~The play of deception and illusion of the 3D game~
~Galactic Love Reporter Joe Weaver~
Hello all,
I’ve been watching very closely what the next card our friends of deception will be playing. There are a lot of things currently playing out. From a trillion dollar lawsuit that is being waged by a group of Countries, to the pending invasions of more Countries, to the continued actions to try and collapse the World economies. There is a lot of stuff going on in the 3D game. It’s like a hollywood movie or grand play with an orchestrated series of events. Planned out to happen over a period of time. All meant to keep the minds of the people looking outwards for dependance and focused on fear. Instead of allowing them to look within for independence, love, empowerment and solidarity. The only determining factor of how this movie/grand play, plays out is what reactions that the orchestrated events get out of the people.
Lets all stay focused on the overall picture not just on part of the picture. The controllers have known about the Earth/Universal ascension for a long time. They are orchestrating a grand play to keep the consciousness of the people/souls distracted from what is really going on. This is the main thing to keep in mind. They rule and control through fear and creating separation. Their plan is and has been to keep the collective consciousness of the people within a frequency range that they can control. They have also positioned themselves to be playing both sides of the fence or should I say they have positioned themselves to appear to the people as both the good guys and bad guys. They are doing this to “create” situations and viewed environments of separation. They know most people automatically will choose a side, if a choice is given. This is what has been conditioned into the minds of the people over and over again. Good against evil, right against wrong, republican vs. democrat, terrorists vs. US. Also look at all the current media coverage of the presidential races, or coverage of nearly all World news reporting. They are always posing one side against the other. This is all programming to keep the peoples minds in seeing everything from a dualistic view. Most people don’t even know they have a choice “not” to pick a side because it has been conditioned/ingrained into their minds so strongly. What? You don’t know what side you are on? What do you pick? Hurry up now make up your mind, what side are you on? (Smile) See how easy it is, also the energy and pressure it creates?
The players of deception know that they only have a few more plays left in this game. Their mission is to keep the awareness of as many people/souls in the dualistic game/illusion for as long as possible. To keep as many people in their minds instead of in their hearts. They know that anyone that lives in the ego mind can be controlled or persuaded through fear and separation. Where those that are firmly centered within their hearts cannot be controlled in this way.
So you may be asking now “why”, why is the control doing all this. First off it their role in this part of Creation to be the dual in duality. They work within a range of Creation that deals with syphoning and harnessing the energy of other systems in order to survive. They don’t know what love with-out conditions or true compassion is. They control the sparks of Source light that allow them to do so. However when a spark of Source Light/soul wakes up to their own power they move beyond the limits of being controlled.
The reality for which we have known as 3rd density is currently as I write these words transforming into a higher frequency, into a higher “density.” So as we are ascending in frequency the only way the controllers can have any effect on people/souls is to keep them “focused” on a lower frequency reality. A lower frequency reality that we have “already” moved out of! The dualistic reality of 3D for which we have all experienced is an illusion and is now in the past. Everything currently experienced in the present that resembles this is a reflection. It still exists within the present because so many people are still focusing on it. The only way to allow the past into the present or allow it to effect you is to focus on it, and this is exactly what the controllers are doing. They get you to focus and bring events from the past into the present! The current present moment is filled with infinite amounts of love, peace and harmony. All we as a collective have to do is let go of the past and focus on the present. This will bring forth the energy that exists in the “now!”
All is One mass of energy that has different levels of frequency. One mass of infinite consciousness with different levels of energy. Within this mass of energy we have free will to experience any part of the whole we wish. So in order to “control” souls they simply create the illusion of separation. That you are separate from the whole, the illusion of fear and you are not eternal. This is all an illusion/deception to control your mind and energy.
The magnetic fields/grids of consciousness on Earth are currently transforming into a crystalline form. It is hard for our mental consciousness to really know what this means but the easiest way I have come to describe it is the “physics” of the dimensional reality is what is changing. As we continue to move forward these changes will become more and more known in the physical. The other way of looking at this would be that the framework for which makes up this dimensional level of reality is expanding in it’s dynamics. This means our perceptual view and senses of our reality are expanding. We are becoming more “sensitive” of our environment, energy and multi-dimenionality. A lot of people on Earth are experiencing these changes in different ways and becoming more aware of these abilities. It all comes down to what you focus on. We are only aware of what we “allow” ourselves to be aware of. If you fear or shield yourself from something of course you will not be able to understand it. The same goes if you do not take the time to research and explore something you will not have a wide range of knowledge about it. So it all comes back to “choice”. What you focus on is what you Create and what you are aware of. Every person has the free will to experience what they wish! You are what you eat and you experience what you focus on.
Let me also put it like this. If you lived on a small island and you knew a tsunami wave was coming you would then have the time to walk up the mountain. This awareness of the wave coming does not mean you would have to be fearful of it. Being fearful of the tsunami would be a choice. It all relates to simple awareness and choice. If you are aware of something then it cannot affect you unless you allow it to affect you. So this is the main reason for me posting this information. Ignorance is not bliss, awareness without fear is bliss!
No matter what card the controllers wish to play next. Either it is a fake alien invasion or something else. The “only” way their techniques are effective if you fall for them, you believe them, or give your energy to them through fear. There is no need to give your power away to them or anyone else. Empower your Self and assist others in empowering them selves. Live by the voice of your own IAM God Self, that radiates through your heart. It is through your heart you will know your own eternal truths.
So lets stay focused on Unity, love and the present moment. Imagine yourself holding hands with everyone you know and everyone they know holding the hands of everyone they know, which then connects everyone on Earth. No matter if someone is in physical form or not. We all walk eternally as One! There is nothing that can break our bond of Oneness! Without our participation the controllers final scene of this play will be a flop and there will not be an encore! : )
Forgive them for their actions, they do not know the way of love! Forgive….forgive…forgive….love…..love….love…..
Radiating love, joy, happiness and eternal bliss to you all……please share with others!
Namaste, Joe
Be the change you wish to see in the World!
Sent to you by Joe Weaver of thedivinebalance.com