~Mother Mary ~
Lighting the World with Love
Ashtar Teleconference 12~13~11
"Greetings Beloved Family, I Am Mother Mary, and I have asked to come forward to greet you and to bring you Love, that together we may bring Love to this World, which, even though it is lighting so much brighter now, is still much in need. And I stand with my Family of Kumara – Sananda, Sanat Kumara, Ashtar, and all of the 144,000 who came when it seemed as though there would be no Light on Planet Earth, and that was eons ago.
"And we have kept the promise, Beloved Ones, and so have you. You promised to return to the Light and you are. And we are here with you with such Joy, and we are here to say, 'Let us begin in this moment to be all that we came here to be, all that we could possibly be and then more, because, we are talking about Love!'
"Now I am seen as a symbol worldwide of Love and there have been stories told, and legends, and yes there have been even misusages and misinterpretations, but you see, it is alright. It has all served, it is all forgiven, it is all without judgment, and it is really all about you wondrous beings finding your way home. And so let us join together, My Beloved Children. You are My Children, all of you.
"And let us join together now and let the Light of Love lift us all up, encircled, joined. We can hold hands, and let us fly just above the Planet of Earth, and let us look down and let us identify places. Let us look at the Children who live in the countries torn by war, let us look at the Children who live in the countries where there is not enough food, let us look at the Children whose parents are not with them for one reason or another – no judgment, it just is.
"And let us feel what these Children feel, just for a moment, and yet let us know that, even as they feel that they might be in some kind of pain or suffering, that they have the Light within them. Ask them to share their feelings just for a moment, that we may measure how they feel. And while we are doing that, we are also engaging our focus on the other part of the world, that part that you call the grown-up world. And let us see that there are people suffering everywhere, whether it is an inner or outer circumstance, or both; whether it is that the place they live in is torn by war, whether it is that they are victims of war in the sense that they have been injured or lost family and friends; whether it is that they have lost their homes because they were suddenly put into circumstance that they had no control over, not really. What if it is that they are out of balance in their physical selves, they have disease, they have impairments, injuries.
"And if we look at this World we can see that it’s not all Light and bright, this is true. So now let’s look closer and let’s see the sparks of Light - some of them might be very faint, hardly glowing at all. And let us take all of this, all of this picture, the whole entire World, now that we have seen it and felt it and we know that there is more to do. And let us not forget the animals and the plant and the mineral kingdoms. They aren’t always in such ease and comfort either. And that is the way things have been and that is where the World might seem to be at this moment.
"Alright, we’ve done our measuring, now let’s do our Joyful Exercise and let us bring that Lovelight down! Call it forth from the Universe. Here come all your Guides and Angels and all of the Masters and all of the ones from the kingdoms beyond 3(D). And let us welcome them! Now we are infinite in size, and yes the ships are here, and all this Light and all this Love is here and all we have to so is simply focus it and beam it right down.
"Now, be sure that you light up every place where you see darkness or dimness and let us light this up together. And this is Love, Beloved Ones, this is our greeting, our expression of unconditional, compassionate and, yes, forgiving Love. The most difficult thing to teach, My Wonderful Children, is to be in Forgiveness. And it is because it is so difficult for my Wonderful Children to understand that they are Love, Lights of Love, and they need no Forgiveness, not really - they need to stop judging themselves, in other words. And when Children fly free from guilt and all those other kinds of fears, they truly are able to recognize themselves and thus extend Forgiveness to all.
"This is what we are here to create, My Children. It is to love each other even as we love the World, it is to forgive within ourselves and each other all that there is to forgive, even as we forgive the World; it is to say 'Welcome Home, this is it, the Great Homecoming,' and this is the time of Planet Earth to come Home to Love and to understand in every living being that it’s all Love, it’s all Joy and we are here to heal, and to heal each other with Love, Compassion and Forgiveness.
"And now it is the time for Thanks. And let us thank the World for allowing us to come and help and heal. Look, see the one who could not walk is now standing and walking, the one who was so lonely is now surrounded with loving beings. Even the Ones - the Children, the Precious Children - you lit that spark within them and they know that they are more than just a body, that they are indeed Divine and Love!
"So now let us measure, Beloved Ones, let us measure and feel, feel the radiance coming back to us now, echoing back to us, as it were, all this Love, all this Joy, and along with this comes awakening and remembering. Hug the World, Beloved Ones. Let your beautiful Hearts connect with all of the Hearts of all of the kingdoms and feel the Oneness, feel the Joy. One Heart beating, One Light of Love, that is truly Who We Are. That is why the Kumaras came, to keep that Light glowing even when the World was wanting to blow out that one candle of Love. And now the Love We Are is shining forth as it was in the very, very, very beginning and We Are Coming Home to each other!!!
"And even as it has been said that I have been seen with the Children in the places of Planet Earth where the most unhappiness has been, I am here for all of My Children, each and every one of you, Beloved Ones. My Love for you has no limits and it has only to go on and on forever and infinitely. I hug you all and I say to all of you, you are so beautiful and you are so thanked for being One in this great Light that We Are. And so we have a bit farther on our road, Beloved Ones, but I am here, I always have been, and I’m here with each and every one of you!
"And so when you feel that you’d like a special kind of hug, and arms around you of the nurturing mother, know that you deserve it, always know that you deserve it, call upon me and I shall come. And I shall hold you as a mother holds her child and I shall simply love you as you are. And so it is, Beloved Children, and so it is. Namaste!"
"Well, you know sometimes they call me Mother, too, but she’s the real deal. I asked her to hug me, too - it’s Joyful. You are beautiful - you are such bright Lights and when you come together with us, we create the biggest brightest energy in the Universe because it’s all dabout Love – and that, Beloved Ones, is Who We Are. Thank you and Namaste!"