A Message from Archangel Azrael
December 22, 2011
Change and Transformation, they are both upon every person on this fine Earth. Many know of me as the Angel of Death, but death is just another transformation you and your body takes on at the end of you lifetime to which you are living now.
Change is always a part of your life. The best part of this changing is that you direct which path you are to take to meet the changes and transformations. Yes, undoubtedly you are guided by spirit guides, and angels such as myself, but it is you that makes the actual step forward. You are cheered every time you move ahead and climb higher into the endless reach of the spirit realm and higher consciousness.
Within the core of my body is the Golden Planet. It is a healing planet for those in a transitional phase or those who say they are ready for change. When you come here, some of you will find what you see and discover of yourself as an eye-opening blessing. Yet, others will not like what they are seeing about themselves. When you make the motion to change you must be able to see yourself COMPLETELY, not only the parts you like and the rest you wish to hide. To embrace the change and transformation that is waiting for you, you must be able to ACCEPT yourself for all the wrongs you may have done, for any wrongs done to you, FORGIVE yourself and forgive those you have hurt and have hurt you. Accepting the commitment to change is a very big step along your spiritual journey. And you will meet change several times. When you come to terms with all the things that has transpired in your life, you will be on your way to transform yourself back into a state of Divine Grace.
This change does require effort from you dear ones, and willingness. We of the Divine will no push you, but we will encourage you through gentle guidance and understanding, and by lighting your consciousness to further awareness and spiritual potential.
Absorb the changes coming your way as easily as you absorb air into your body. Both are necessary and both are LIFE giving. How is change life giving some may wonder? When you are able to step out of a situation or life style that is not serving you well, one that is diminishing the fine loving person you are meant to be; you are stepping into a new LIFE. It is okay to shed a life that is toxic to your spirit, it is advised to surround yourself with as much light energy as possible and that includes your lifestyle and choices made in your personal, day-to-day life.
Christmas has been understood not only about the birth of Beloved Jesus, the Divine Son of God, but for change and transformation. This season; this Christmas if you have not done this already, look deep within yourself. See the many delightful possibilities that lie ahead of you. Look deeper yet to what it is you need to do to get there. Do not be surprised if some of what you need to do is make a few adjustments, alter your way of thinking and doing things. Reflection is never done in only a few minutes, and does not require meditation. But it does require patience, quality time with yourself, and simple, pure honesty. Ask yourself thought provoking questions, and listen only with your heart, as your heart will answer with simple honesty in return.
Every time you emerge from the many changes you have been working on and into your newly transformed self, you see the world around with new eyes; eyes that are large with wonder, and filled with so much knowledge. Allow yourself the opportunity for a few precious moments to see through the eyes of a child after every transition and see EXACTLY what surrounds you both in your physical world and non-physical world. Close your eyes and FEEL, SMELL, HEAR, TOUCH, and just BE LIGHT. Young children perceive the world a bit differently than the adults in their lives. They see with brighter colour, and a higher imagination. And their imagination is not always what is being imagined. They just do not know the vocabulary to describe what they feel, hear, touch, or see.
Grasp with eagerness and love every time you are presented with opportunity for change. Change is good. It keeps you feeling fresh, vibrant and with the change process, you are constantly learning. I urge you to continue transforming into the beautiful butterflies each of you are. Embrace my guidance when you are in need of additional support along your journey when you are head on into your self-discoveries and are becoming unsure. My love will guide you and keep you safe while you work on your EMERGENCE into an even more COMPLETE you.
And so it is, Archangel Azrael through Julie Miller