~The Council of Light
21 December 2011
For the collective gateways of Hanukah, Winter Solstice, Christmas Eve New Moon, Christmas and welcoming in the long-awaited 2012 year of transformation, there is only one place to be, and that is in our hearts. Everywhere else is chaos and perfectly positioned so! For there is nowhere else that matters at this time, for the centre of our beings are under major contractions now in order to allow us to transform. The fact that it is from the inside out – meaning that we are turning ourselves that way – is no small feat! It takes great courage, commitment, discipline and perseverance to constantly, in every moment, breathe ourselves through the birth canal to a new way of being.
We are the babes in swaddling clothes. We are the new and perfect Light. We are The Ones that have followed the little star in all that darkness over such a great long journey, that we have come to find. It is a solitary journey that is supported by many Wise Ones and known by The Original One. The time is now and the Light is ours. And like The Original One, the mission is already known and the outcome assured. We are the mustard seeds that hold faith in the task before us to move mountains. Do not think of what must be done, just know in each moment that we are The One Great Love that can do anything by It’s power.
It is important to continue to hold this Love in spite of what is happening around us. In spite of the chaos of the world. In spite of ourselves. We must not take anything personally anymore for that is like striking ourselves with daggers. In spite of what others think, do, say or act. We must allow the old expressions to transpire and be committed to creating new, better solutions inspired by The One Great Love. We must have courage in the face of the old miscreations in order to hold steadfast for what is right and true. Then that will be what we have deliberately created. This is why we are here. This is our purpose.
We are the Saviours. We are the Princes of Peace. We are The One who stands up for what is right amidst the old way that has gone astray and no longer serves. We are The One who keeps holding, keeps loving, keeps forgiving, keeps healing, keeps holding the light of perfection, no matter what. No matter what.
So about these coming important days where everything is stirred up, there is only one thing to do: hold, emanate, be, express, remember that You are the Light of the World.
You are the Light of the World. Anything less than that is not yours, so just Love it into what you know is greater. When the majority are manifesting that which is greater, it will become our experience. Just watch the magnificence appear!
All blessings of all ways in all of the days to come, we are,
Your Council of Light Within