Many countries in Europe reported unusually mild weather in November - with a surprising lack of frost for late autumn. There were several episodes of severe weather and extreme rainfall, however.
Northern Italy and Switzerland had severe flooding in places, as well as landslides, after episodes of torrential rain from November 4 - 12 (case study: http://www.eumetsat.int/website/home/...)
Jutland, in Denmark, had a notable downpour on November 3; there was extreme rainfall in east Tirol and upper Carinthia in Austria early in the month; The coast of southern France in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur had episodes of extremely heavy rain from November 8 - 12 and again on 14 and 15 November; One storm in Courelinhas county in Portugal brought a suspected tornado; while the Phoenix Park weather station in Dublin had its wettest November day since 2002 on November 13, part of a month where it received double the long-term average rain...