V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor
Waking Times
In my view, 6000 years ago the peoples of India either were far more advanced than NASA and then somehow mysteriously forgot — or the Mahabharata is the history of and evidence for an off-world civilization that did colonize this planet.
In 1988, Lana Corrine Cantrell, a brilliant mysterious, somewhat eccentric woman wrote “The Greatest Story Never Told“, a book that combined multiple ancient culture histories turned-into-myth as one story – the story of our ancient off-world ancestors.
I first read Cantrell’s ‘The Greatest Story Never Told’ in 1989, but in those days I had not yet read the great Sanskrit epic, The Mahabharata. Nevertheless I had studied Zecharia Sitchin’s work and I was deeply impressed with the kernel import of Cantrell’s eclectic research. As anyone who reads her amazing research will agree, Cantrell’s findings are often perplexing, confused, unscholarly, and down right bewildering...