~Christmas Message Holds True~!
A Christmas and New Year Message from Galactic Love Reporter Kamran Mofid*~ Thank You to CGCI~
This is the time of the year, when we need to stand back and ask:
“What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.”
Let us see where we stand. The clouds of destruction are gathering all over the world. The world today is facing a multitude of crises in politics, economics, finance, banking, energy, food, environment and education, amongst others, simultaneously, resulting in much uncertainty, fear and anxiety. Moreover, the rapid and unsustainable rise in consumerism and materialism, financed by debt has seriously destroyed the fabric of society, and has catastrophically weakened the ethical, moral and spiritual dimensions of our communities. It seems, there is little, but, “shop till you drop” left to bind us together. In short, the world is facing a crisis of values.
There is acute suffering in the world, starvation, untreated disease, and much war. Also there are so many wandering in darkness while hungering for hope. In such a world let us go about giving love, compassion, kindness and generosity to all. Let us serve the poor and broken ones, serve our brothers and sisters, and serve birds and beasts and all creation in whom dwells the breath of life. A life so lived, is serving the essence of the common good. Moreover, let us not waste energy in obtuse and arcane questions and controversies; countless theories about who is right and who is wrong. Instead, let us light a few candles at the altar of a suffering humanity. We must come to that altar properly prepared, in a spirit of right understanding that all mankind is one. We are all each others’ keepers.
These many crises are a wakeup call to action, to see things as they are. Impending catastrophe for our species and our planet is gathering strength unless we act in time. We should search with an open mind for the wisdom we need to transform our economic system to a sustainable path, grounded in ecological reality, with respect for justice and dignity for all, and our appreciation for nature and our kinship for all living things.
We should not allow ourselves to be led away from this Path. It is crucial at this juncture in human history, perhaps as never before, for us to transcend the body to have flight into the higher regions to “know-thyself” and to see that we are all a drop in the Great Ocean of Consciousness. Radiate love to all creation. Let us breathe this out through every pore of our body: 'love and peace be unto all, the world over'. This power of peace and goodwill, has the power to overcome the forces of destruction that have coalesced around us.
Each action has a reaction. As we sow goodness and kindness, so shall we reap. Let our physical sojourn be sweetly ethical, loving, co-operative and tolerant. Without these the great spiritual flights, we so desperately need, will evade us.
Be watchful. We are not perfect. There may be failures on our part and misunderstandings amongst us. The former, should be met with by the motto of forgiveness and reconciliation and the latter by reconciling them to mutual loving contacts, mutual respect and the consideration for the common good.
This is what our Globalisation for the Common Good is all about~ a heart~based social participation movement that acknowledges and encourages the goodness that surrounds us each and every day. It is our collective opportunity to collaborate locally, nationally and globally to inspire and highlight the kindness, caring, dignity and honesty that is the natural and greater part of our daily experience. Simply stated, “Every one has a heart, it is time to let it shine.” Ultimately it is our heart that guides us and our compassion that motivates us to help one another
The courage and dedication of countless people striving to live for the common good; in peace, genuine kindness and in harmony with one another and with the Mother Earth is extraordinary. Despite the many ongoing challenges, we at GCGI, strive to set aside our differences and work diligently in our daily encounters with each other in order to truly serve and help one another.
Christmas happened 2000 years ago, when the Baby was born; but in a very real sense it is happening all over again. The newborn "babies" are all men and women who are becoming global citizens, committed to human solidarity, economic and ecological sustainability and consideration for the common good. Let us pray for them and work with them, that we all may grow in wisdom and stature for the good of humanity and all the creation.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Kamran Mofid, Founder, Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI)