Galactic Love Reporter Gilian MacBeth~Louthan
~Let The Five Fingers Of Self Point You In A New Direction ~ 12~29~11
Let the energy of Christmas come into you with purpose and preparation. Plan to be a better human with a vast purpose. Listen to the signs and hear the future as it beckons your attention. Every day you will be given a series of energies to look at. Within each intersection is a panel of choices which you are also asked to observe. At that point of inner sight and universal choice, let your heart be the one to vote with purpose and pure intention. Then quickly move forward into that opening.
Do not doubt or fear or allow the external frenzied energies to control your every move this season of miracles. This is your time of miracles, wear it well. Become the master of your fate by making higher choices that move you into a space of freedom. Be thankful for all that is you and all that is about you, for you are the creator of that universe as well.
Let the five fingers of self, point you in a new direction that will support and enable you to be all that you were born to be. Stop fighting the currents of your life and drifting from drama to drama. Spend your time and energy wisely in your creational mode which runs full speed all the time. Become that which you yearn to be in your inner heart. Become the picture in your mind as you embrace the higher credenza of purpose. You do not insult God by trying to be a better. Compete with the higher light your universe grows bored and will entertain itself in fashions that will not always be user friendly to humans.
Each and every day listen with your heart and then move into that place of thought. Follow your light as it connects with person place or thing. Follow your light as it directs you like a beacon into a place of heavenly choice. Choice is the Grand Master of all human energies as it consumes humanity 24 hrs a day. People are always at a point of choice. Ask to chose higher and wiser and in a place of love and then stand back and watch the show of light shift into holograms of miracles and blessings for all.
Each kindness that you do travels thru space and time touches all on its way to the beginning. You touch the very Godhead, the Source with your every action and inaction, know this always then choose to walk the fine line of creation. Give to those who do not expect it, Give anonymously with zest. Give of your silent prayers for another you pass on the street, give without thinking allowing it to be a way of life not a season.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – PO box 217 – Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -