2012~The only one who can predict your future is you~
~Galactic Love Reporter Sophia~
As the year closes we naturally look both ways – back at where we’ve been and ahead to where we are going. It is a journey, one we are creating together and walking alone.
This journey, this dream or whatever you call it; is yours. It is mine. There are no prophecies or predictions that will affect the outcome unless I bring them into my reality and make them do so. I make this choice with every word, thought and focus. The choice is always mine. The choice is always yours. We can select love or fear and everything we do and experience will be a reflection of our chosen emotion.
The only one who can predict your future is you.
There has been so much said about this coming year, it can feel as if we are being swept away in the current of the time. Don’t allow yourself to be fooled. You are swimming of your own volition, either upstream or down. If you don’t like the direction, it may be time to turn around. The headlines, characters and happenings may be overwhelming, yet regardless of their volume, they are not actually telling you what is happening in your life – only you can do that.
The power to run your life is now and always will be yours. You are uniquely suited to do so. You have set it up perfectly. You are in the precise place with all the right tools. There have been no wrong choices. You are not headed for disaster, you are headed for amazing. Within you are the keys to your own evolution; right there in your hands. You know that you are love. You may need to remind yourself now and then as headlines and events can show up to frighten us, that’s ok. It’s all ok.
Who you are, your very essence is the polar opposite of fear. The emotions that feel hot and uncomfortable and sickly, feel that way because they do not belong inside one such as you. You cannot mix fear with love, and what you are – is love.
You are eternally, powerfully and completely – love. This New Year, embark on a quest to discover in every moment this truth about you – a “Heart Quest”.
Forgive yourself, forget the past and focus on love. Then watch the magnificent life you create!
I can’t wait. It is an honor to share this time with you. Happy New Year!
In Lak’ech.