~The Goldring Networking Link of Enlightenment and Abundance~UPDATES

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~The Goldring Networking Link of Enlightenment and Abundance~UPDATES





~ * ~ The earth is changing. The earth is shifting. There is an energy that is taking place that will affect everyone on this planet. The celestial bodies and planetary energies that are occurring at this moment in time and space, are developing an energy field around this planet. This energy field is to establish a new control center. A new center of Being, that will allow it to contrast with the conflict war in corruption,that has been occurring. There is occurring a major change within the world, as the center is changing. The concept of the polar shift is one that allows for people to understand the magnetics of the energies within the earth will move from side to side, from pole to pole. But the core issue is the center, the energy of the core being of the planetary body of the earth, and it is in deep contrast with the conflict wars and corruptions of humanity. These are showing a disruption in the center, because the desire is for harmony and peace......Rysa

~ * ~ The Awakening proceeds. The Wave of Golden Light rises up through the Chakras of each soul and the Earth Soul as the spirits obtain clarity of the connection and agreement to channel energy of the Golden Sun into manifested experience. First the Root chakra will initiate the global purging of the blocked energies of the dark. The dark energies that have become stagnant will be broken in great waves generated by volcanoes and earthquakes in the southern oceans. The Keepers of Earth will begin to recognise the times of change has come. As forces of natures take control away from the power of national governments, human resources will redirect towards recovery and restoration. Destruction and devastation of the old systems of national governments, cultural powers and infrastructures will occur as the instincts of survival will be challenged and new faith and cooperation will arrive. The illusion of the financial system of debt money will collapse and local community self interest will form into vibrant economic systems to support the rejuvenation of honorable and just economies. Resources will become fairly distributed after a time of adjustment and interruption. There will be a new focus of life into localised family and social agreements between the people of the land and the lost people......Rysa

~ * ~ As you breathe, Light expands more and more. As a diamond crystal you feel. Sing a note that gives you pleasure. It gives you a feeling of home, that this tone is your tone and yours alone. And, this tone connects you. This sound is your sound. Your being is manifesting through this vibration, and knowing this vibration gives you a great sense of comfort, for this sound harmonizes with everything around you and this sound carries you. This sound carries your mind. It carries all that you are, all that you will ever be. It is your vibration. It is that which calls you. It is that which knows you. It is the pulsation of your golden aura that shines forth the diamond heart crystal that is pulsating and spinning and sparking into life......Rysa
