Energy Forecast ~ The Final Countdown
January 2012
Happy New Year!
Many of us may have noticed that the last month of 2011 had a similar resonance to the time when we experienced our first *awakening. For some, the awakening process started decades ago, and for others rather recently. Either way, the energies of December gave us the opportunity to have a full circle moment to pause and assess exactly where we are at on our journey right now. This experience allowed us to put in perspective what we are ready to leave behind, and what we are ready to anchor more of us as we move forward.
Most of us know first hand that even though personal awakenings can be a magical time in our lives, they can also be a time of internal stretching that may leave us feeling uncomfortable. Things usually come to the forefront during these times that have not come up for us in a very long time. If we are feeling triggered and we are experiencing emotional roller coaster-like surges, know that it's absolutely normal. If we're being hard on ourselves for feeling like we're repeating something we thought we had overcome long ago, let's be willing to release this pattern once and for all. We may have felt that being hard on ourselves served us in some ways, however it only hinders us from expanding into our greatest selves. From an expanded perspective, an awakening is not a one time occurrence, rather a continual process. We are awakening to our Truest Selves every moment of the day, whether we realize it or not. With this knowing, we can understand if something uncomfortable comes up that seems similar to an experience we've had in the past, it just means there's still a gift in that experience trying to reveal itself to us.
When something does come back up or feels like a repeat of something that didn't feel too good to us in the past, we can also just ease into the knowing that it could very well be a deeply rooted energy coming to the surface now ready for us to release completely. The key to moving through the discomforts of an awakening is to be easy on ourselves, and to believe in the power of our strength. We have more endurance than we could ever imagine, and it's this endurance that has brought us to this point of our personal evolution where we are now remembering who we really are and uniting as One people.
While some of us went through some uncomfortable stretching this past month, many of us also started to feel reconnected to ourselves and the Universe again. Some of us were presented with situations that could have in the past triggered us in an unhealthy way, but instead we chose to love and appreciate these same situations. This was extraordinary confirmation that let us know we have made great progress in healing and releasing the energies that no longer serve us anymore. An example of this could have shown up during the holidays when we got together with extended family and friends.
The exciting news is that as we enter January, we will be completing the tail end of the seeming overwhelming energies we experienced in December. This means that a great deal of the things we've been processing through will start to resolve themselves more quickly, and a new lightness will start to emerge. It's a lightness that is most definitely welcomed.
Back To Basics
As we start a fresh new year, going back to the basics when it comes to our personal and spiritual practice will greatly provide us a solid foundation. This foundation will come in handy especially since the frenzy-like atmosphere will continue to go on around us for a while longer. By creating a solid foundation for ourselves, we are able to quickly detach from the boisterous noise going on around us and remain grounded in our peaceful center.
Everyone has their own unique practice that works well for them. Some of these practices may include having a daily gratitude journal, affirmative prayer, meditation, sacred dancing/body movement, being of service, practicing forgiveness, energy healing, connecting with nature, reading, coloring, etc... Whatever our practice is, consistency is the key. The more consistent we are with our practice, the more palpable our results will be.
Creating Community
There's great comfort in knowing that we are not alone and that others may also be going through similar experiences as us. Just this knowing alone creates a sort of healing that opens up the heart to finally let others get close to us again. For the many of us who have lead lives mostly living in isolation as a result of feeling disconnected from how the current earth matrix was operating, opening ourselves up to co-creating a community with others may still feel like a tall order. However, due to the fact that we have been moving out of a dualistic society and into a more united society, it will become easier to reconnect with our soul family once again.
Creating our community, no matter how small or large it may seem will provide us with the extra support needed to allow for a smoother transition into our very new heart-centered realities. We don't have to go at life alone anymore. It's okay to give and receive support and love; we just have to be willing to open up our arms and say 'YES' to it. 2012 will be the year of community.
The Final Countdown
So, the final countdown to making our highest visions a reality has begun. In this coming year, a tipping point will occur that forever changes our paradigm as we know it. For the first time in a very long time (we're talking thousands of years) the collective consciousness will reach a critical point where more people become awakened than non-awakened. We are very close to that point already, even though at times it may look and feel otherwise. If we think our physical realities have been changing at a fast pace these past few years, things will most definitely be turned up many notches as the global consciousness continues to rise. This will lead to even more personal and global readjustments that continue to assist us in moving out of the era of fear, and into the new unfolding era of love.
As the tipping point is reached where many more become awakened to what's really going on, it will become more clear that our beliefs are what create our reality. Will we choose to focus on the miracles and abundant blessings all around us so that we can attract more of those experiences? I have complete faith that we already are and will continue to do so.
Till next time,
Miraculous yours,
©2009-2012 Emmanuel Dagher, Magnified Manifesting All Rights Reserved You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link.
*Awakening - 1. A time in our lives where everything seems to 'click' into place, and a lifting of the veils occurs that remind us of the Omnipotence within & all around us. 2. Divine clarity that bypasses all illusion reconnecting us to our truest & highest pure potential. Moving out of the mechanical mind & into the higher mind[heart~Brain] which also happens to be connected to the heart center. Sometimes we may feel stretched during times of great awakenings , because our awareness is changing so quickly.