I have been overhauled from head to toe. There was not an ache or pain left out. Just when I thought I was feeling better, another part would chime in to put me down again! Had this been 10 years ago, I sure would have gone to the ER, or taken medicine to stop the process (only for it to have to start up again another time.)
There is another wormhole we are all going thru sometime mid-February and our bodies and consciousness is really preparing us for this massive, intense shift.
Even today, I can see this opening in February. The intensity of the month is orange. Our sense of self in the world around us... but not as a separate individual, but as a collective whole, together, paving the path for all those arriving in their new states of bliss.
But I must also bring up that pesky pesky word of "responsibility." We have brought ourselves to here to help others. Wielding your new enhanced power for the sake of self gain (which of course... you can), well... let's just say that would be unwise.
Wisdom. Knowledge applied as a working energy within your life. This is the key to the rest of your enhanced life! Don't read a book, be the book others read from as an animated way of Being in life.
We are the living library of earth. Our pages, our wisdom, binding together in a new way. I so need you to continue my own story... place your page next to mine, to be read and lived out loud, for the higher good of All.
In service to the All, with you and thru you! We have changed it all...together!!
In Light, In Love, In Full Service...
Lisa Gawlas
Since my trip back on the bus from Arkansas, I came into contact with many who were experiencing the flu. Whether it was 3D flu or higher, I don't know, but whatever they had...they gave it to me. Shortly after I got home, I came down with it and it lasted a couple of weeks. The regular symptomatic flu, coughing, sneezing, running nose, sore throat, congestion and the good old aches and pains. After a couple of weeks, it finally went away. I was so happy about that! But, shortly thereafter, I came down with it again, but not with the same symptoms. This time, I know that it was different, not the regular flu. I still have it to this day. Now, it's just the coughing, sneezing, headaches and aches and pains throughout the entire body. And, it seems I can't sleep enough. I am tired all of the time and zapped of all energy. So, in essence, I firmly believe that what I'm experiencing is the "ascension flu", and pray that these changes help to energize me for the higher dimensions. How long it will last? Who knows. But I'm grateful for this post that explains it well, and I hope it helps the many who will experience it too.
Love and Blessings to all.
Love and Light, d'tewa