~ Galactic Love Reporter SunRayMond~
I am SunRaymond…
There are many people finding that time now seems to fly by very quickly. That is because as higher vibrations saturate the Earth everything becomes more and more accelerated. As things accelerate more and more…we will see more and more deconstruction of what does not work. Including the illusion of time…because there is only NOW. Every time is NOW! I’ll prove it to you. Look at your watch…what time is it? NOW! Okay now after you read this message look at your watch again…and I guarantee you that is will still be NOW. Speaking of now:
Now is the time to let go of limiting beliefs systems.
Now is the time to find the Truth within.
Now is the time to learn to Love yourself.
Now is the time to break away from co-dependent relationships and start to attract co-creative relationships.
Now is the time to Love your neighbor as you Love yourself.
Now is the time to put out what it is that you want in this world.
Now is the time to be the change.
Now is the time to think outside of the box.
Now is the time to re-create your perspective of All That Is so that you may experience All That Is in a way that is pleasing to you.
Now is the time to wake up! Become aware of who you really are.
Now is the the time to stop having dreams and start creating reality.
Now is the time to Love unconditionally.
Now is the time to be happy. Smile!
Now is the time of great change!! Pay close attention to All That Is around you by knowing thyself!
The music is within you! Listen to it…then sing it! For it is a magical tune for all ears to behold.
Escape the lower vibrations! Leave negativity where it’s at!
Those who control society has just about lost their power. They will soon be removed.
Now is the time to erase their mark upon you! But how you ask? I’ll tell you how…
They don’t want you to be Happy…so be Happy!
They don’t want you to be Joyous…so be Joyous!
They don’t want you to look within…so look within!
They don’t want you to create…be be Creative!
They don’t want you to Live…Live!
They don’t want you to Love…so Love!
It’s that simple. That is how you remove their mark upon you. When you successfully integrate these principles then your old reality will fall only to be replaced with your new reality. Remember, the vibration that you put out is the vibration you get back in the present moment of NOW! So NOW is the time! Do it!
…it is the time to get rid of judgment.
…it is the time to open your heart.
…it is the time to open your mind.
…it is the time to be of service to self not for selfish purposes…but so that you may in turn be of service to others.
…it is time to see GOD, the Great Spirit of All That Is, in every living being.
All souls are One. Your soul is GOD.
So now is the time to finally allow your body, the way you act, stand, walk, and talk to become an extension of your soul.
Then you will be God; for you have finally awakened to your True self.
If you see GOD when you look left, then surely you see God when you look right; or else you haven’t seen God at all.
“Holding on to beliefs that are not for you is called stealing…”
Last but not least, there is no such thing as a broken Heart. Heart is unbreakable…so follow it! For it knows the way.
Frank N. Raymond