Heal the World ~ Make it a Better Place ~ BELIEVE IN GOOD
Love. Love heals your body. Unconditional Love will give you a truly happy life. Why are we here? Who can really know? Everything just is. There are many things, however that we can be sure of.
Unconditional Love & Forgiveness paving the way to a better world, is definitely one of those things. It’s strikingly obvious, of course. Especially as we discover more and more about the emotional aspects of healing. Unconditional Love & Forgiveness will cure all disease. It’s intent. Loving intent heals bodies.
It’s just too easy to be negative, and ridicule others. It’s too easy to say “Hey, screw big brother.” How can we say those things hurtful towards others when we don’t know what they’re going through? For starters, how can the world ridicule a government when we aren’t truly aware what they’re dealing with? I think the very fact that secret dealings are taking place, with perhaps massive consequences may insinuate that our leaders have a problem they can’t control.
What does that mean? It means, they need our help! I mean, truly. How can we be sure of anything? Well, how can we be sure of the “Absolute Malevolence” of secret societies and governments? We can’t. We can be sure though, that unconditional love & forgiveness makes everything better. There is no doubt of that.
This is 2012. It starts now. No matter what you believe, believe in one thing. The Truth of our existence is love. Furthermore, the meaning of life is to do good, which makes us happy (Feeling good about ourselves is the only true happiness.) That means, in order to be happy/feel good – you have to do good things.
Which only means, you must be a loving and forgiving person. In order to do good things, you must forgive. It is easy to criticize, and harder to be the bigger person. The person who forgives, moves forward and does good anyway. Do good anyway. To heck with hate. Our world desperately needs love. Change this. Change everything.
I have been investigating world secrets since as long as I can remember. Secrets in general! I have come to find out that paranoid and suspicious mentalities will manifest situations of paranoia, and suspicion! I trust instead. It is only obvious to me that I have to believe in the good thing, in order to get it. Do you see?
Heal the World. Make it a better place. In spite of everything, love others. Do good. You will heal yourself, and you will heal the world. How can we truly know what is going on? Surely, it would be splendid if we did but what if we couldn’t? What if, believing creates realities. Realities which we can then know? That would mean, everything we’ve been led to believe about what is real is wrong – unless we believe it. Simply put, what we believe, is what is.
With that being said. BELIEVE in GOOD. We must BELIEVE in coming together if we want that. I choose not to believe in fear, to believe in doom. I choose not to believe in evil because when I do, I allow that evil into my vibration. Only believe in good, and that is all you will see. Heal your thoughts, and you heal the world.
No Person is too evil to forgive. Nothing is too good to be true. When we use our minds, anything is possible. We must believe that this world can be better. We must be unconditionally loving & forgiving. Believe in good. Believe in it, and make everything better.
We must.
In the Holy White Light of the Divine
Gregory Matthew von Haesler
~Trust Love, Commentary from The Galactic Free Press Via Video~