How to Make Lasting, Meaningful Positive Changes in Your Life

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HJ: Taking focused action is a big part of making positive changes in your life, but so is looking within to discover where you might be holding yourself back in ways you may not yet be aware of.

Our beliefs and emotional states create the results we get in life and also create the limits (if any) we unconsciously choose to place on ourselves.  It is important when attempting to make positive changes in your life to not ignore the inner ecology (read beliefs, values and emotions) that you hold about yourself and the world because these ultimately dictate the actions you will take.

Trying to take actions that are in opposition to your current inner ecology (which is often what must happen when making positive changes) can be difficult and cause you to encounter resistance.  However, by effectively changing your inner ecology (the resources for doing so are contained on the pages of this site many times over) you can begin to make lasting, meaningful positive changes in your life with ease and grace.

- Truth

The Keys to making Lasting, Meaningful Changes in One’s L...
