The Magic Of Laughter

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RJ Spina, Contributor
Waking Times

Isn’t it amazing how much better everything is when we enjoy a hearty laugh? Our whole outlook changes. Whatever perceived misfortune we were experiencing is gone, even if just for one glorious moment. Sometimes when we find something truly hilarious it lift us up and changes our outlook permanently. The power of laughter can heal old wounds, both literally and figuratively, demonstrably display the ridiculousness of our own behavior, teaching us and transforming us all the while we experience great joy. Laughter can even magically turn sworn enemies into trusting confidants.

A good sense of humor is essential to experiencing the richness of life; the subtle and not so subtle intricacies and nuances that are captured while observing the absurdity of it all. So powerful laughter can be that our body weeps because it cannot contain the pure joy we are experiencing. It brings a smile to our face  reminiscing about a great laugh we experienced or pondering the next one that’s right around the corner.
