~On the Cusp of 2011~2012~
~Galactic Love Reporter Denise Lefay~
In the beginning of the physical biological Ascension years (1998–1999 on) I felt solar flares, CME’s, solar storms or any solar activities in my body in these ways:
- severs chills like when you have a fever
- ascension flu caused by higher frequency Light energies coming into contact with dense lower frequencies in our bodies
- body and bone aches
- sudden severe stabbing ice pick-like pains in bones and joints
- extreme inner cold all over or in specific spots on my body usually around a chakra on the front of my body
- weakness, fatigue, exhaustion but inability to sleep or rest and recuperate
- mind races non-stop despite physical and emotional exhaustion
- vision changes, seeing new colors, seeing energies and vortexes etc., dry eyes, eye fatigue and blurriness
- hearing non-physical sounds, inner ear humming, ringing, buzzing
- increasing pressures in head and skull
- evolutionary changes in the Pineal and Pituitary glands and their corresponding chakras
During 2011 I’ve felt these higher frequency solar energies in my body in these ways:
- sudden intense inner cold that can last for a few minutes or hours
- sudden chills across my skin and/or scalp
- occasional mild body and/or bone and joint aches
- much stronger pressures and pain (that moves around) inside my head, brain, skull, sinuses and eyes expanding out in all directions
- much stronger changes in the Pituitary and Pineal glands and corresponding chakras
- feeling pristine stellar-like energies becoming the new 5D solar/stellar energies of the new ascended Earth
- increasing heart-centered Unity or High Heart Consciousness
- awareness that old linear time space borders are disappearing and border-less, timeless, quantum consciousness is growing
- increasing knowing of oneself as a real aspect of Source/All That Is and starting to function and create from this growing sense of self/Self
Because the Starseeds/Lightworkers have been physically transmuting lower frequency energies to be able to embody and anchor higher frequency energies since 1998–1999, the solar energies don’t affect us or our bodies in the same ways they did ten, eleven or twelve years ago. Thank goodness because it was brutal and profoundly painful and difficult back then. We’ve got to remember that 2012 is the final year of this difficult twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process and everything is happening astonishingly fast now and 2012 will unfold even faster which I think we’ll be grateful for. I’d rather feel like compressed and electrified crap for a final short blast compared to the endless slow motion 24/7/365 minute-by-minute torture that life and reality has been for me since the start of 1999!
I read recently that 2012 and 2013 are the peak years of a solar maximum cycle. Because we’ve completed the past Evolutionary Cycle (as represented by the Mayan calendar) and are now in a compressed completion period—October 28, 2011 through the end of 2012—I sense the 2012 solar energy transmissions may affect everyone (plus many man-made objects…like those orbiting Earth) in a more accelerate and intense way than they have previously. The more higher frequency Light energies that arrive the more the masses (and everything else) will be affected, and as we’ve already seen in many cases, not always in the best of ways. Some people who’ve not done any inner transformational work cannot tolerate such high frequency cosmic and galactic Light energies (many transmitted to us and Earth through our Sun) coming into contact with their physical bodies, energy bodies, and minds. These higher frequency cosmic/solar energies shine an intense spotlight on their (everyone’s) inner emotional energies and issues, polarized consciousness, and distorted Emotional and Mental Bodies.
Some people will choose to leave their physical bodies during this last year (2012) of the twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process (1987–2012), while others will have accelerated symptoms from these accelerated ascension related energies and internal and external changes. In many ways I sense 2012 will be for our Mental Bodies what 2011 was for our Emotional Bodies! A lot of inner Mental Body house cleaning of old patriarchal beliefs and belief systems (and you know what all that covers!) will transpire during 2012. However, at this point we’re already well aware of how easy it is to let go of whatever it is in us that needs to go, so keep that in mind and heart if/when you need to release more old world 3D polarized patriarchal beliefs no matter what they are.
I’m going to end this with a short quote from Barbara Hand Clow’s book Awakening The Planetary Mind (2011 second edition of what had originally been titled Catastrophobia), plus a couple random quotes from Barbara Marciniak’s channeled Pleiadians Fall Equinox 2011 issue of The Pleiadian TIMES.
http://www.pleiadians.com/ptimes.html Marciniak’s P’s have always used the term “the nanosecond” to describe the Ascension Process years from 1987 through the end of 2012, so the term “nano” and/or “nanosecond” is referring to those intense, important years.
From Barbara Hand Clow:
“Our solar system is moving out of the Orion Arm into a dark region of the Milky Way galaxy; Earth is precessing out of the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius as Earth’s North Celestial Pole moves to the star Polaris; and the intersection of the plane of our solar system and the plane of our galaxy is in conjunction with the winter solstice sun. During the 26,000-year-long precessional cycle, called the Great Year by the Greeks, this intersection line—the galactic axis—is closely aspected by the winter solstice sun for twenty-five years, from 1987 to 2012. This galactic alignment—the Galactic Winter Solstice—occurs when we enter the Age of Aquarius and the prophetic Mayan Calendar ends. This heralds the transfiguration of our species.
“This Galactic Winter Solstice can be thought of as a stellar mystery play: The curtain rose on Harmonic Convergence on August 16/17, 1987, an Earth celebration when millions of people meditated at sacred sites all over the world. The final act is during 2011/2012, the mysterious end date of the Mayan Calendar. Approaching 2012, it’s as if there is a strange time-attractor in the sky. We feel this pull instinctively, as if we are caterpillars undergoing metamorphosis and becoming butterflies; we are time-coded by evolution to change into new forms…”
And this from Barbara Marciniak and her channeled P’s:
“As the end of the nanosecond draws near, this final stage can best be described as a great reckoning, a period filled with dense concentrations of super-rapid accelerated energy that expand and magnify your energy fields; a time of sorting and rearranging of values, with higher order and purpose; and of settling the accounts regarding the collective and individual use and misuse of energy..”
“The time of transition demands the necessity of a new awareness…”
“You are on the approach to a solar maximum cycle that will peak in 2012 and 2013. On both the approach and decline of this cycle, very intense energies can trigger volatility; people tend to be more stirred up and aggressive at these times, for whatever is brewing inside is magnified and released as they play out their karmic stories. Those clearly focused on new awareness will readily experience a heightening of the psychic senses. The Sun is the initiating force at the end of the nano, playing a pivotal role in the alteration of your perceptions…”
“The Sun and the solar max cycle will transmit specific energy frequencies to initiate humanity into higher states of consciousness…”
“Being that the nanosecond is all about the growth of consciousness, the final homestretch may at times be the most difficult part. If the nano were a marathon, this is almost the final mile, where both physical exhaustion and waves of super-exhilaration vie for attention…”
Sitting at the completion of 2011 and the beginning of 2012 is a powerful and important point within the overall twenty-five yearlong Ascension Process with its twenty-five winter solstice conjunctions within the “nanosecond” or “Galactic Winter Solstice”. Only one short remaining year left within this Ascension Process and grand transition then Earth and her inhabitants will fully enter a new Evolutionary Cycle and level of ongoing spiritual creativity and learning. Exhausted yes, but how exciting to have played a part in such an amazing and important transition.
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December 26, 2011
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