~Allendale to Spike: Mission statement~

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~Allendale to Spike: Mission statement~


[I wonder if you would define your mission.] Yes, well, there’s only so much I can say. It’s covert. Can’t talk about it. [When you say the cabal will be taken down, what do you mean?] I mean they will be rendered powerless. They will remain in place but be powerless. Many of them are highly visible in society. Their disappearance would cause upset. Too much drama. So we let them stay where they are, but their influence will be nil.



There are people working in the background. Your good wishes and prayers help us, they really do. There are people you will never know who are working on your behalf. Go on about your business. That’s right and proper. Send us your support with the power of your minds. It works. I swear it does. You know the Vulcan mind meld on Star Trek? You can do that. You can pool your light together and make a mountain move. Safety in numbers, chaps. Pool your mental resources and let’s get the job done in 2012, shall we? Right. Signing off, Allendale.
