A Allendale to Aninadzija ~ Why we Don’t Come to You?
[Hello Allendale] Hello there. How are you today? [I am just fine, thank you, I understand you have a communication for us?]'
Yes, I have. Things are on the move, the changes are putting things into perspective for the cabal. The cabal believes it can run away, off planet and take over their precious gold and goods with them. Along with technology borrowed or stolen, of course. Now, my lads, we can assure you. They are going nowhere! For that you have my very own word! They will have to respond for their crimes.
Now, the other point I wanted to make, is that you are not alone. There are hundreds of thousands in orbit, waiting for the tide to turn, if you know what I mean? Right! I know a few of you are getting fed up with us talking of marvellous things, but never actually showing up. Well, let me ask you something. Who do you think all those ships, seen on the net belong to, my lads? This is us! Much is going on behind closed doors, the important thing is not to let your spirit down. Don’t be listening to people who have no idea about us. You know the truth, the truth, the only truth, the truth encoded in every single of your body’s cell. This truth which tells you every day, you are part of a huge family of intelligent beings. These beings are not going to force their way into your world and society. You, lads and ladies, you will have to elevate your own level of consciousness to the level these lads, in their ships are at. Now, do you have any questions for me?
[Yes, I do. Are there different types of ships?]
Yes, the most common ones are the light ships, they change sizes, and shape. You have seen a few in your room, when you began our relationship with us, in June. They can shrink to mini sizes, and enter your room, and do different jobs, if required. I must add that we enter your private space only on your request. You asked for contact a few times, and your energetic vibrations, allowed us for a direct response. Your intentions were pure, not motivated by greed, ego or vanity, your heart was not placing ultimatums, and the space inside of it was full of love and joy for us. We are happy to contact such beings at this late stage, especially when they are our ground crew, and of extraterrestrial origin, or when it is in their life’s plan, you know?
[Many people are expecting so much, in terms of having direct contact or Disclosure. What can you tell them?]
Well, I would say, if you have not been contacted by now, it is very likely that you would have to wait until Disclosure happens. You may also have unresolved business pending, I mean, important unresolved personal matters. And our presence would only constitute a hugs distraction. It is not a matter of waiting, and suffering. It is a matter of adapting to your circumstances. A matter of you finding your right place. All is happening for a reason, there are no coincidences. So, stop dreaming of travelling to the stars, and begin becoming a receiver. Begin doing the mission you are here for, my lads! You are here to contribute to global awakening, and for that, you gotta start focusing on yourself. We know what is going on for you individually, and you have opted for the best way out of karma. This is a plan of your own making, of your own design. If you are going to be mad at someone, you’d better takE it up with yourself, because you agreed to this plan. And if you have set the bar too high, remember that you are your own coach, and you have made it very hard for yourself in this life.