HJ: Most people unconsciously make their happiness conditional, however, happiness grows and thrives when we make it unconditional. It’s tempting to think ‘I will be happy when…’, however, the truth is that this is a trap, because you will actually be happy when you achieve whatever goal you set… for a little while. And then you will sink back into dissatisfaction and setup the cycle of longing and wanting all over again. The happiness you experience as a result of ‘I will be happy when…’ is transient and does not last.
But the happiness that comes from accepting your life as it is now and being grateful for everything you have and have experienced, is authentic, lasting happiness. This is happiness that keeps on giving as long as you can remain centered in this state. It is unconditional happiness and the article below is all about how to get there… right now.
- Truth
Your Life Wake-Up Call
By David Wygant | Huffington Post