Quotes On Your Soul and Inner Spirit

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quotes about your soul

A collection of the best quotes on your soul and inner spirit, to remind you of Who You Really Are.

(For other quote collections, click here.)

“You are the Universe expressing itself as a human for a little while.” ~ Eckhart Tolle

“You don’t have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body.”  ~ C.S. Lewis

“Find yourself, and be that.” ~ Anon

“Stop acting so small. You are the Universe in ecstatic motion.” ~ Rumi

“If you don’t take risks, you’ll have a wasted soul.” ~ Drew Barrymore

“Listen to your own voice, your own soul. Too many people listen to the noise of the world, instead of themselves.” ~ Anon

“It is the soul’s duty to be loyal to its own desires. It must abandon itself to its master passion.” ~ Dame Rebecca West
