10 Ways To Cope With Stressful Times

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Stress and anxiety sucks. In today’s post-industrial revolution world, they’re rampant issues. People are overworked, underpaid, and expected to conform to insane realities. So what do you do if you’re feeling stressed?

1. Make time for your hobbies.

Take a little time out of each day and do something you love.

2. Eliminate distractions in the workplace.

What keeps you from getting your work done? Get rid of it if you can. Find ways around it.

3. Turn off the TV. Make time for your own thoughts.

More and more, we’re consumed by media and news and music and noise. Take some time to yourself, get rid of the constant information barrage.

4. Ask for help.

Sometimes we need it.

5. Meditate.

Inhale. Hold. Exhale your stress.

6. Live in the moment.

No use in sweating the past or freaking out about the future...
