~ Galactic Love Reporter~Veronica O’Grady~
Shred off all of your identities…
Let go of all your self-imposed self-righteousnesses
Peel off all of your barriers to feeling deeper Love inside of you.
Strengthen your memory of our connection as souls on a journey.
Practice Shining * from within, quietly, shimmering, Being that Hope,
That Light…”Light up the Darkness” (Bob Marley)
Melt into the New Creation
Allow the collapse of shadows
Lift the Knowing up out of it that is Whole, Pure and True.
Help each other. Total strangers and friends alike.
Know that deep down under all the planned chaos to keep us apart and
Angry at each other, we are Not separate, nor angry at each other but
At what we’ve allowed our ‘leaders’ to do.
The economy is not the fault of a political party…it’s the result of poor leadership
In all the arenas of our societies. Like spoiled children, Shadow Leaders have held sway over Our true freedoms for a long time.
That time has ended.
Light is emerging in a way not likely seen before on this planet.
Shining, we become soft lasers that pierce the lies, shadows and deceptions
With Heart of Creation energy…Love.
Not the fluffy kind that is willowy soft and can be swayed,
but the sturdy kind of Love that is Total, Wise, Embracing, Boundary setting and Connected.
Remembering we are Connected and that it is time to Know our selves in a time when we know nothing more for certain…know your self. Know each other and cherish the gifts each of us brings to this new Creation.
Arm in arm, we All go forward Together.
And so it is and so it shall be for all of us. One way or another, we will eventually remember this. Starting now…may the unfolding be sweet, the miracles be plenty and the Magic be dancing in our shimmering hearts, even when we forget its there.
Breathe Deeply my friends…our journey has just begun!
In Peace & Magic,
~Veronica O’Grady