~The Worlds Bridge is the Souls Journey through the Forces of Armegeddon to the Garden of Peace~
We make that connection to the Infinite Oneness and the Divine plan for Earth.
A lot of pain in my head this morning.
It is vital that we begin to actualize the Living Hologram of the New Earth. To actualize it is to see beyond the probable reality and focus ourselves through the Infinite Now on the part of the holographic Earth that is manifesting in Creation, a new dimension of light and a new potential for the expression of Harmonic Oneness with truth as the foundation for righteousness and depth of meaning expressed between the energy fields of the psyche, before words are spoken.
The energy must flow now from the Living Earth to nourish and restore the vibrancy of consciousness. The Apocalyptic forces are demanding a resolution. They are expressing the velocity of negativity through the drama dynamics of human conflict. The infinity vibration is the energy pattern that links the past with the now and the future and through the infinity flow of Infinite Oneness in the infinity pattern, the elements of anti life energy and the elements of life given by creative union, will flow through the infinite center of the center of infinity, the absolute now.
Some of you have crossed the threshold and are experiencing the new reality while others are being stretched between the dimensions as their light bodies are bridges to maintain the stability and to hold that space of the unified force between the corruption of discordant reality and the synchronized vibration of the Living Hologram of the New Earth. The old holographic Earth no longer exists. It has already collapsed but the energy and velocity of those patterns of discordant, fragmented holographic experiences are still able to generate disruptive forces and, by doing so, the stability of the Living Hologram is adversely affected.
The guidance of peace are the sources. The Shambhala portals, Lemurian Light Gates, are the sources through which the vibrancy of totality flows, restoring the vital energetic of time. The Old World has collapsed. It is a memory and, as all memories are, it generates energy which must now be resolved, as in the transmission yesterday, with the restoration of the fractures in the parallel time continuum.
The perception with which you remember the past has relevance to the capacity for the evolving now and the manifestation of future experience. That is why resolution of emotional cataclysm and suffering actually proves a template for the emergence of the Infinite Reality from the distortions of fractured fields through which the psyche dictates reality, through hopelessness and despair.
This spirit has been like a current and a force beneath the appearance of reality, a current that is powerful energetic continuum that actually justifies wrong doing and imbalance, justifies rationalization around thoughts that are not life giving, justifies greed and the other emotions of the desperate world which is hopelessness.
This now is an open field and, for the sake of the ultimate emergence of a new reality, the energies generated from these thought forms must be transmuted with the same vibration that Mary Magdalene channeled through her from the God Source to restore the Osirian Prince, for the resurrection of Jeshua, Isah, Yahweh ben Joseph.
Now is the time, the Time of Times, when your focus may be fertile, not futile, when your focus is applied. As you focus on resolution of duality, that focus must be manifest in tolerance, grace and compassion.
But you must be strong and surrender simultaneously. The Time of Times is at hand. The strength of your faith is the fiber of consciousness that creates a bridge to transcend the actual energies of Armageddon that demand expression. You agreed to be the bridge.
I can hear that sound of the universe. The pain is leaving my head.
A bridge must be constructed of enduring materials that weather the storm and provide the strength for safe passage. This is not a test of faith, for you have the faith or you wouldn't be having the feeling. It was the deep work of alchemy in which, through your personal experience, your consciousness bridges your reality and the powerful energies that would sweep away your world with massive earth changes.
When you put things in that perspective, there is pertinent relevance to micro cosmic experience as you engage in the velocity of energy from discordant realities that now demands your focus. Through grace, it is possible to bridge the realities.
The Harmonics of Union are the vibration of the Divine marriage, that through the love which you have in your soul, you may reach through the veil and touch the despair and not become the despair. But fully feel it and allow it to flow through you. You are the light. You are the ones who have agreed to be the light bearers. You are the ones who have agreed to see a greater reality and to engage with the elemental forces of Creation birthing the New Earth.
The bridge is strong enough to bring the worlds together again. The great architects of the past built this bridge. You all built this bridge in past lives. You all built this bridge with the dedication to the Way and now you must be the bridge, the Way Showers. You must be able to cross over in an open field of creative resolution of the despair of the dying world that is generated from the mental hologram of the suffering of the past.
(I lost consciousness. My mind blanked out. Just a second. It is like somebody turned off a switch for a second and then )
The linear intelligence of the new paradigm calculates risk and manipulates outcomes for desired results. The consciousness of the New Earth is Grace, a state of full co creation and cooperation, energetically from the consciousness of the soul, which then becomes action in the mind, action in the body, and purposeful, free of worry, inspirational, life patterns.
There are only a few days left now for the bridge of time to be complete and to fully anchor the psychic forces of the emotional continuum of human experience, fully anchor those energies that demand resolution. Fully anchor those energies in the Infinite Now and feed them with the life force energy of grace that they may be the bridge and cross the bridge into a new reality that is waiting.
For those of you who are in nirvana, do not judge the ones who are bridging Armageddon. Offer them encouragement. They are doing the real soul work of bridging the realities. They are not less evolved because they have made this agreement with God. They are strong of soul because they are capable of going the distance and not losing faith. Pure love is what strengthens them. Do not withhold your love. Lavish it upon those who are bridging the dimensions of Armageddon and the conception of the New Earth. Be generous with your loving of them and the evidence of grace shall abound and be the fiber of light woven through the infra structures of the architecture of the world bridge. Embrace your friends with light and regardless of what place on the bridge they are on.
There are those who will act out of extreme discordant reality. Allow the universe to simply resolve the field. It is not by your doing that change will happen. It is by the dynamics of the energetic of the emerging world and the journey must be made on a personal level.
There is nothing to fear. You are of the lion, the Lion of Judah. Therein is the truth and the light and the way. (I lost consciousness again, not totally I just couldn't track)
S. That's OK it is coming through beautifully. So clear.
J. There are those who have prepared with food stuff, preparing for this shift, thinking that they can prepare their physical safety. But the preparation that is needed is through the heart. And there is no amount of stock piling of goods that will serve this journey. You will have to leave it behind. You will have to leave it behind. Because the thought must be the food of the spirit, not the food of the body. And you have prepared in many lifetimes for the feeding of the spiritual truth and the feeding of love. And those who have stockpiled material goods, cannot carry them across this bridge. They must go light handed. The faith is your food. See the light and be the light and the impossible journey becomes the quest of the soul that strengthens the fiber of human existence.
You are willing to make the journey and that is why you are on the bridge. You promised yourself that when the Time of Times came, you would have the faith to make the journey and you do. And the worldly things cannot provide you with what you need to make this journey.
Lift up your hearts and look at the Morning Star. She is showing you the promise of the return of all that is beautiful. Put your eyes on the Morning Star, she will guide you across the bridge. Look to those companions that are living in nirvana already. It is you that you see across the bridge. You are the One. You are the One. You are the companion of faith. You are there and you are here but you can no longer live in the past. That world no longer exists. Yet build this bridge well for you knew long ago the profound architecture of spiritual principles would be the strength underneath you feet for the bridging of the worlds.
Now is the Time of Times. Embraced by the light, thou art. Loved by the forces of the currents of Creation, you are simply allowed to be and you will know the synchronization of serendipitous moments that guides those that you left on the way. You will see that there is no darkness now. You will see all that you need to see and, as you cross this bridge, you leave behind an attachment to material security. When you are able to really, really leave behind the attachment to the material security of the past, you will find your feet walk in the Garden of Light and all of the gifts will flow around you, be given to you and you will generously give these gifts to others. This is the promise of the Garden and it is manifest in Creation. It is already manifest in Creation. But your soul must be the One to make the journey to the Garden as it is the sovereignty of each soul on this planet and the timing, the timing. We cannot chose who crosses and who is not ready to cross and who is waiting on the other side. You can only focus on your own personal journey and allow love to flow, endlessly, infinitely, to the souls that are making the journey and doubt the life eternal. It is that personal.
Thus, peace shall reign when you illuminate that peace and feed yourself with the faith of it. It is all that is required.
Be encouraged, for this is the Revelation of the Living Word. It is spoken from the Source of Infinite Wisdom, communicated through the vibration of the Omni Mind of the Infinite Oneness. And thus the Gift is the fiber of light that strengthens the architecture of the bridge. Receive this message in your heart and, if you feel inspired, it is simply because the light is within and you are alive, awake and aware of the greater reality.
Dawn comes now. All was dark when this message began and the dawn has come. Celebrate this day for it is a Gift of Life.
So be and so it is.