Eltanin the brightest star in Draco and the dragons head is conjunct the Sun, the day the Sun is conjunct the Galactic Centre at 26 degree Sagittarius on December 20th each year.
The Galactic Centre is the cross over point, black hole where we move through as we complete duality and unify. Our Solar System is moving through the Galactic Plane 21st December 2012 according to lots of sources. Just remember everything is in the Now and in the Greater Reality we are already Light and Gods and Goddesses and the Source itself. In a smaller picture we are back from our future to heal our past, but its all Now. Enjoy the Now.
Please see www.endofprecession.com and http://www.viewzone.com/endtime.html and www.mayanmajix.com/art312.html
There is a pulse that comes to us from the Galactic Center that expresses the vibrations of the day as well as the bigger cycles of consciousness as we spiritualize matter and become our body of light and multi-dimensional selves. The Mayan understood this and built the pyramids aligned to the Central Sun Alcyone, brightest star in the Pleiades, our Solar System rotates around in a 26.000 year cycle. The nine levels of the pyramid represent the Nine Underworlds that we travel through until we get to the top of the pyramid and the Universal Underworld, then into the temple as we have come into unity consciousness, moving through the Galactic Centre, the cross over point and void; within and without in the heavens. Opening up to our multi-dimensional and light self and New Earth, higher dimensional Earth, Solar System and Galaxy and we have jumped the loop.
The initiate would go down the steps inside the pyramid and into the sarcophagus and align one with the Central Sun, body of Light, one Light beyond the illusion.
The Star essence of Eltanin assists in the purification of the old energies still held in the cells, DNA and energy field, opening us up to the matrix of unity and the New Earth, higher dimensional Earth. Its energy resides as the dragon at the base of your spine and as you activate and awaken it ignites up your spine and en-livens you.
Eltanin speaks "I am the fire that comes from the core of my soul, the spirit of fire is ignited with my song, the light of the universe is created through my breath. I create new worlds to inhabit within the light of consciousness of the unified matrix. Acknowledge me not as destroyer or negative but as creator and unified. The fire I breathe only destroys that not of spirit in unity. I transmute and purify that which is old, tired and ready to move on. I give rebirth, like the phoenix rising from the ashes, the new comes from the old, all form changes through the fire I breathe. I herald the new birth, the new creation as transmuted through the fire of spirit and through the eye of the needle. My alignment with the Earth plane again is a sign that the purification is happening. Be at peace and transcend as the fire of my breath awakens the spirit of thee."
At Kings Canyon, Watarrka National Park in the red centre of Australia, the vortex is aligned to Draco and the Star Alignment of Eltanin its brightest star and dragon head happened there in October 2005. In September 2008 the doorway opened as we sat at the same place of the star alignment vortex at Kings Canyon and travelled to Draco on the inner planes.
The doorway of Draco is opening as it is the new initiation in our body of Light. The gateway through Orion is closing as we complete the 11:11, unify as the chakras spin and glow, the kundalini serpent travels our central channel and opens us to our body of light, multi-dimensional self.
As the Earth moves through the Galactic Plane, the axis shifts and then Draco becomes the North Pole Star and the serpent is seen all the time in the heavens rather than before the Hunter, Orion. Ophiuchus; the Serpent Bearer and thirteen sign in the zodiac and beyond that Draco the dragon are the new gatekeepers in the Heaven, from Orion to Ophiuchus and Draco. As the initiation in the Great Pyramid took us through the doorway of Orion, the one, the union of opposites has occurred. The cosmic egg vibrating fully with life force, creation energy, as we move through the Crossover point and into the higher light octaves, just as the Maya did in their time, to show the way for all humanity to do this now.
MAYAN CALENDAR DAY; 1 (unity, unconditional love, new beginnings) RED (East - electrifies, initiates) CANE - BEN (time/space traveller, skywalker, angelic messenger, new directions)