December 25, 2011
Christmas Day Solar Flare and CME
by Galactic Love Reporter Mitch Battros ~ Earth Changes Media
An M-class flare fired off from the Sun earlier today registering a M4 from sunspot region 1387. A double halo CME was reported by SDO and is Earth directed.
We should experience the effects of this event within 72 hours. It has been quiet over the last two weeks, but winter storms in the northern hemisphere may escalate as a result of today's event.
In viewing the farside (backside) of the Sun, we can see several sunspot regions will be rotating around the western limb over the next five days. As viewed in the above graphic, you can see poised to produce moderate to large activity.
Fireball Captures Attention of Hundreds of Sky Watchers
Several European news agencies from Germany, Holland, France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, and the Czech Republic are reporting a large fireball streaked the sky on Christmas Eve December 24th.
A spokesperson for the German Aerospace Center, the country's national aerospace research institute, told a local newspaper that the celestial phenomenon was "99.9 per cent" certainly a meteor.
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However, officials from the Royal Observatory of Belgium disagreed, saying Sunday in a statement on its website that the streak of light was from the atmospheric re-entry of the final stage of a Soyuz rocket that launched on Wednesday and delivered three astronauts to the International Space Station two days later.
A Holiday Message From
ECMs Mitch Battros
Holiday's make for a perfect setting to learn, discuss, ponder and prepare with family, co-workers, and friends. And believe me - there is no better time than this year to share and reflect upon what science has given us just within the last 18 months. I would say we are on the verge of taking giant leap in our knowledge our Earth, Sun, Galaxy, and Self.
I would compare this leap of advancement to that of 1985-90 and the implantation of computers. From cell phones to desktops - it was a leap that changed the world forever. I would say this year and the ones to follow, will make a leap with even greater depth as we are on the cusp of learning to "implement" what the world of science recently discovered, and what our ancient ancestors had already known, and passed down to us in various forms of ancient text.
With ego set aside (mostly) ECM has been acknowledged as the No.1 news source for Space Weather, Earth Science, and Ancient Text. Early on beginning in 1995, a moment of clarity fell upon me. It was a vision, voice, message, nudge or however one describes a word such as "clarity" or "epiphany". ECM is unique in that we have an equal footing in both science and ancient text.
It was indeed a treacheries road to follow knowing that veering off ever-so-slightly in one direction or the other would could put my credibility at risking and shutting doors to priceless information. Having so far survived the minefield, the information I am able to bring to you comes far in advance from general or public announcements. Being allowed to walk the halls of NASA, NOAA, ESA etc. along with my humble gratitude to participate in sacred ceremonies with Mayan, Hopi, Native American, and Sufi tribes, allows me to share with you first hand empirical knowledge from both the old world (ancient tribes) and the new world (modern science).
The transition has begun, and I believe Earth Changes Media is the first to discover and explain how it will happen using both the language of science and ancient text. Your involvement with ECM allows me to continue bringing you the most important information and breaking events of a fast moving, rapidly changing world from both inside (self) and outside (earth changing events).