Steven Bancarz, Spirit, Science & Metaphysics
Waking Times
What happens to us when we die? Where does our soul go? Chances are, if you were brought up in a religious background you believe that there are only 2 places you can go: Heaven and Hell. If you are a good person and believe the right things, you spend eternity in Heaven. If you are a sinful person, you spend an eternity in hell. Thankfully, this is a false dichotomy.
On top of the fact that it doesn’t even make sense to think about only 2 options (both of which are eternal), there has been a lot of scientific investigation into what happens when people leave their bodies when it dies and then return after experiencing time in the spirit world. Thousands of near-death experiences have given us the information we need to form a more accurate picture of what awaits us on the other side. Some do report hellish realms, and almost all report heavenly realms, but there is another side of the coin here that needs to be addressed.
I really enjoyed this article. Thank you. I think most people will have to have a spiritual experience for themselves in order to believe in the spiritual dimension. I find that one of the biggest obstacles is the attachment to who we think we are. Loosening our identification with the personality is not an easy thing to do.
John Dominique