Negativity and Staying Centered

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Written by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

We aren’t the only ones who go through hard times, and everyone has their struggles in life. We’re all trying to get by in this crazy world, and it helps to detach from any stress or pressure we’ve put on ourselves or the people in our lives.

Things get easier when we realize that everyone’s doing their best from their level of consciousness, and even people we think are ‘negative’ are trying their best to get through life with the greatest degree of happiness and wholeness they can attain.

It’s understandable to feel like this world should live up to the standards we strive to live up to. It’s easy to convince ourselves we should be treated a certain way by others, but we’re bound to be unhappy if we follow this mindset.

As hard as it can be, decreasing our mind-driven attachment to the world will help us flow with everything we experience – the good and the bad. It’ll be easier to forgive...
