Daniel Dowling, Contributor
Waking Times
In the wake of all the headlines emerging from institutional racism, I’d like to address the topic of racism as one of the many symptoms of ignorance to be balanced by compassion and knowledge, and how hate crime train wrecks are employed to turn all our heads while the real news goes unnoticed.
There are so many heads of the evil hydra that radiate from imbalance, and just as soon as one is decapitated through force, 3 more spring forth to command attention to the imbalance within. Racism is one of the most pernicious heads of this beast, but there is no amount of information that can cure it, and no amount of force that can deter it, for it will resurrect in greater strength unless and until it is balanced by love. If we finally address racism because it has reared its ugly head and we want it to go away, then we live externally, and the imbalance remains, albeit in quietus after the riots have quelled. The fuel of this mythical monster from which problematic heads, like racism, stem is fear, and fear is contrived and suspended by ignorance, and with all of the information that we have, to say nothing of the conscience embedded within us all, ignorance is a choice.