Humanity’s journey through the illusion has been long and painful as you have failed to recognize one another as siblings, as beloved children of God, and instead have engaged with each other in conflict, war, and deceitful practices due to the fear your apparent separation from God unleashed. For eons you have seen each other as threats and enemies whom you needed to attack or defend yourselves against, and the suffering you have experienced as a result of this enormous misperception has been most painful for you. Now this misperception is dissolving because so many of you have come to the understanding, through the painful experiences that you have undergone again and again and again, that this kind of behavior can never bring you the peace you are so urgently seeking
You still lack trust, and so, rather than loving one another – which is what you will do as the Love field enveloping you penetrates the hearts of even the most fear-driven among you – you are attempting to negotiate non violently to find a path to peace on Earth. This is in fact an enormously progressive step forwards for humanity because until very recently most believed that the only way to achieve any form of peace was through force of arms and firm suppression of those who could or might attack you. Peace through violence – what an oxymoron!
Since you started to practice negotiating non violently, it is becoming apparent to all involved that trust has to be established and clearly demonstrated, with absolutely no “wiggle room,” if your negotiations are to have any chance of success. And for many this is a difficult concept to grasp because trust has been betrayed as a matter of course for eons when those doing the betraying found themselves in positions of power over the betrayed and “wisely” took advantage of the situation. To trust was seen to be naïve and childish, a laying open of oneself to violation, an invitation to betrayal, something that even small children soon learnt was a very dangerous opportunity to offer to anyone.
Now, with the Tsunami of Love firmly established on Earth as the environment in which everything happens, and spreading Its influence ever more widely, people are becoming aware of the actuality that the only way to achieve lasting peace on Earth is through trust. Not an enforcement of trust through, for instance, satellite monitoring and military supervision, but just simple unadorned trust that all honor and practice because it is your nature as children of God.
In personal relationships many have been learning to trust one another more and more fully over the last three or four decades, as limitations on the numbers of subjects open for discussion have been falling away, and the resultant openness and honesty have been shown not only to work, but also to uplift and inspire those relationships. That is the effect of Love (capital L), the divine energy field in which all that exists is eternally present, flowing smoothly, abundantly, and pervasively within those relationships without restrictions or blocks of any kind. When Love flows freely like that joy is the result.
In your natural state, embraced by and at home in the ever-present Presence of God’s Love for you, joy is constant.
Within the illusion, as you struggle with the issues that plague humanity, the apparent lack of your most basic needs – love, acceptance, and recognition – drive you to seek them almost constantly through ego-driven thoughts, words, and actions. You assess others and decide whether or not they can provide for any of those needs, thus making the effort required on your part in getting to know them and have them interact with you worthwhile or not. You are forever looking for a “return on your investment,” and this attitude leads not to trust but to suspicion, the destroyer of trust.
All are one, there is no separation, it just appears that way, and so lack of trust and betrayal of trust deeply affect everyone involved; there is no escape from lack of trust because it builds on itself. And so does trust, so do not be misled into thinking that you can beat the system, you always experience what you offer and what you expect to receive.
Trust can only happen when you choose to trust another and they respond with honesty and integrity. This is the moment on Earth when all the necessary energies are in place to enable you to engage with others with love and with trust and so move forwards and continue on your path of spiritual evolution which is the path out of the illusion. If you pay attention you will become aware that betrayal, conflict, and war are not the only games on offer.
All over the world people are waking up to the knowledge that separation is unreal, an impossible state of being, because physical form as you have imagined it is unreal. There is only pure energy, and that energy is Love. But it is a little like electricity, because it’s use is determined by the user – each one of you using your God-given free will – and is either beneficial to all or damaging to all.
The simplest analogy is to think of your electrical grids and power systems on Earth. The major ones are either 240 volt or 110 volt alternating current systems. If you provide power from the higher voltage to an appliance built for the lower voltage it will be destroyed. You can think of your individual free wills as multi-voltage systems that can adapt via transformers to power any appliance, but if two of you try to power the same appliance – any kind of relationship – at the same moment, unless you have adjusted your frequencies to be in harmony, then the results can be and often are quite disastrous.
Trust, honor, respect, acceptance, compassion, and understanding (to name just a few) can come into harmonious alignment; distrust, betrayal, fear, and conflict cannot. The former are all aspects of the divine energy field of Love in which all is contained; the latter are all of the illusion, but because of your belief in it they can appear very real and can cause you untold pain and suffering.
The time has come for you to release your tight grip on the illusion, a grip or sharpness of imagery that makes it appear very real, and focus on engaging fully with the field of Love that contains and supports you in every moment. When you do this stress and anxiety will fall away making room for peace, and the Love that powers and maintains it, to fill your hearts. With peace firmly established there, at the center of your being, you will find yourselves knowing that trust is the way forwards, giving yourselves the courage to offer it and to receive it as you change the world into the New World for which all have been hoping and praying, just by returning yourselves to an awareness of your true and unchangeable nature and then operating through that state. You are all Love incarnate, and your awareness of that divine truth can no longer remain buried or denied.
With so very much love, Saul.