So called “terrorist” attacks have been taking place on the planet for decades, the most memorable one being 9/11. Almost 15 years later, that one “terrorist” attack has served as a massive awakening tool for the human race, allowing us to see through the veil that’s been blinding the masses for so long, but we still have a long way to go.
Interestingly, it’s a well documented fact that Al-Qaeda was a creation of the CIA, there are multiple sources that show that, and it seems that ISIS might not be any different. (source) (source) The same terrorist groups the United States and their allies are fighting against were created by the United States and their allies themselves, this is a historical fact, so it’s important we ask the same questions when it comes to ISIS and keep our minds open to that possibility.
Many believe these groups are created to give the false illusion that we are under attack, in order to justify the infiltration of other countries for ulterior motives, and many still believe we are going after “terrorists.”