~Ending 2011, Forgiveness for All: (Military, Police, Government, People) [Aquarian Era]~
I forgive all people. I unconditionally love all people. As 2011 closes (especially), there is a shift towards the necessity to forgive (not forgetting), taking our lessons and moving forward. A New Year is coming. We have experienced a year of huge emotional power. It is the birth of 2012, the formation and dawn of the aquarian era.
Unconditional Love and compassion serve everyone. We are embarking upon the age in which we experience the height, or peak of consciousness. The Age of Aquarius and the incoming Galactic Light will mark the time of highest possible achievement for our planet in this cycle. This cycle we are equipped with the knowledge of the previous time we came here, 26,000 years ago.
Moving into this ‘New Age’ which is truly not new at all, just new in terms of cycles and how we progress through them. The Coming Energies are going to be so highly vibrating, that we will be forced to choose between love and fear. We will be forced to choose, and with that, we must choose love.
The Aquarian Age is such the pinnacle of consciousness, that it represents all in which humans can fully achieve. It may sound redundant, but it’s not. Guarantee that the frequency intensity will sharpen to it’s maximum for human experience. We must realize that onward and into this age all thoughts are going to be at maximum. Hatred maximized, Love maximized. It is because of this, that we have to choose love. Given that, we may in-fact truly live in the feminine universe especially. The Feminine Aspect of creation, is love. So, aligning with Love could guarantee survival in a Feminine Universe, yes? That is how I am seeing it now. Aquarian Consciousness will simply require that we shift into total love, “or else” – so to speak. It’s just that our thoughts will be so powerfully amplified (maximized) that if we think hateful thoughts, our lives will dwindle to absolutely nothing. Emptiness. It would manifest a dark age. That is not where we are going. That is what happened the last time (The Fall of Atlantis) and we are re-awakening and cleansing that cycle.
It’s ALL about love. Nothing but. Truth is Love, Love is truth.
I think we should take special time, right now – to forgive transgressions which have happened in 2011. 2012 is a “slate clean” time and we need to forgive (and remember the lessons.) We are all part of this galactic game/lesson program and we all help each-other, albeit indirectly (which is in truth, always directly).
The Police and People have clashed dramatically. Many Governments have begun to sign documents to enforce powerful new law. People need to realize, everything is just getting amplified ( maximized ). Whatever we think, it instantly manifests. Only stronger, and stronger. So we must align ourselves with thoughts of love. We must align with the attitude of forgiveness. We must love & forgive each-other. If global sparring continues, we will only suffer. Our attitudes must shift towards universal unity. We must begin answering the call for the maximum potential of humanity. Yes, this is the time for that. Yes, many astrological configurations (and ancient prophecies) guarantee this. It is the cycle. We have come forth out of the age of darkness, and a time of light is upon us.
Unconditionally Love, & Forgive. Accept all. Tolerate, and seek truth.
In the White Light of the Divine