Thank you for responding. All is/was forgiven even when I posted my question.

Lia's picture
Submitted by Guest on Wed, 12/28/2011 - 17:50.

Thank you for responding. All is/was forgiven even when I posted my question. I always like to share these messages but could not do that with the phrase "do not forgive" for as I stated that went against what we are trying to teach.  


Again it is stated to not forget, some may and some may not but I do not focus my attention on what "they" are doing but rather as a collective whole in "whatever" they are doing I send it love and light asking for it to be transmuted. I do not watch the news nor read the newspaper for I don't want to be exposed to the fear they are instilling in so many and I try not share too many messages of how we have been controlled, and mislead because I do not want to cause anger.


My whole intent is to get people to let go of all that is negative no matter what it is and focus more on the positive in every situation for that is the way to raising the consciouness of the world and the more we get to do that the more light can come into our planet and diminish the dark. So if you call it staying in the closet that may be true but it is my way to keeping myself clear of negativity. Although I share your messages on fb along with others of all that lifts and gives hope to everyone, there are those who physcially yet peacefully protest and do other things to help bring in more light and I think it's working. Things are coming to the surface revealing the truth, and we are taking back our rights as humans and discovering who we are but we must continue to do it in higher vibrations which instill love and peace.


Thanks for all you do and thanks again for responding. Love, light and blessings to all here at the Press. All is forgiven:)




last anomanous message

Guest's picture

hello  i had just listened to the last message by the group "ananmous" and they are telling people the opposite of what they should be doing. they are preaching fear and anger and it makes me think of what i read about them being propaganded by the corrupt gov't. i hope our members know the difference and do the "right thing."

Anonymous is a loose

will's picture

Anonymous is a loose collection of many many individuals. Some of what they put out is brilliant, some other things, not so much. At the GFP, we report on the changes occurring within Humanity, but we certainly do not endorse everything they release.


Jody's picture

I have seen this fraze "We will not forgive" stirr up all kinds of feelings in people. I too was taken back by such a statment. Then during my first Occupy general assembly, one of the moderators presented a plan to create different messages for different targeted groups. With that, I experienced an "awe ha" moment. How might source reach 99% of a population of 7 billion people? Not all will resonate with unconditional love and forgivness. Not all will be drawn to do the "dirty" work. This is the age of truth yet how does that concept manifest in this shared reality? We each hold a piece of the puzzel and we are all needed to put that puzzel together. Do we really want to reject a needed piece just because it doesn't connect to our piece?

I AM Grateful dear Jody,..

AnaShyNa's picture

You state it very simply, yet so profound... We are all piece of One, just different facets of this One big dymond... WIth Love, Predrag