~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member RC~
~Integrating One's Heart~
This is RC sharing my compassionate love and light with all life as I live my light through compassionate love for all life.
The divine energies, the love frequencies, the peaceful and harmonic frequencies, all frequencies of Lights and Sounds are ever present here upon mother Gaia. One feels the sensations, one feels the vibrations within one’s heart, just feel mother Gaia’s gentle vibrations of love, passing through layers of densities to reaching the root of one’s Being, as the ever-present Love/Light Force of All That Is reaching one’s Universal energy vortex, passing through so that both Gaia’s heart and Love/Light Force of All That IS INTEGRATES within one’s own HEART as the Light/Love Frequencies permeate one’s wholeness of Being. Always allowing both mother Gaia’s frequencies to reach up to one’s Universal energy vertex to experience All that is through one, and always allowing Love/Light Force of All that is to experience mother Gaia through one. The flow of lovingly divine energies and such stillness, yet vibrating at lightspeed frequencies, allows one to TRULY FEEL the DIVINITY that is LOVE. This is the divine SHARING of Light and Love incorporating the darkness, especially the darkness within. Compassionate Love of one’s own darkness within and those external dark one TRANSFORMs, TRANSCENDS, TRANSMUTES lower dark energies by FOREVER increasing the frequencies of lower energies through light and love. Only through integration of the separation of light and dark, making both whole as One, does one’s TRUE DIVINE LIGHT Emerge.
Gaians are merging into higher dimensional realities, some in 4D, some in 5D, while others in 6D, 7D. Gaians, as I refer to mother Gaia herself and ALL life upon and within mother Gaia, We rejoice in the COMPASSIONATE LOVE for one and COMPASSIONATE LOVE for all Life here upon and within mother Gaia, all life within our solar system, all life within our galaxy, all life within all galaxies, in ESSENCE, ALL LIFE within our DIVINE Universe. We are truly expanding our selves, each and every one of us experiencing life upon precious mother Gaia.
One’s own sky is LIMITLESS AND UNLIMITED only if one searches deep within one’s HEART to find the KEY to unlock the doors of UNIVERSALITY. One expands one self from Terrestrial Beings to Solar Beings to Galactic Beings to Universal Beings.
Safe, exciting, and sacred journeys to all life within dearest Universe, and may each one find happiness and oneness within one’s Heart and within the Hearts of All That Is, All Who Exist.
May One Love All as One.
RC Towers http://rctowers.wordpress.com