Major solar flare measuring X1.6 erupted from Region 2205

Galactic Free Press's picture

A major solar flare measuring X1.6 (R3 - Strong radio blackout) at its peak time erupted from Region 2205 ('beta-gamma-delta') on November 7, 2014. The event started at 16:53, peaked at 17:26 and ended at 17:34 UTC.

This region already produced several moderate to strong eruptions during last couple of days. Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) were generated during those eruptions but were, so far, directed mostly away from our planet. 

A Type II (602 km/s) and IV radio emissions accompanied the event. Type IV emissions occur in association with major eruptions on the sun and are typically associated with strong CMEs and solar radiation storms. Analysis of this event is underway.
