~ Archangel Michael’s Instructions To The Bridge Fund Team ~ 29 December 2011~

Lia's picture

~Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Memeber Steve Beckow~


~ Archangel Michael’s Instructions To The Bridge Fund Team ~ 29 December 2011~



(on the left) Stylized depiction of Archangel Michael


The members of the Bridge Fund, who reside in countries as far flung as Australia, Switzerland, and the U.S. and Canada had an interview yesterday with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon and all had their roles confirmed. Most of the remarks are confidential to the people involved but his opening remarks can be shared.

AAM has said that he wishes us to design the project according to the new paradigm and to be as transparent as circumstances permit so as to inspire others to organize along the same lines.The team is creating a separate blogsite where detailed information on the Bridge Fund will be found.

Archangel Michael to the Members of the Bridge Fund, Dec. 27, 2011

Archangel Michael: Welcome, my beloved friends, workers of the light, holders of the light. Welcome to this council and to this circle of one. How do you wish to begin this day?

Steve Beckow: Lord, perhaps you might address us as a team for a bit. …


AAM: That is absolutely fine. And, yes, I am pleased to address you as a team, for this is the practical application, the physical application as well as the divine, of what unity looks like, of what the building of community looks like, and how it functions and how it comes together to serve and to serve many, not just yourselves. But you have chosen these roles for yourself long ago, and it is the fulfillment of an agreement, and yes, dare I say, a promise that we all have made at that time.


It was long planned that the world economy and the shift in world economies, the availability of equalized monies would be available long before now, and I mean now in your time and now also in our time, in divine time. But you are the bridge to that and you are the bridge that is allowing this to go forward no matter what. And that sense of fortitude and commitment in your hearts and in your lives is critically important. You [compliment deleted] (1) are deeply aware of this responsibility that you are carrying for many.


But not only do we have support and partnership together; we also have great faith. And we also have the power of intervention. So I know that there have been moments of disquiet and there have been moments of feeling that perhaps you are barking up the wrong tree. But I assure you you are not.


The key to this also is to do it in joy and to do it with the support of one another, through highs, through lows, through victories, through turmoil. You are breaking through paradigms and you are creating New Earth. You are creating as you go. And we are co-creating with you so do not doubt yourselves and do not doubt what you are bringing forward and bringing forward very quickly as well. …

This is about the forming and the gathering of monies to be made available for those lightholders, lightworkers in need but it is about far more than that. It is about stepping forward – no not in a cocky way, but in a very humble way, and might I say a way that does not take up much space or notice.

But in that way you are showing how community can share, how they can reach out in ways that have not been functional up until this time. No, I do not suggest in any way that there is not great generosity continually upon your planet. We witness it every day. But these are also times of change. And in some ways, miraculous times and in other ways dire times. …


[After informing each team member what his or her role was, AAM concluded:]


Start slow, get your feet wet, and let it grow.

[No funds have yet arrived but the team is using the time to plan out the process flow, whom to consult ahead of time to remove predictable obstacles, how reports will be generated, and similar matters. ]



(1) AA Michael has complimented the group but I think it wise to wait till we prove ourselves before publishing words of praise.

via www.the2012scenario.com by Steve Beckow first published 29th Dec.2011 link to article
