~Merry Christmas 2011 ~ We are finally at the End of the Great Awakening~
~Galactic Love Reporter Bill Ballard~
Merry Christmas 2011 to ALL Humanity!
WE as humanity have now reached the time in our history known as the “End of the Great Awakening”. This is the Closing of the 11:11 Doorway, which was opened almost 20 years ago, on January 11, 1992. The Great Awakening has been a 25 year period which started with the Harmonic Convergence, August 16 & 17, 1987. WE are now in the final weeks and are watching as the world finally wakes to the reality of the domination which a few persons have conspired to inflict control, dominating humanity and humanities physical frequencies. The design is to keep humanity in the lower dimensions, thereby enslaving those of Earth… This has been part of the Divine Plan for Earth and it is almost over.
2011 has been a most remarkable year. To those who are awake and paying attention, we have witnessed energy shifts increase, lead to this Great Awakening of Humanity we are presently witnessing. All of this is about vibration and frequency. The raising of one’s frequency and vibration is what raises ones consciousness and understandings! It is the key to higher learning and dimensional awareness.
The game that the Illuminati has promoted by consumerism was the intentional lowering of the frequencies of humanity keeping them concerned with the exterior illusion rather than the interior reality. This is also a conspiracy to eliminate so much of the populations of the planet by 95%. It is also designed to keep in check those who would remain, dominating them into service for the few elite in control… 2011 has exposed this by the efforts of those who are of higher vibrations and whose missions of incarnation at this time was to expose the truth. This is the truth of the great illusion we call the collective manifestation as well as the truth that we each create our lives by our focus and the thoughts and emotions (power) we put into it. This IS the game we have played during our Earthly incarnations for the learning experiences needed to feed our souls and ultimately the mind of God. WE are actors on the stage of a great play.
The Great Awakening we are now experiencing is the realization of individuals that they are more than this physical body. Truly we are GREAT SPIRITS having human incarnation experiences. This illusion we experience as life, both on an individual level as well as the collective of humanity, is indeed nothing more than an illusion we create by ourselves or as a collective. The awakening is the realization of this illusion and the taking back of one’s personal powers knowingly becoming the Sons and Daughters of God we truly are. This Awakening the Illuminati has tried to keep in check and not allowed to happen. Now it is too late as so many people realize the game and Ascension (raising vibrations or expansion of consciousness) on individual levels is indeed now occurring for tens of millions of humanity.
GMO foods, Chemtrails, and HAARP as used in tectonic warfare or weather manipulations creating too much rain or drought, and then resulting in food shortages, as well as intentional use of HAARP frequencies to lower the vibration of populations, HAARP man-made earthquakes along with weather manipulation are all for attacking populations and are various forms of warfare unseen by asleep humanity. Other things that lower vibrations are vaccinations, water fluoridation, psychotropic drugs, Television, radio distractions, lower vibrations as well as the mass control of religious populations and manipulates and lowers individual’s spiritual development keeping them from the truth of what’s occurred. Also in what is going on is the control and manipulations of global monetary systems, destructions of Mother Earth and her resources, chemical poisons and fertilizers, the intentional poisoning of the Worlds water systems both freshwater and oceans. The Government and EPA is allowing fracking for natural gas which intentionally poisons aquifers and creates man made Earthquakes. We have corporations controlling our government, the elites owning and manipulations of news and education systems and now the attempted control of the Internet. We see wars financed by the banksters, creating both the warfare and the military complex designed to make a few persons rich and siphon money from a public in fear. WE have watched as the Bill of Rights has been destroyed. Consumerism is rampant and the God of many. Oil and fossil fuels as energy is continuing to be subsidized while we watch a subverting of new working clean energy technology. This year we have seen direct attacks of those exposing the systems, and the newest being cyber warfare since so many persons have awakened. They cannot pick up and kill all those who have awakened. For me personally as I scanned my computer yesterday I had 6570 virus attacks since this laptop was purchased in July of 2011… NO KIDDING! WE have ALL played a part in allowing the dark’s manipulation and control of our global society… 2011 has exposed so much of this as humanity awakens and participates in the coming shift.
2011 has seen the individuals who were preciously telling these stories while working alone finally come together by use of the Internet, to join in exposing the truth of what humanity is going through and who we HUMANS really are! Who we really are and the power we truly have individually is the greatest of all these secrets of the Great Awakening. This secret is the reason the ones called the dark side want to keep you dumbed down, not knowing who YOU ARE! See, IF YOU KNOW who you are and the power you have, then the control and manipulation the Dark side has imposed or another individual corded you with to steal your energy and power, is lost. They cannot continue to be spiritual vampires form that point on when you take back your power. People on Earth are at various stages of awakening now, and truly, the journey all the way back to source is a constant revelation of further and greater awakening and expansion of consciousness and vibrational frequency increases. That is the game.
This Great Awakening has been the beginning of the process of ascension for humanity. Ascension can be also be termed the Rapture or En-Lighten-ment. Ascension has so many meanings and so it is different at various times in each individuals awareness and level of consciousness… WE are ever ascending as we return to source or God via our higher selves. This time in Universal History and what makes this time so special is it signifies the beginning of the “In breath of God.” Is not just Earth or Humanity, but rather The WHOLE UNIVERSE IS ASCENDING! But with that being said, so many persons do not seem to understand what life and Earth School is about. That is a very complex subject and itself is in a constant state of increasing understanding. Here you find my own understandings as my Higher Self has shown me.
First we must understand that Earth School and your series of lives here is literally that, a schooling on Earth. But what is it for? The universe we live in, as each universe is, is an expression of the God who created it, trying to realize itself by experiencing all that it can be experienced within that defined realm of existence. All things are of Vibration termed Holy Spirit. All Vibration is consciousness expressing itself and working together with other vibrations, but having experience of what it is. Together all is experiencing all there is of what we term God. With those experiences we are feeding the Mind of God, which when we really get it, we can tap into all the experiences that are learned by others which is found in the Akashic Records.
WE who know we are doing this, awake and aware of what we are doing are the explorers of consciousness. WE are exploring the “almost” unlimited levels of that which is in our universe created by ourselves individually or as in the Greater Earth, jointly as a collective experience. This is the description as I presently am told and comprehend with my current level of vibration and dimensional awareness. Everything that vibrates all the way down to subatomic particles is of conscious awareness of itself… The Laws of Quantum Physics are the outline of the perimeters of that subject of the real world created by our thoughts and emotions. It states why thought or consciousness creates our reality. The world of reality being created by our thought is different from those laws that are defined in the Illusion… The movie The Matrix is a wonderful example of that which we are finding is truth… not so much the illusion. What we thought was reality and what we thought was illusion are switching places at this time.
WE as individuals and by our thought and emotions create the situations in our existence we call life. Quite literally and in accordance with the Law of Attraction you can witness these happen… If you recognize you are creating this your reality, you then can literally control your life and those things that manifest in it and in the most benevolent ways. Your realization of these powers you have brings you on to the path of ascended mastery, or mastery of life ascending back to source. It is your Holy Connection. WE all are on that path of mastery whether you realize it and acknowledge it or not. To ascend to the highest levels all you have to do is follow your life cord back home. Minding what you think feel, and how you put your focused thought, intent and emotional power into the illusion, is what controls the experience you have in life. Ascension is the process of following that life cord, silver cord, ascension column or Antakarana (all the same thing) back home to source. WE ascend in reverse of the way we descended, but having new experiences that are so much grander and with greater appreciation because of what we learned in duality and the worlds of lower density.
I have said many times that descention/ascension is like going spelunking into a cave. You do not know the cave when you enter into its depths of density. The Divine Plan is to explore it to the bottom or end of each tunnel or passage. Before you descend you choose to put a string fastened to the outside of that cave as you enter… This is your life cord which is connected to Creator or the highest level of who you/we are in the true ONENESS, to where we eventually return. Each of us has this cord and many persons doing astral projection, or in near death experiences describe seeing the cord as they leave body. Exploration of the “whole cave” or all the experiences is what we came to Earth School to do. But that does not end with the lower vibrational experiences. WE each in our Earth School experience of all our different lives, which is to explore all the tunnels and the whole of that cave, in all the experiences of each of our incarnations… I do what all I can do in so many incarnations, but what I don’t do in my experiences, others will do. When you know that cave (all experiences of lower dimensions) in it’s entirety, it’s then time to move to another experience. But you must ascend from the depths of the dense and dark areas you have found your way too.
So what do you do? You follow that Antakarana or Life Cord, Ascension column back up the same way you came down… Because you had reached the farthest separation of who you truly were, which is the smallest of the small, and fully experienced the individual consciousness, or Ego, you completed that mission that took you farthest from source. Most persons don’t realize what that mission means… Some ancient texts do reveal it. But in reality you also have ALL this information encoded inside you, locked into your DNA. You can look inside or, see if the old texts and new channelings resonate as truth for you. Meditate and you can find it… BTW… Praying is the art of speaking to God and the source field… Meditation is the opposite or listening to God… There is an art to hear what you are being told!
In one way, the “Creator” rather than being an individual entity is the collective consciousness of all of the Holy Spirit or the individual fragments of consciousness there is within this particular universe, and in all its dimensions and parallel realities. There again we are all fragments of the Great Creator, and together we make the whole. Creator is ALL THAT IS, including that which we term us… We are all individualized fragments of that whole, being the collective consciousness which is individually experiencing life, and through which in turn feeds the Mind of God, or ALL THAT IS. Experiencing all that can be experienced, in all the various dimensions, is what our mission of life incarnations of individual fragments of consciousness is all about. We are to master each of these incarnations learning from them, and exploring all the different lower dimensional parts of that “cave” we dropped into. When the time is done and we have experienced as much as we can, it is time to ascend back to the higher realms. Earth School and the lower vibrational dimensions has taught us all we can learn from these lower dimensional experiences. It is time to go back home! Ascension!
Earth School is a way of working together in this collective experience via karma and multiple lifetimes. WE are to experience all that we can in these lower dimensions for soul growth. WE will eventually become the creator ourselves and many already are experiencing this as we complete our time here and now. Every so often there is a graduation period, usually at the end of the astrological cycles, when energy is highest, like as we align with the Galactic Center as right now, where souls who have learned all they can will choose to move back out of duality and the lower vibrational experiences where Light and Dark rule and back into their higher powers… This is what this present time in Earth history is about. But there is even more than that too. You see the WHOLE UNIVERSE is ascending. Actually the universe as well as Earth has been working towards this ascension for a long time. Earth is the center of focus for what is going on in the universal level at this time.
On Earth at this time and throughout this past cycle that began with the Fall of Atlantis, there have been representatives of other civilizations from around the universe incarnating here. These beings, not necessarily human but are at this time, are the ambassadors sent to experience Earth School by their civilizations. Through their eyes and experiences those civilizations watch and see gaining experience the lower dimensional vibrations through their chosen representative. It is like putting a camera on a spelunker’s hard hat so that those who remain outside of that cave and depths of those lower densities can also see what goes on in real time as the “cave” is being explored or life in duality is being lived. Only so many persons can go into the cave at one time. This is just as only so many individuals can be on Earth or be in the lower densities of Earth School at one time. With that understanding you can see that much of the universe is witnessing what is occurring here at this time. We are the universal Main Attraction!
The ambassadors, who were chosen to experience this school, are the strongest of the strong souls from each of these various universal civilizations. You may term them Old Souls. YOU who are reading this, ARE the toughest of the tough, believe it or not. Does Earth school feel tough to you yet?
Why are you here? To explain that, you must understand what’s going on at the Universal level. WE are basically a universe of Light mostly… Duality has not been the norm, and is only in the dimensions below the 4th. Of course it is in all that is separate from source, but we live as individual egos in 3D-4D. Not so in 5D and upwards. There is only a small part of this universe in the lower vibrations and this duality experiment. In the higher dimensions as a civilization of light is returning to Source Creator or finding their way back to source, while ascending a problem was run into… These civilizations found that by being in nothing but light that there is a level where ascension slows and almost stops. You cannot easily go higher… So Divine plan was to drop into the lowest dimensions and experience it for what we could learn.
Why? Because in higher dimensions where all is light and where there has been a lack of negativity, there is no state of conflict resolution which is needed for an individual or collective to make decisions. In the lower dimension were we are, this is the norm… Everything is conflict resolution… EVERYHTING! In the higher dimensions this problem of indecision is because of the lack of negativity or duality. Higher civilizations across the universe reached a level of light where growth stops because it cannot make decisions needed in order to choose what to do. Without making choices, where to you go? You become stagnant or stalemated. Wow… that can be a problem? Well it has been and that IS why we are here.
So the Divine Plan was set forth so that we created a place of duality, and negativity, and Earth school which would become a solution for this problem and was designed to explore and experience negativity, the opposite polarities. Duality was born for solutions rather than just to create vortexes. Yes, Duality is needed to create vortexes and portals. Duality is the theme of this worldly experience, but has not been the greater part of the universal experience. But how now when we are in our smallest individualized components for experiencing this duality and how do we ascend back? WE raise our frequency which in turn activates our DNA and expands our individual consciousness levels!
Ascension in one definition is the process of returning up the life cord, silver cord or Antakarana. We descended to the smallest fragments being our individual personality or who we presently are, was in this manner. Creator or Source, or God created what is known as the Eternals. The Eternals were exact replicas of source or God, that were sent out into the void descending into the universe to experience all that is. There was a limited number of those Eternals. The Eternals in turn created smaller fragments of themselves called Archangels. The Archangels were the first to have different aspects within each, and they were deemed as the overseers of this universe. The Archangels again fragmented into Angels or Angelic Families each with different characteristics or personalities. The Angels again fragmented into Monads or Monadic Families again having the same abilities but having the ability to experience ALL THAT IS differently… The Monads fragmented even smaller into Soul groups, or Soul Families. There are 144 souls in each Soul Family when they divided into individual souls. The souls were the smallest fragments of the ONE, the Same ONE of the creator, but still in a non-polarized state. There is no male/female at the soul level. The souls are still in a state of wholeness. So as we descended we needed to divide again into two polar opposites, the dual natures, or what is known as the Twin Flames. This had to be done before any lower dimensional Earth incarnation.
Earth was created as a school of duality to experience various levels of negativity, as an experiment to determine what level of negativity can be used in the higher dimensions for conflict resolution… This is a must needed by the upper realms to find their way back home in the expression of this universe we live in… Conflict resolution requires a part of duality to be able to make decisions… Without the dark, how do you know it is light? Without a left, what way is right? Do you see? Mastering conflict resolution IS what we do each and every day here in our lives on Earth School… To be here and survive this school at this time, takes the bravest of the brave, strongest of the strong to volunteer for such a mission… Earth School is NOT easy as you probably have seen in your lives.
So in the Duality of Earth School as well as any of the other 3-4th dimensional realms, the soul still in ONENESS must again fragment into two equal but opposite polarities, known as your Twin Soul. Twins are the reflection of each other but in an opposite polarity. They can either be reflections or polar opposites depending on the experience each of the individual fragments choose for soul growth and experience. The twins when in a state of reflection, IS divine perfection and a VERY magical experience. (THAT IS “IF” THEY FIND THEMSELVES INCARNATE ON EARTH AT THE SAME TIME). Not all twin souls, or twin flames have the great experience of finding each other while in incarnation. But for those that do, when it is a reflection of each other it is a magical experience beyond belief.
But this lasts only if the twins are individually choosing ascension on the same path. Only when it is together and at the same time can their vibrations attune and except each other. Just as with anything that manifests within your field, what remains in your field comfortably must be a matching vibration called forth for your learning experience. Otherwise it will feel out of tune… To continue to stay together during the ascension process, the twins must be ascending at the same rate of consciousness expansion, or vibrational frequency increase…
If they are not increasing vibrations at the same level then one of the twin flames or even both become an activator for the other. This situation is occurring with many twin flames on Earth who are choosing different paths. Sooner or later, the twins must meet again either on Earth or in the higher dimensional levels and will begin the process of remerging. This must occur at some point in history in their ascension process… Eventually WE ALL WILL REJOIN AND MERGE WITH EACH OTHER! Each and every consciousness will eventually come back into the one we came from. WE all came from the same source and in the ascension process will eventually remerge our essences of that we presently term as our individual states of consciousness.
By this I mean that the Twin Flames shall sooner or later merge back into one being, completing the soul. Then the 144 Souls of the Soul Family or Soul Group will merge into one. All soul families will merge back to the Monad, and then to the monadic family, back into the angels (which we all are anyway. I have always known I AM an incarnate Angel). The angels will merge back into the Archangels and then into the Eternals and then back to Creator or Source… You are only following your life cord back home… up the Ascension Column ascending the path that was descended.
So we came here to Earth School to experience Duality. Part of the mission was to find the proper level of negativity for ascension through the higher dimensional levels of Light. We needed to do this for ascension of the collective but how was that done? Here is my understanding of the history of that.
Many persons have heard of the Battles of Light and Dark. Much information has told the story of these battles and star wars within the constellation of Orion. Orion was where this battle began but the battle was designed with what I have shown is a necessary reason for experiencing duality with the purpose of ascension back to source in the mind of the collective… In the Light and Dark battles of Orion we began our first experiments using negativity and continuously were finding ourselves destroying whatever planets we were inhabiting, blowing them up. WE would play the game we thought was real, die and rebirth again, continuing the ongoing experiment. It was decided that this much negativity needed for this experiment must continue but it must be done under quarantine. The effects of destroying planets and unleashing such negativity had an adverse on the rest of the universe… To understand this, you must understand that in a hologram when a part changes, it effects and changes the whole. This occurs also in your own life and that which is created in your own life via your focused thought and emotions. You DO create that which you experience in your own life. You ARE responsible for that you create, as NO ONE is a victim or does these things to you… You allow it for your own experience.
As we were raising our levels of consciousness each time in our different experiences of duality on other worlds, we would always develop technologies which would end up being used in this battle of duality between Light and Dark. This is much like our invention of atomic weapons or HAARP in todays civilization. Check out the Vedas they tell of stories of nuclear warfare. Enriched Uranium rods are being found fused together in Africa, more than 100,000 years old… That does not happen naturally. Look at the Aztec gold space shuttle and on and on.. Proof is there. More often than not we would blow up the planets we were living on, or even whole star systems with these weapons we had developed, and the shockwaves would effect other star systems outside of that of OUR experiment. So it was recognized that an area which could be contained instead of a whole constellation would be necessary to continue these experiments in duality. Our solar system was far enough away from other star systems to fit the bill. WE are on the edge of the Galaxy, and Earth agreed to allow this. Earth IS a living being en-souled by Sanat Kumara.
It would do well here and now to tell how negativity came into this universe in the first place, into our universe which is primarily of light… There was a group of Inter Universal travelers that created a vortex or a wormhole through which exploration of great distances can be made in much less time. But they did not know the other end. They came into this universe we live in. Now this gets tricky because there are different Gods or Creators of different universes. Each of these universes are created by creators with different rules and no two are exactly alike… Much as you are the creator of your own body and I am of mine. See, there are some 90 Trillion Atoms within each cell of your body. Each could be a different star system and may even be inhabited on the smaller levels repeating the cycle described herein. There are roughly about 90 Trillion Cells within your body, times 90 trillion atoms within each cell… Think about what Science now states about the number of stars within our universe… It is about the same See any similarities in this Mandelbrot? A Mandelbrot is the name for the repeating hologram. It is a hologram within the hologram in which as one thing changes, the hologram changes as a hologram does, down to every smallest detail… Looking into it, it continues on forever, as we are an atom within a cell of creators body, so an atom within our cell may contain a whole universe going on and on throughout eternity. WOW… What a concept!
So in our life experience, we each are discovering ourselves. On the larger level, the creator of this universe we are within is also trying to understand itself, via consciousness and our life experiences… How can you do that if you are of all light? Without dark you cannot recognize the light… Limits will be hit and a new way of being must be made. So, from alternate Universes, beings of negativity came into ours through wormholes or vortexes created much like ones we go through as we individuals ascend in our own consciousness… Kind of like what you experience via astral projection.
These beings, maybe on some higher plan entered our universe but their energies and vibrations did not match our universe… Maybe it is a twin universe they came from like a parallel where it is mostly of negative energies rather than it is in our universe where we naturally consist of light. It in theory would have to exist to make balance of a universe of light… or at least in the rules of existence of balance we presently understand in this lower dimensional awareness while in duality. That does not make it so, even though whatever we can think of actually exists somewhere… Otherwise we could not think of it.
These beings came through the wormhole/portal/vortex they created and found themselves in an area of Orion. This was before the battles of Light and Dark began… This was the necessary component for that experiment. These negative frequencies were so different from the vibrations of this universe that it was both a shock for the newcomers as well as those from this universe who were working on ascension back to source. AS I said before those in the higher levels were hitting a ceiling on their ascension process. They were having a difficult time in choosing how to continue without conflict resolution, because there was no negativity. So, these negative beings I guess you can say were a God send… hmm. That’s my best way of explaining this.
These negative beings were allows sovereign space to live in the constellation of Orion, near Sirius. The term the negative Sirians come from this. As the Council of Elohim and (the Elohim being the higher level creators of the illusion) were pondering the possible potentials of these negative beings, it was realized that they may have a key to the universal ascension process and returning to Source. So a plan was devised where volunteer souls were needed to play a game of duality. Calls were sent out throughout the universe for souls to come join in this experiment. The experiment held the intention of seeing if by incorporating an unknown portion of negativity into civilizations of light may help them ascend to the next higher levels, and even more quickly. These volunteer souls would need to be the strongest that each civilization they represent had to offer. They became the ambassadors who would after Orion would later attend Earth School completing the Divine Mission… But the games and the battles which would start these experiments began in the constellation of Orion. In upper Orion those playing the side of the Light gathered and in the South, it was controlled by those anchoring the Dark energies. The Belt of Orion was the Zone of Overlap. It marked the zone where these varying energies mixed.
In taking a step further back to explain how the negativity was brought into play, the Elohim who created this experiment worked through those original negative inter universal travelers. What was done is the volunteer souls were passed through these negative incarnate physical beings (almost like you would consider a multiple personality) so that a portion of this negativity would be ingrained in the souls of those volunteers who passed though those bodies… Then those partially negative souls were to incarnate, carrying a large amount of negativity impressing on those souls. This was done in the beginning in order to play this game of light and dark beginning in Orion… No one knew how much negativity was going to be necessary… It was all an experiment.
Ok… so back to that battle of Light and Dark in Orion… Technology developed as civilizations developed just like anywhere else. They began space travel with technology and then with their weapons they began blowing many planets up in Orion as the war games proceeded. This was occurring in thousands if not millions of years, but that is only the blink of an eye in space time, as you know.
After a long time, too many civilizations were being destroyed and a realization was made that the repercussions to other civilizations not participating in the games of Light and Dark. These changes in the holograms were occurring in other dimensions and in other parts of the universe. This is the same as the Greys aliens here on Earth in the 1940s were upset because our exploding of nuclear weapons here were effecting their planets in the constellation of Orion… IT is a hologram.
So, in time this larger battle of the whole constellation of Orion was decided by the Elohim to be toned down to use of a single Solar System or even a few, instead of playing this game on such a large scale. They chose to do it on the outer edges of the Milky way where effects of blown up planets would be less of a problem. The bottom line of the experiment which were the battles of light and dark was to decide how much negative influence in a defined percentage was necessary for conflict resolution without adversely effecting all of a developed civilization.… AND…. Could those volunteer souls who had accepted the challenge to incorporate the dark into their light while incarnated “find their way back to the light?”
As the experiment moved to a more confined and quarantined area, or into this our present Solar System, we began the experiment on a planet known as Maldek. This planet used to be between Mars and Jupiter and is now where the asteroid belt is. Earth goes through the remnants of this planet each August 11-13 when we have the reoccurring meteor shower each year. Interesting as the Mayan Calendar began August 12, 3113 BC. Maybe the Mayans knew something we have forgotten.
There is a story from the indigenous peoples of the world that we have been in 4 previous worlds in this experiment of duality and now going to the 5th. Each as we increase our frequency and levels of consciousness, because of the negativity we have built weapons and eventually destroyed ourselves… Well, Maldek was first experiment,(but not the first world the indigenous people speak of. That began with Mu) and we blew the entire planet up that time.
From Maldek, the original 144,000 volunteer souls who originally came to Earth came to prepare Earth as a new place for us to continue this experiment. WE are all descendants of those original 144,000 although there are many groups of 144K who change this planet, dedicated to ascension of souls back to source.
So this group of souls from Maldek came to Earth and the Earth was prepared and conditioned to handle those who would continue to incarnate on Earth for this experiment… With new rules because of what all had previously happened with this experiment in negativity, we would be in quarantine here. We would not be allowed to effect the rest of the universe in the ways as previously had happened. Souls here would eventually drop into the lower 3rd dimensional vibrations experiencing the farthest individuality from God or Source. Eventually it was their mission to forget their connection to experience duality and these lower vibrations… This finally occurred at the Fall of Atlantis. As these souls dropped more in vibration even more of the negativity impressed upon their soul and influenced their lives. It is said that negativity levels increased to over 50% at times while this experiment unfolded.
Again, WE did this experiment to experience the separation from Source and who we were, forgetting our true powers and the greatness of our being. WE also did this as an experiment to find if we can get back from those lower densities, ascending up the ladder of vibration finding our way out of the cave so to speak, back to the higher realms of light… But in the Greatest level, we did this to find what the proper level of negativity would be needed in order for the higher civilizations to have conflict resolution…
We, the toughest of the tough souls chose to take on levels of negativity in excess of 50%… WE HAVE DONE THIS! WE HAVE COMPLETED OUR MISSION. Now we are finding our way back out of that cave, ascending back into the LIGHT we truly came from… And we have accomplished the greatest of all missions. WE found that magical combination of light and dark, the percentage necessary for conflict resolution without having such negativity that we need to experience lower vibrations any longer…
So, now it is graduation time. The quarantine is lifting and soon disclosure of our star families will occur.. As of Christmas 2011, that may be weeks away as things are unfolding so very rapidly. It is now time to go back to the higher levels of consciousness from where we came. The magical percentage number that was sought from this experiment was 98% Light and 2% Negativity. With that, the civilizations of Light in the higher realms can have this amount of negativity, the opposite polarity of light introduced in order to make decisions of direction for the furthering of their civilizations…
When those who choose ascension now, at the end of the Great Awakening move to higher states of consciousness, which will occur before January 2016 at the latest, (maybe by the end of 2012 too) does everyone go? No… It is up to each individual. The one thing about this universe and the individual fragments of who we are in this experiment is that we have personal choice to experience as we so choose. You can stay in the crap if you want. You can ascend, if that is what you choose at whatever pace (for now, speed may be more of a requirement at future times) that you desire… As you have incarnations, you are having experiences where you are in the duality learning process, for your soul growth… Everyone on Earth has the choice of Ascension at this time. Everyone knows something is going on here at this time. It’s no secret any longer.
Each individual soul’s experiences feeds the mind of God… or in reality feeds the collective, because we are individual fragments of the same being. Each of us are a part of the other whether you realize it or not.
As Christ said, what you do to the least of me, you do to me… and so it is for each and every one of us… But in recognizing “the least” which is the smallest fragment of vibrating consciousness (Holy Spirit) we recognize at this time which is an Atom and its components… WOW… Think about that… You effect every atom, every mineral, every animal, every planet, every planet with all you do… One drop in the ocean raises the level of the sear. You see what we do, effects the whole hologram. And I mean in saying this, that smallest unit of vibrating consciousness we recognize (right now) being the atom is effecting the whole hologram… This is NOT just our effecting each other human in incarnation… What we do is far greater than that.
So… If your thoughts create your reality, and as quantum physics now shows us that our individual consciousness effects things down to the smallest sub atomic particle, as an atom’s electrons can now be filmed going in and out of our known dimensional existence and possibly leaving into alternate states, either other dimensions or parallel universes, we must come to the realization that our consciousness effects ALL THAT IS! All is part of the hologram, the Mandelbrot. With that, we find the keys to collective ascension. We jointly create our new reality! This next reality/illusion we experience will be one of LOVE!
WE at our very core are individual fragments of creator consciousness. WE are trying to discover ourselves and the meaning of life, not only as individuals but as of the whole and creator too. We do this by our life experiences and all experiences and emotions we have gone through. As we realize that we are creating and changing that hologram we call life, and we alone are responsible for our individual lives, as we as a collective are responsible or the collective experience we share. At this time with so many waking up to who and what we really are, it’s game over for the lower dimensional Earth School we have been incarnating to experience and learn from… We have completed that segment of experience and now it’s time to head back up the vibrational ladder. That brings us back to what 2011 and 2012 are all about.
As the lower energies of Earth were needed for our experiment, and that so many souls are completing the experiences necessary for Earth School, and so many other civilizations of Light throughout the universe and in other dimensions have seen and experienced literally though our eyes and experiences, it’s now time for the next step, which is universal ascension. That’s what is occurring now, EVERYWHERE. Why is global warming going on with every planet in our solar system? Well all planets are increasing in frequency as we near the Galactic Center. It is like boiling water as the frequencies increase. From lower vibrations of ice being dense and solid, we heat up with faster frequencies. The same is going on with expansion and ascension… as water boils it gets faster until it changes form… same is going on across our universe, but is readily visible in our own solar system.
There are scientists recognizing this throughout Earth at this time… All around our solar system and our galaxy scientists are seeing this occur without understanding the spiritual meaning behind these events. All is ascending, and because of our experience here on Earth. This is a natural process!
WE on Earth are coming from the Darkest and most dense vibrations and seemingly at Light speed racing up that ascension ladder… It may not seem like this to you. But note that a hundred years ago we were riding horses and now man made Earth spacecraft are far beyond our solar system. The rest of the universe is here watching us too, both on the spiritual energetic levels as well as in physical levels… WE ARE THE SHOW! WE are the great players in this drama of Ascension on a universal level! Wake up to who you are!
The 25 years of Great Awakening ends this next week, as well as the 20 years of the 11:11 Doorway will close. With this we are seeing an ever rising number of humanity realizing, remembering we/they are truly GREAT spirits having a physical incarnation experience. But most humans as you consider yourselves don’t remember. WE are far more than humans as we think of ourselves anyway. The veil of forgetfulness has been put over each and every one of us, as that is part of the Earth experiment and experience. If you came here knowing who you were and the powers you have, then there would be no game, no experiment, no experience. So the veil was there for a reason. But some of the volunteers did have memories, and encodings the would be unlocked as they increased their physical vibrations or events occurred in the history of Earth.
To complete this cycle and remove the veil (if ascension is what you choose) each and every one of us must begin to raise our physical frequency… NO ONE CAN DO THIS FOR YOU! You don’t have to ascend, but soon, as so many others, as Earths own frequency rises (because of the planetary volunteers, ETs and our solar systems position arriving to the Galactic Center each helping to raise earths frequencies now) the individual’s frequencies must equal Earths new frequency or be even higher. If one does not raise their own personal physical frequency then things will become very chaotic in their own life and soon they will be removed from this process by dropping body, or death in the near future… It is no big deal. In reality there is no death as you cannot kill a soul. It is just a transition. Those who do drop body and who have chosen not to ascend because they are not complete with the 3-4D experience will have to find a different place (universe) that resonates to the level of vibration for the experience they need or desire to complete… But THIS UNIVERSE IS ASCENDING… ALL OF IT!
There are other universes not ascending and plenty of places to go play… But this one is ascending. As the individuals wake up there is a process that occurs… What is going on here on Earth at this time is the collapsing of the Old World as we raise our frequency. This happens and must at the end of each cycle and must as the old world must dissolve to make way for the new. Its like tilling the ground before planting the seed.
In completing a previous statement about the indigenous peoples saying we are in the 4th world going to the 5th world, this means we have tried this experiment 4 times before now… As I mentioned Maldek was the 1st planet we blew up but that did not count as Earths 1st world. We then came to Earth and tried several different types of physical bodies to find one that we could incarnate into easily to carry out this Earth Experiment. When the Earth was ready and many physical forms had been tried, the first major Earth civilization was tried out… but was the second duality experiment in this solar system. That civilization was called Mu. Mu was really the 1st world here on Earth.
At that time, and through the end of Atlantis during the “Fall”, there were many ETs on Earth. They would be interacting with humanity throughout each of these cycles or different worlds. ET space battles happened during the time of Mu from negative ETs trying to take over Earth. Many persons here now remember the wars in the heavens as spaceships had laser battles overhead. I remember. We have dreams of these memories. Turkey has remains of this civilization where we decided to move into cave dwellings to protect us from the onslaught of negative ET crafts battling with the Light ones overhead.. Have you ever had dreams of this?
Lemuria was the 2nd major civilization in this Earth experiment of lower dimensional density and duality. Lemuria was a continent located in the Pacific and was one of the global civilizations that came next. Although there were ETs openly communicating during this time, this civilization was the first to go global where many millions of souls would be incarnating at the same time for their duality lessons. This time continued for tens of thousands of years and became the first one that so many persons remember or have vague memories of. Lemurians were not to different from those of the south seas or aboriginals even in this present period of Earth history. There are many remnants of this culture as are found on Easter Island.
Atlantis became the 3rd cycle of civilizations and was here at the same time that Lemuria fell beneath the waves of the Pacific. Atlantis developed from a low technology but higher 5th (heart based) then later 4th (head/ego based) dimensional civilization kind of like Lemuria was into one that was traveling among the heavens… Crystals were used for transmitting electrical power, as well as storing information just as we now do with computers, or fiber optics today. We actually were far advanced of where we are today and had satellites the size of a small moon collecting power from the universe, as well as other dimensions and concentrating it beaming down to Earth… There were many modern technologies as electricity used during this time period.
What happened then was the Divine Plan deemed we needed to go even lower into the densities, forgetting more of who we are and our connection, separating ourselves even farther from source or God… Those of us who volunteered made it so… This was done via the ego, and from shifting our consciousness which was before this period in our hearts moving it to our heads… WE learned to forget, and get farther from source…. WE soon forgot who we were, and our connection. WE began to fear, to be seemingly incomplete, and then we could take on more negativity, which was the experiment we were to do… To see how much negativity we could experience coming from the light, and still survive.
A group of beings, not originally of this experiment by decision were of course by divine plan introduced during the time of middle Atlantis… They were ego based beings from Mars and they had blown up their planet and made it uninhabitable. They saw this blue planet and then came to Earth… They settled in an area of Atlantis. Those persons in Atlantis allowed it as they were truly living from their hearts prior to this event. They had not experienced the wars in the development of Atlantis at this time.
Later as Atlantis developed, these same beings from Mars finally took control of the Atlantean Government. They forced their domination and for the first time in Atlantis introduced war… The satellite that was used above Earth for gathering power for all citizens on Earth was taken control of and used as a weapon by these same dark souls… Very similar situations with the souls of Atlantis are presently going on with the same souls at this time on Earth. The ones like Hitler, the Bushes, Cheneys all were the same souls doing the same things that created the Fall of Atlantis… Many of the American population presently incarnate were also souls on Atlantis here now trying to complete the mistakes they made in those incarnations.
As the satellite which gathered energy for Earth’s electrical grid was used as a weapon and it was not designed for such a thing, the mechanics that kept this satellite in orbit went out of balance. This satellite moon crashed into Earth causing what is Biblically known as the Great Deluge of Noah’s time. These are the stories told in Genesis in the Bible. With that, humanity “Fell” from living from the heart 5th dimension at first going lower into the 4th at the end of Atlantis and down into the 3rd dimension at the Fall of Atlantis, the Deluge. This was a shift into the lower dimensional awareness of living completely in the ego and head… With that we became the most far from god or source we could experience… Truly we never were alone, as our guides and angels have always been around us as we go though this experiment.
With the development of the new society from the time since Atlantis until now, The 4th World, we are now ascending back up to the higher dimensions… WE are going into the 5th world… The Divine Plan is that no nuclear war will be allowed, even though it looks like we are setting up for that now at the end of 2011. We are at that point of blowing ourselves off the map again right now… Look at what is going on globally. But forget regular news, as that is controlled by the Illuminati. WE are finally completing that old 4th world in which we dropped into Ego. With that part of the Divine Plan complete, we are now moving back home… up the ladder, to the higher frequencies, ascending in consciousness, and back to living in our hearts.
So, this IS what the Ascension going on Earth now is about. There was a call for volunteers to come to raise the vibration of Earth and humanity to complete this experiment and return Earth to the higher dimensions… AS we do this we are ascending ALL of the universe too… There is no greater time to be alive on Earth, nor is there any greater choice for your soul and you to make as an individual fragment of God Consciousness… You can choose to Ascend too… It is a personal choice that each and every one on Earth has to make at this time. That is what the End of the Great Awakening is all about. The Doorway to the 11:11 is about to close.
What that means is that each individual must decide whether or not he or her wants to ascend to New Earth or even higher dimensions. It takes time for a person to raise the frequencies of their physical body, although what can be done right now on Earth may have taken many lifetimes to do during previous times. To raise ones frequency will take almost a year to do. In order to ascend as Earth is doing now, one must do his/her own personal work. There is no one can or who is going to do that for you… No one is coming to do it for you, so don’t be expecting to be saved by Jesus or Maitreya… That is not going to happen, no matter how much one wants that to be so. Those are myths created by the groups controlling the world at this time.
The prophesied return of the Christ to Earth, is the ascension and raising the frequency of those of us shifting our consciousness back from head to heart as is being witnessed by so many at this time. In the process we are activating ourselves and our chakras and thereby increasing our personal physical frequencies…
We do this by focusing our consciousness. WE first choose that this ascension is what we desire to do. We ask in prayer for help from our guides and higher selves. We must learn to shift from the ego fear based energies from the head, to shifting our consciousness to the love based energies that we emanate from our hearts. One’s consciousness can be placed wherever you desire to emanate from. You could even think from your bid toe if you so wanted. The false teaching is that the brain is the center of our consciousness… WRONG! Anyone who an reach higher dimensional consciousness knows that you can move your consciousness to any point of your physical being or up and down your Antakarana.
When we do shift to our hearts, after a period of time having focused our energies in our hearts, the heart chakra activates and an energy vortex in the shape of a torrid manifests out of our sacred heart space… It’s like a giant energy doughnut around your body… You will “feel” as if you have birthed a sun in where your heart used to be. That is only the beginning. At this point you have activated your Merkabah too.All other chakras when you turn your focus onto them will sooner or later begin activating.
All things of vibration have a Merkabah (a double 3 dimensional star tetrahedron represented by the Star of David or merged Yin Yang symbols) surrounding it and that is how we can travel with our consciousness into alternate dimensions and illusional realities. In sacred geometry the Merkabah is known as the “seed of life”. It can actually become a vehicle when one learns to use it properly. As the chakras all over the body begin to activate, and one’s true Light body is being formed. Your Merkabah is only a container for the vast amounts of light you can hold. The Light, energy, or chi, prana or life force, whatever you desire to call it is being increased drastically from a non-activated person. Science has now proven when the heart chakra is fully activated the electrical energies that occur are some 50,000 times stronger than the energy emitted from a non-chakra activated human’s brain. Each activated chakra increases that power 10 times.
The activations are a process in ascension that is the same with every individual, but how one does it is unique. There are many paths to that doorway. For me the focus of LOVE in my heart, for a long period of time was how I did it. After years of being in and out of a bliss state, because of love, I knew in my heart that I was to find a way to fully anchor this sensation. Of course I had others saying this was not possible, but I also knew that for me it was part of my ascension process, as it felt like home… It was so familiar. And too, I knew that I was supposed to teach others this as part of my own mission of ascending Mother Earth and humanity. Finally after coming close for years, it took me a 40 day focused intent to manifest this permanently. I was also told by Archangel Michael to call on a minimum of 8000 others planet wide to activate themselves too, beginning the planetary ascension process in earnest… The magic number was 1% of the square root of the planetary population… or 8000 persons necessary to change the world.
That was a few years ago now, and there are tens of millions of persons activating across the globe at this time. Ascension is going on in earnest. It cannot be stopped. As we do activate while in this dimensional level of duality, we are still playing with balances of that duality… What I mean is that as so many of us are activating, until the time of the coming dimensional shift which is guaranteed to occur now, there will be an equal and opposite balance of light and dark. This will continue as those persons ascending keep lighting up into the higher vibrations and those remaining in the lower fight to keep their powers and 4th dimensional control.
Funny thing is that those of us who are activated in the heart chakra are now playing by 5th dimensional rules where our powers are returning and our manifestation capabilities are almost instantaneous now. WE are above the levels of duality not being affected by those lower vibrational things around us. WE are in the 3D-4D world but not of it… That’s a very interesting concept and one a person must experience to understand. It takes removal of old fear based patterning to realize that you can be in the middle of the chaos and not be effected by it… Those lower vibrations bring the learning experiences for those still vibrating at that level of consciousness while those of the higher walk right though the chaos unscathed. It is a very interesting thing to experience.
This next week, the end of 2011 is the Final CALL for all those persons choosing to ascend. Interestingly enough though, this ascension time can be done IN BODY for all choosing to do so…WE also can activate more than just 1 chakra… used to, if you finally activated your heart chakra you could not remain in the densities of Earth any longer… But now as frequencies are increasing, we are becoming limited by our own ability to raise our frequency as high as we can.
With the increase in frequency there is a purification of the physical body we must go through… Old negative energies, chemical and emotional tramas must all be discarded. This is whether or not one chooses ascension in body or by dropping body, we each still must go through the same vibrational increases we have been experiencing since this began. WE each must do our detox. These frequencies will continue to increase and by many times in 2012. If it feels uncomfortable, that is caused by the individual’s decision not to increase frequency… They are resisting the change and hanging on to the old ways. Sooner or later those who choose not to shall be removed as frequencies on Earth shall be too high for their physical being.
Don’t worry about children as they and pets… all of those souls are increasing naturally and will end up where they are supposed to be… It is us older ones who have to do our work, releasing and clearing. WE must unlearn all those things of the illusion we thought were true and replace that with reality which only one knows from within your heart. You must focus on the reactivation of all the strands of your DNA. Remember by unlocking that, You ALREADY know everything… You can attune to your Akash. You just have raise your frequencies to remember… That memory or the removal of the Veil of Forgetfulness can only be obtained by raising ones frequency with is a raising of your consciousness into the higher dimensions…
What a fantastic time to be alive. 2012 will be ever increasing these energies as we shift along with Mother Earth. The focus you need will only come from you, and you should know that everyone here on Earth at this time is from different places in the Universe, and going to different places after the shift. Some will remain with the New Earth… Some will return home helping to build on the new there. Others will continue up to the various dimensional levels from which they came. And there is a group who remembers the promise to go all the way back home, to the highest of all dimensional levels, the beyond the beyond, or back to the mind of God, travelling from the lowest all the way to the highest in this ascension process… Only YOU know where you are supposed to go. You will find that inside!
We have made an amazing journey in this planetary cycle. The ones who are to remain with New Earth are traveling into the 5th Earth or 5 Dimension. It is the balance of all the dimensions, remaining physical but very magical as anyone who has reached that level of vibration can already tell you about. What a wonderful time it is to be on Earth now.
Don’t be afraid of what you see going on with wars, plagues and all the other control. That is the last ditch efforts to hold on to power by those such LIGHT souls who have chosen to play the adverse game anchoring the lower vibrations… They just do not realize who they are at this time… WE are all the same and these are your brothers playing their part so we could have this experience of Earth School.
With LOVE for All that IS
Bill Ballard