~Children of the Sun~ Personal Support ~ Group Service ~ Holiday Grid

Lia's picture



Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation



Personal Support  Group Service  


Solstice Transmission - Thursday, December 22nd


Christmas Eve New Moon ~  Saturday, December 24th    


During the Planetary Grid Transmissions  


Times: Sydney 8 pm, India 8 pm, Paris 8 pm, New York 9 pm

world clock conversion









Personal Sessions of Support 


Christmas Eve New Moon - Saturday, December 24 


~ Through our Global Light Transmission Team ~       


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We come to you as a Unified Field, one Group Body... and the tangible points of light transmission from the Planetary Crystalline Grid. We invoke and then simply allow ourselves to be used as Divine Conduits for the greater energy to do its work. We hold you in your highest Divine Potential... seeing and transmitting to you as already healed, whole and complete.


This is a session of direct energy transference and is set into momentum through your commitment and intention to receive and then to make necessary life changes. Above all, keep your connection with our Group Soul and unwavering focus on the Greater, and where you want to go.

As you submit a request of support, you are assisting in the core transformation for the whole Group Soul and for the planet, allowing a far greater impact than the little "I".



Session of Support: Registration 


The suggested energy exchange is a love donation or "pay it forward".  










The Planetary Grid Transmissions


S O L S T I C E     W A V E

Thursday, December 22, 2011






This timing is a portal that has the ability to take us beyond our middle world reality where we have access to the part of our self that knows - an inherent knowing or intelligence that is receiving an acceleration or evolutionary energy via the light codes that are beaming our way from the Galactic Core at this time.

It may be subtle. It may reorient your whole perception of reality. It may expand your Earthly and Galactic Consciousness and further activate whatever awakening is already happening for you. It may feel like nothing you have ever felt before. This is about being open and receptive to the incoming heightened light energy.

cayelineCayeline Castell


This influx of Light will intensify all of the Light that will be generated through Humanity's focus of attention on the spiritual and religious celebrations  that take place this time of year. Collectively this influx of Light will carry all Life on Earth into 2012 on a wave of Unity Consciousness. 

pattyPatricia Cota-Robles



Solstice 2011 ~ 21/22 December ~ 


As these Solar Beings of Light, and transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, the Solstice energies offer us an opportunity of deeper transformation and manifestation in illuminating the essence of our own magnificence.

As we are surrounding in the sacred copper-gold flame of Solar Service, we merge with our I Am Presence and connect through the Sun to the Central Sun and Great Central Sun. From the center of Love, we ground these energies through our bodies, into the Golden Solar Sun disc within our hearts, and from here, into the inner earth sun, as these physical vessels of Divine Love. 


Transformation is offered to us primarily in healing the polarity of gender and false planetary contracts, while balancing the Divine Masculine and Feminine within. The key codes experienced through this Solar Gateway of Manifestation, illuminates and further activates the Golden Solar Sun Disc Discs within and around the Unity Grid.

As we experience the new DNA encodings of Light being amplified at this time, we can use these fifth dimensional zero field energies of Divine Love to work with our own personal issues, transmuting, healing and loving, while bringing into manifestation that which was previously unmanifest, as we journey into the Ascension Seat within the Solar Core through the Overlighting of Helios and Vesta, and the Beings of Light from On High. 

As we are embraced eternally within the Cosmic Heart of Mother~Father God, we experience ourselves as these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love and all that this brings with it, through both the shadow and the Light. And it is in completely trusting and surrendering to the Divine that we find the joy and appreciation of Life, gently flowing and guided intuitively into the greater planetary and cosmic rhythms of the One Heart of All Creation. 


anritaAnrita Melchizedek 



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The Planetary Grid Transmissions


Christmas Eve New Moon ~ Saturday, December 24th

FOCUS: Celebrating Our Union In Love


This is the time of year when the energy of selfless service is the most palpable, when the spirit of giving truly outshines the spirit of receiving. For many of us this is already our way of life, selflessly giving ourselves to be instruments of Divine Will.

It is our collective intention to act as conduits to amplify the energy of Divine Love that is already so prevalent in the Unified Field and to transmit the cosmic flames of Love throughout the Earth.

Please join us within the Planetary Crystalline Grid as our light burns as brightly as the Solstice Sun, illuminating the collective hearts of all humanity.    


      Full article here        


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Group Unity and Support 


globe gold 



Join our Team Site, "The Center of Illumination"  

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This is our private site for team communications which offers invaluable support in these times of the great shift. Our online gathering features the latest news articles from other lightworkers and networks, COS group activities, individual assistance and the sharing of resources to greatly assist in each other's mission.  

Featuring our weekly... Transfiguration Chamber!



Join as a GEO Light Team

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The Light Teams and their developing regional Foundations serve as conduits for the high frequency and transforming photonic energies that accelerate and stabilize the mass awakening and planetary shift.



Join our Light Transmission Team

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Your service is in support to all people registering to receive energy healing/transformation support in addition to any planetary event that may require collective energy transmission assistance.

