~CHILDREN OF THE SUN~ December Transmission Focus ~ Solstice and Christmas Eve ~

Lia's picture





May we Join as One  


Celebrating our Union in Love.    


People all over the world are preparing to celebrate their holiday of choice and beams of generosity radiate from our hearts as we place the needs of others before our own.

This is the time of year when the energy of selfless service is the most palpable, when the spirit of giving truly outshines the spirit of receiving. For many of us this is already our way of life, selflessly giving ourselves to be instruments of Divine Will. It is our collective intention to act as conduits to amplify the energy of Divine Love that is already so prevalent in the Unified Field and to transmit the cosmic flames of Love throughout the Earth.

Please join us within the Planetary Crystalline Grid as our light burns as brightly as the Solstice Sun, illuminating the collective hearts of all humanity.





Special Transmission Dates Coming Up:


  • December 22: Solstice Celebration and Transmissions 
  • December 24: Christmas Eve ~ New Moon Grid Transmissions 
  • January 1: New Year's Day World Transmission








December Transmission Focus 

~ Solstice and Christmas Eve ~


This is a powerful week of celestial alignments with the Solstice on December 22nd and the New Moon on December 24th. It is with this cosmic level of support that we place our focus upon the Immaculate Concept for our Group Avatar's multidimensional blueprint as members of the emerging I AM Avatar Race. With our unified focus upon these patterns of perfection, we come to  an understanding that WITHIN this group of souls, we are truly becoming the embodiment of the legendary Holy Grail. We stand as empty vessels, filled with the radiant love of the Sacred Fire and Divine Light. 
Our collective vibration has shifted and risen as a result of our work prior to the 11:11:11 and our experiences on that momentous day of activation. We have downloaded new codes of light that beg to be grounded here on Gaia. Our Group Soul is strong and our telepathic connection grows stronger with each transmission. In our actualized state of Divine Grace, we know with absolute faith that Divine Intervention has occurred upon this planet and WE are the form that it has taken. 


We must empty ourselves of any outdated beliefs we might hold pertaining to perceived physical limitations. These beliefs are linked to an old vibration that no longer resonates with our expanded harmonic.  In our new bodies, yes - our bodies are growing new - the DNA and our very molecular structure is altering AND the space between our electrons has grown more fluid as light substance... a higher vibrating crystalline light substance. This takes on the form of our beliefs much more quickly than the old substance prior to the upshift in our vibration. 


As we look outwardly from our third eye chakra with our pineal gland crystals attuned to the higher vibrations, let us see the cosmic fire that permeates all creation.  Let us look with the eyes of our soul to the edges of the auric field of those that we encounter in our daily lives and 'see' the sacred fires surrounding them. The more we are able to see and feel the patterns of perfection in everything, the greater our ability to re-qualify any discordant energy in our sphere of influence. 
We now walk the Earth carrying and transmitting the vibration of the Ascended Host.  We need only to hold this knowledge and act upon it and it is so. There is no time to be lingering in the arena of doubt. Make no mistake, we are the Ground.  At every moment, we hold our consciousness upon the workings of the Planetary Crystalline Grid.

God Bless the Violet Gold Flames of Illuminating Tr


The Christos has been reborn through us. We now move within the power and protection of the Sacred Flames of God, projecting our God Presence upon this sacred Earth.  Pachamama breathes a deep sigh of relief as she knows her stewards have awakened.  She knows that with each step WE take as WE walk upon her, WE walk in concert, in harmony... in partnership... in absolute unity 
Dear God the Father and God the Mother, blaze thy Sacred Fire through us. With laser sharp focus we send this fire deep into your molten core and all about you. In our purity, we are filled with Divine Light. We are the Holy Grail ablaze with Divine Love. 
May we transmit these luminous rays of Divine Love to all the world this holiday season.


... and may this transmission of Love pave the way into 2012
with divine grace and ease, as we prepare for the most incredible
year our Global Family and all Life has experienced to date.  



















Happy Solstice!

Merry Christmas!  


Thank you all Children of the Sun  
for a fabulous year of teamwork excellence.  
Group Avatar... YES!

