Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
2015 is here, and with each New Year we meet, we’re usually compelled to ask what we want to do differently to make it more enjoyable and fulfilling than the last. Personally, my goals for 2015 are to step into a greater open-mindedness (and openheartedness), make spirit a more consistent part of my life and let the love flow to everyone who crosses my path.
I mentioned in a previous article that I’m ready to step into a more refined, authentic version of myself who can express love freely and creatively flow with no problems. I’m ready for the spiritual aspects of life to reveal themselves to a greater degree, and I’m ready to explore my consciousness even more than I have so far.
Spiritual evolution is all about growing and refining our consciousness until we reach a flowing, perceptually advanced state of mind and heart that fills us with the spirit and inspires us to use our inner love to bring our reality into a higher vibration.