Allendale to Tots ~ An Update on the Re-creating of the New Banking System 1/3/12
by Galactic Love Reporter and Laura
Allendale to Tots ~ An Update on the Re-creating of the New Banking System.
[Hi Allendale, happy new year!] Hello Tots. Happy universal belief in the most amazing year planet Earth has witnessed. [Wow, that is a mouth full!] Indeed it is, Tots, indeed it is.
The news I have for you today are details of the world banking system. I’m speaking of the new system, mind you, not the old. Recently there have been good people come forward that are putting light to the system that is coming forth. [‘Putting light’- not taking it seriously or ‘putting light’ - putting high evolutionary energy?] The latter, lass.
Now, I am here to remind you and your readers there are forces of light in many dimensions that are assisting the human light-bearers. The obvious ones are Ben & David. But there are others as well. The missions these light-bearers hold is to bring truth and love to humanity.
God and Creator are the Grand Architects of the new banking system. The people that are involved, and there are many that no one will ever hear about, are following their intuition and hearts to assist the greater good. Be mindful to have discretion of course, but at the same time it is very helpful to the overall process to act and think pro-actively. By this we mean send heartfelt energy to the positive outcome to the fair and balanced distribution of the monetary system. You are creating that very system by doing just that.
Be open minded to those supporting such change. Listen to their words and then distance yourself a wee bit and listen to how your heart finds the information. We are asking you to concentrate on the message more than the messenger.
This information is being relayed through a number of people and each of these people have a frequency that is recognized by groups of responders (ordinary lads and lassies) that may not be as open to one particular messenger over another. {So if I understand, you are saying that people like David and Ben are being joined by members of society that appear to have different backgrounds and expertise, but all are working to the same common goal of re-creating the banking/monitory system.??] Aye, this is correct.
I believe over the next several weeks you will notice a change in tone of the leaders of the world. They are ready to announce the beginning of this monumental shift and are releasing bits and pieces at first and then will come more and more. These leaders were put into their positions as no accident. Love them or hate them, their higher calling is to assist in this change. And overall, it isn’t them making the changes, it is very behind the scenes. But they are the representatives of a certain level of information and their roles are crucial to the over all process. No less crucial is the role of the average Joe.
ALL truly are power brokers in this change. Have hope and patience for what is finally being brought to light. Allendale out.